Wotja 19 FAQ Contents

Wotja V19 has now GONE. The latest version of Wotja is even more powerful   »  See What's New

General Questions

What are the main differences between Noatikl / Mixtikl / Liptikl and Wotja?

Selected New App Features / Capabilities in Wotja (not in Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7, Liptikl 2):

Note: See below the Wotja 5 Feature Comparison table which shows how, by version 5, Wotja already included much of the best of Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7, Liptikl 2 and Tiklbox. It has moved forward a lot since then, too, and continues to do so.

  • Wotja 19: Flow Player Mode
    • An easy way to generate a succession of randomly generated mixes where Randomization Presets (new, below) make it easy to change what is created.
  • Wotja 19: Intermorphic Wotja Script
    • Allows programmatic control over the IME parameters and is useful for using Wotja as a hyperinstrument.
  • Wotja 19: Randomization Schemes
    • An easy way to quickly select different sets of Randomization settings e.g. Templates.
  • Wotja 19: 'Flow Segment' in Documents screen
  • Wotja 19: "Wotja Go" player apps for Apple TV and Fire TV/Android TV
  • Wotja 19: Multitasking support (Split View / Slide Over) in all Wotja apps on iPad
    • Makes it easy to work with two apps on screen
  • Wotja 19: Chinese and Japanese localizations (except in Mix Editing Mode)
    • Makes Wotja easier to use for Chinese and Japanese users.
  • Wotja 19: The latest Intermorphic Music Engine (IME), Intermorphic Sound Engine (ISE) and Intermorphic Text Engines
  • Wotja 5/19: 5 New Template Paks
    • Wotja includes the new 'TTM Players 1' Template Pak which uses 'Text to Music' to generate melodies, as well as the BP1, BP2, BP3 and (WJ19) BP4 Backings Template Paks. The gorgeous templates in these paks can be previewed in the Wotja template list.
  • Wotja 5/19: More Randomization options
    • To allow more control over the content you mix together in randomly generated mixes in Wotja 19 we have both expanded the granularity of randomization options available, e.g. Template list tagging (Content) and how/where it can be accessed/deployed in the Mix mode. We have also added a whole new set of Album randomization settings.
  • Wotja 5: Album / Playlist Player
    • This major new feature allows you to create playlists/album of up to 20 mixes that play in sequential or shuffle mode. Playlist was never possible before and it is perfect for installations. Your mixes can be as custom as you want and, of course, use custom SoundFonts (SF2) (see this FAQ) and even WAV/Ogg files (see Paks). This feature is accompanied by two new file formats (.wotjalist, .wotjabox).
  • Wotja 5: Automatic Albums with new mix icons
    • This new facility makes it a snap to create a collection of random new mixes with TTM/cut-up text and colourful icons. This is the fastest way to create/check out new mixes you want to keep and you can export them for later editing/customisation.
  • Wotja 5: Text-to-Music melody generation
    • This is a very powerful feature that we will continue developing and extending. Rather than generating patterns and/or having to deep dive into pattern syntax, you can just now enter some text and have the Text-to-Music parameters create a seed pattern for you; just change the text for a new pattern! There are a raft of parameters to play with to define how the melody is generated, i.e. how many notes to use, how it is phrased, how many times it repeats etc. It is perfect for mix randomization, too as we are able leverage the power of the Intermorphic Text Engine to generate random text that can be used to generate new seed melodies.
  • Wotja 5: Syllables in cut-up rules
    • This makes it possible to now create Haiku and text that has a defined number of syllables (e.g. for lyrics).
New Wotja (IME/ISE) Engine parameters (not in Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7, Liptikl 2):
Consolidated Features in Wotja (from Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7, Liptikl 2):
  • See below the Wotja 5 Feature Comparison which shows how Wotja 5 already included the best of Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7, Liptikl 2 and Tiklbox.
  • Note: On importing into Noatikl 3 or Mixtikl 7 (as relevant) a .noatikl or .mixtikl file exported from Wotja then any new values included in the file are simply ignored. Such new values are not saved to the exported file when those apps resave such an imported file.
Not supported in Wotja:

We want to devote our efforts to working on what we can uniquely do best, and that means recognising that some previous app capabilities are now better done by other tools. Our more focused approach means we can develop, extend and improve Wotja as fast as possible for our niche audience.

Please Note: We have no plans to add support to Wotja for any of the features below.

  • Lua Scripting for specialists [Lua support was only ever in Noatikl for macOS]
    • Instead: In all versions of Wotja we have now implemented support for Intermorphic Wotja Script (ECMAScript AKA JavaScript) for programmatic control of parameters
  • Audio Plugins (VST or Audio Unit)
  • Tap Play (TBD) [was only ever in Mixtikl for macOS/iOS]
  • Use of Audio loops outside of Paks
  • AudioCopy/AudioPaste [was only ever in Mixtikl for iOS]
    • Instead: Try using apps like AudioShare
  • Microphone recording [was only ever in Mixtikl for macOS/iOS]
    • Instead: Do that in your DAW which is much better suited to it!
  • Minor/little used features now deprecated
    • Any Mixtikl visualiser related settings
    • Mixtikl Store/Recall settings
    • Mixtikl Advanced cell settings, i.e. Skip, Silent, Stream, Audio Sample
Wotja V5 Features vs Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7 and Liptikl
Key Features
Wotja 5 (X)
Wotja 5 (A)
macOS WJX NEW (5.2)
Windows WJX NEW (5.2)
iOS WJX NEW (5.2)
Android (incl. ARM Chromebook) WJX NEW (5.2, 5.8)
Paid-for 'annual' version
FREE versions
(See 'Free Mode')
WJX NEW (5.2)
FREE version with In-App Subscriptions
(See 'Free Mode')
WJ NEW (5.3 - 1 month Unlocked tier)
WJX NEW (5.2 - Unlocked, Long Play (AKA Live Use) tiers
Accessibility [macOS] - WJA NEW (5.12)
ISE Preset Selector WJX NEW (5.11)
ISE Editor Panel WJX NEW (5.10)
UI Colour Scheme (Light/Dark) WJX NEW (5.9); WJA NEW (4.5 [iOS])
Mix Network IME Editor Panel WJX NEW (5.8)
MIDI Transport Control (AKA MIDI Machine Control – MMC) NEW (5.6)
MIDI Clock Sync NEW (5.6)
Mixdown to Video (iOS/macOS) NEW (5.5)
Full Deep Editing (Cut-up) WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.13)
Cut-Up Text Editor
(See 'Free Mode')
WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.2)
Syllables in Cut-Up Rules
(See 'Free Mode')
WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.3)
Cut-Up Rule Editor WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.3)
'Sources Only' Cut-up Mode WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.3)
Wotja Word Database WJX NEW (5.4); NEW (4.3)
Full Deep Editing (Generative/Sounds) WJX NEW (5.3); WJA NEW (4.13)
8 hour Music Play Time Timeout (MPTT)*
(See 'Free Mode')
NEW (5.2 - Wotja Unlocked)
NEW (5.1 - Wotja 2018)
NEW (5.0 - Free Mode 3 mins)
Auto Albums
(See 'Free Mode')
NEW (5.2 - Fewer Free Mode limitations)
NEW (5.0)
Auto-generated Mix/Album Icons NEW (5.0)
Album Randomisation Settings NEW (5.0)
BP3 Backings Template Pak NEW (5.0)
Use 24-bit WAV files in Paks NEW (4.11)
Single Cell Display Mode NEW (4.10)
BP2 Backings Template Pak NEW (4.9)
Support for Audiobus 3 (audio) [iOS] NEW (4.7)
Make Audio Mixdown Recordings
(See 'Free Mode')
NEW (4.6)
Make MIDI Mixdown Recordings
(See 'Free Mode')
NEW (4.6) (Desktop only)
Album/Playlist Player NEW (4.1)
New Files (.wotja, .wotjabox) NEW (4.1)
Improved slider control NEW (4.1)
Wotja URL (V4) export NEW
2 x IM Albums included (Were $1.99 each)
Hundreds of templates
Save ALL mix cells
(See 'Free Mode')
Export ALL mix cells
(See 'Free Mode')
Multi-channel MIDI Out/In
(See 'Free Mode')
Included Album Player
Sleep Timer
Randomization - New Mix / Cell
Pak List Tagging
Template List Tagging NEW
More Randomisation Options NEW
Text To Music (TTM)
(Use text in ANY language )
Per Voice TTM Composition Params NEW
Up to 12 Tracks
Easy Track Mixing
Easy Voice Mixing NEW
Track Cell Sequencing
Track Rules
Track FX / Mix FX
Mix in Pak OGG/16-bit WAV + MIDI files
Full IME 5 Editors NME 3
Full ISE 5 Editors PSE 3  PSE 3
Background Image NEW
Text/Background Colour NEW
Open Noatikl Files
Save Noatikl 3 Files
Open Mixtikl Files
Export (Legacy) Mixtikl 7 Files
(See 'Free Mode')
Inter-App Audio / AudioBus (2/3) [iOS]
CoreMIDI / Virtual MIDI
Listening Voices
Intermorphic Music Engine 5 Other apps use NME 3
Intermorphic Sound Engine 5 Other apps use PSE 3
UI for better productivity NEW
Apple Watch App - NEW (4.4)
Improved Accessibility [iOS] - NEW
Accessibility [iOS] -
Blend Screen [iOS] - - NT iOS only - new Voice Mix panel
Tap Play - -
Make Mic Recordings - -
Scripting - - (Desktop only)

I previously purchased Noatikl 3 / Mixtikl 7 / Liptikl 2. Should I get Wotja?


That is because Wotja is the next stage of evolution for Noatikl, Mixtikl and Liptikl and those apps are all now retired (meaning no more updates are forthcoming) - Wotja is their future and it can open Noatikl, Mixtikl and Liptikl files.

You might want to consider getting Wotja if:
  • You want to use any of its cool new features.
  • You want an app that is actively being developed and supported.
  • You want to continue to play your Noatikl / Mixtikl pieces or open Liptikl files if your OS version no longer supports the running of those apps.
    • Wotja can open Noatikl, Mixtikl and Liptikl files. Any parameters not supported by Wotja (there are just a small number at present) are ignored on opening and are simply not saved when the file is resaved as a Wotja file. In other words, Wotja (certainly at present) is backward compatible, but may not always be, so this is also another reason to get it now.
  • You are a fan of our artisan "creative relaxation" tools and what they mean to you, and you want to help support us in our efforts to continue developing them for you.

Note 1: We have both subscription and paif for versions of Wotja available. See our FAQ entry on in-app subscriptions and also our FAQ entry on upgrades.

Note 2: Wotja does not interfere with Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7 or Liptikl 2 installations and should work just fine with pieces you have made in previous versions of Noatikl (mobile or desktop), with many mixes made with previous versions of Mixtikl (mobile or desktop) and files created with Liptikl 2 (presently only Wotja). As there are free versions of Wotja you can easily try it out with your Noatikl and Mixtikl pieces (see: How to copy Noatikl pieces and Mixtikl mixes into Wotja). You may even want to try out creating some new random mixes! Note that Liptikl files require an active IAP Tier for data to be loaded correctly (sorry, but we just could not figure a way around that).

Is there a 'Paid-for' version of Wotja? Is it a 'Perpetual' version?

Paid-for version

Each year there is a different major version of Wotja. In 2019 the Wotja major version number is 19, in 2018 it was V5.

This major version is available in different variants such as 'Wotja' (Free/Subscription), 'Wotja Go 19', 'Wotja Box 19' and 'Wotja Pro 19'. Each app operates with a Feature Set.

The relevant 'paid-for' version simply allows you to pay once to get an app that gets all relevant updates we make available during the year in question for that Major Version Feature Set. At the end of the relevant year no further updates will be made available for the paid-for version and it will also be removed from sale (unless for a specific reason). For new features and further updates simply purchase the next paid-for version (or get the Subscription version and a relevant Subscription).

Important: Whatever month in e.g. 2019 you purchase a paid-for 2019 app there will be no further updates to it in 2020.

Example: Say you purchase 'Wotja Go 19' in June 2019. This is V19 app which only gets updates in 2019 and so you would be able to get all the relevant V19 updates we make available in 2019. On Jan 1st 2020 (or thereabouts, and with some exceptions) all V19 paid-for apps will be removed from sale. In 2020 there will, however, be another 'paid-for' version available that you could purchase should you wish to get further Wotja system updates or new features as they may arrive. Alternatively consider a Subscription version and a relevant Subscription.

Note: The 2019 paid-for versions currently have no In-App Store meaning the Music Play Time cannot be extended. For those that require very long play times you will need to get the Subscription version and take out a 'Long Play' LP (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Subscription.

Why do you only update the Paid-for version during the year in question?

We have adopted this model because, for free and forever, we simply cannot afford to keep updating our niche apps to account for future OS/3rd party software changes - there has to be a cut off so we can keep moving forward to e.g. work on exciting and useful new features. That cut-off just happens to be an annual one and it also means the price we therefore charge for the paid-for app is lower than it would otherwise need to be (see our Fullgrade model). That said, the only likely reason a paid-for version may stop operating as intended after the period of updates is if you update your OS and/or 3rd party like AudioBus and there is a change in them that somehow breaks how it works. Although that is unlikely, it can happen. See the FAQ: Do I need to upgrade my version of Wotja?

Is the Paid-for version a Perpetual Version?

Some people may refer to our 'paid-for' version as being a 'perpetual' version in that the software is paid-for only once. However, much software that is referred to as being a 'perpetual' version ALSO has an option for annual paid updates and maintenance - and we do not offer that (we instead operate a Fullgrade model where it is up to you if you wish to purchase the next paid-for version).

A 'paid-for' version will likely continue to work just fine if you subsequently update the operating system on your device. But, if you want cool new features, content and capabilities as the app evolves, or if you require further updates perhaps because of an operating system or 3rd party component update, then simply purchase a later paid-for version (e.g. 'Wotja Pro 20' in 2020). Alternatively, get the Subscription version (as available) and purchase your preferred Subscription tier. Where you require 'Long Play' music for creating live background music (i.e. > 8 hours), then also get one of its 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) tiers (as available).

See FAQ on subscriptions and their benefits.

See also our Money saving tip!

Money saving tip!

If you are considering getting Wotja later in the year (for example, maybe from September onwards) then for a few months you may wish to consider getting a subscription version and a low-priced monthly "Pro" subscription.

You might find you actually come to like the benefits of subscription and being a subscriber! If not, then come the end of the year you could cancel your subscription and purchase the next annual version.

Extra money saving tip: Towards the end of the year, as we are starting to get ready for the next year's release cycle, we often run a number of sale pricing offers on the paid-for 'annual' versions. Whether you are a subscriber or not (you might just be wanting a great deal, or you might be a collector) you might wish to take advantage of one of those and get an paid-for 'annual' version as a kind of 'back-stop' perpetual version. You might feel it handy to keep around as you could always then revert to that if for some reason you decided you wanted to.

What should I get? Subscription or 'Paid-for' version?

Tip: The 'paid-for' version always has the year in the name, e.g. 'Wotja Pro 19' in 2019 or 'Wotja X 2018' in 2018.

Subscription version (as available)

If you are the kind of person that is always likely to have a device that can run the latest OS version and you are likely to keep it updated with the latest version -1 (e.g. iOS 10 when the current version is iOS 11) then a subscription version has many advantages. If you are an occasional user who likes to dip into things every now and then it can even save you money. Remember that the subscription version also has a powerful 'Free Mode' that can always be used for free. For the benefits of subscription see the FAQ on subscriptions and their benefits.

Paid-for version

If you cannot periodically afford to update your device or cannot or don't want to update your OS, or if you simply do not like subscribing to unlock features, or if you expect to regularly use Wotja over a period of time and are unlikely to want new features, then you may be better off looking to get the 'paid-for' version. When you purchase it you know it will run on your device. Another reason to consider a paid-for version is if you need to know you have a full authoring version you can use if we ever go out of business and our apps are therefore removed from sale (the best way to ensure that never happens, however, is if enough customers continue to make some kind of purchase!).

See also: FAQ: Is there a 'Paid-for' version of Wotja? Is it a 'Perpetual' version?

Why do you only sell Wotja through App stores (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon) and not direct?

Deciding to Purchase: It's too expensive to review.

Wotja is a powerful and unique app. We have tried our hardest to provide many free or low cost routes to review.

Here are your review options:

  • 'Free Mode'
    • There are free versions of Wotja for all platforms. That means you don't have to pay to try it or use it. By default they all work in a 'Free Mode' of operation.
    • Yes, 'Free Mode' has a few limitations, but that is why it is FREE.
    • The vast majority of people wishing to try out Wotja before deciding whether or not to purchase will find 'Free Mode' just fine for that.
    • If you are simply looking for a quick way to either listen to what others have done or to generate your own short ideas (recording them via e.g. Inter-App Audio on iOS), then 'Free Mode' may in fact be all you need - hopefully you might change your mind later!
  • Low cost In-App Subscription
    • 'Pro': For those who want unlock the 'Free Mode' Limitations an EASY TO CANCEL 'Pro' (AKA 'Unlocked') auto-renewing monthly In-App Subscription to Wotja (where available) is available. This presently costs only $0.99 a month [iOS] / $1.99 a month [macOS] and provides a means to dip in and out when you want (just cancel the subcription as soon as you take it out and it won't then auto renew!). On lapse of the 'Pro' In-App Subscription Wotja simply reverts to operating in 'Free Mode' - it's as simple as that!
    • 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)): If you need to play music continuously for more than 8 hours then get a 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) monthly auto-renewing In-App Subscription (only available in the Subscription version). These start at only $3.99 per month for Personal Use.
    • Cancellation: You can ensure that an auto-renewing subscription never renews by cancelling the subscription right after purchasing it meaning it is easy to dip in and out of and is perfect for a low cost trial. See our FAQ on subscriptions and their benefits.

Your only other option is:

  • Paid-for Annual version: If you really hate subscriptions, even though it is easy to cancel them and you can save with them, then your final option is just to buy, where available, the 'annual' version of Wotja ('Wotja Pro 2019' in 2019).

If none of the above are for you then you probably should be looking to find an alternative to Wotja. ☹

What is 'Free Mode' or 'Free' tier? What can I do or Free?

'Free Mode' or the 'Free' tier is simply a Wotja Feature Set mode of operation where certain features are limited compared to:

  • a Paid-for version e.g. 'Wotja Box 19' or 'Wotja Pro 19', or
  • its equivalent, this being a Subscription version with active 'Pro' tier Subscripton.
What can I do for Free?

See the FAQ: What are Feature Sets? How do they relate to Subscription tiers?.

What are Feature Sets? How do they relate to Subscription tiers?

Tip for app link: Tap relevant icon in table below.

The various features and capabilities of your Wotja V19 app are referred to as its 'Feature Set'.

There are 2 kinds of Wotja apps with a 'Free Mode' Feature Set:
  • iOS / macOS: Free apps that operate with a default 'Free Mode' Feature Set unless there is an 'Pro' tier (AKA 'Unlocked') Feature Set Subscription.
  • Windows / Android: Free apps that are permanently locked in the 'Free Mode' Feature Set.
Wotja Feature Sets and Limitations (V19.10.1)
Wotja Go Feature Set: Player only; refer to its User Guide.
Feature Set / Tier 'Free' 'Box' 'Pro'
Free or Paid-for version Free* Paid-for Paid-for
iOS (Subs option*)
macOS (Subs option*)
Music Generation
Music Play Time Timeout [MPTT] 10 mins 2 hours 8 hours
Built-in Albums: Relax/Calm Yes Yes Yes
Flow Mode Yes Yes Yes
Edit Randomization Presets All Many All
Save Randomization Presets No Yes Yes
MIDI Out/In Channel 1 only No Multi-Channel
Audiobus/Inter-App Audio (iOS) Yes No Yes
Mixdown Recording ('A'udio, 'V'ideo [iOS/macOS], 'MIDI') 30s A/V No A/V/MIDI (max 1000 bars / 3600 secs)
Use of Recordings of output Personal Personal Commercial
Openable Files Type (i.e. .wotja, .wotjabox, .wotjalist) All .wotjabox only All
Openable Files Number (Documents screen) First 5 listed All All
Export Flow Mix No As a Box album As a Mix or Box album
Add to/Edit/Save/Export Playlist of mixes No No Yes
Boxes (Automatic albums)
Max Mix Durations 30 secs 2 hours 4 hours
Export mix No Yes Yes
Change mix position No Yes Yes
Change Item Override Settings No Yes Yes
Delete mix No Yes Yes
Save/export a Box No Yes Yes
Add saved mix or mix template No Yes Yes
Mix Editing Mode
Track Editing Track 1 only N/A All tracks
Music Play Time Timeout [MPTT] 10 mins N/A 8 hours
Export or Merge Templates No N/A Yes
In-Mix Randomization (Cell, ISE) No N/A Yes
Mixdown Recording Capability (see above) Yes N/A Yes
Access to Mix Editors (IME/ISE; Cut-up; Display) Yes No Yes
Mix & Cut-Up Save/Export Yes No Yes
Optional Subscription tiers
Long Play [LP] (AKA Live Use [LU]): License for Live Use; Disables the MPTT iOS / macOS Subscription versions only

Where can I hear some example music created with Wotja?

See the examples section.

We hope to add further examples in due course.

I'm a fan or superfan. How can I help or give a little more?

Firstly, thank you for your support and for being a user, a fan or even a superfan - whatever you are it means a lot to us.

We have always tried to price our apps competively for what they are and for the many years of work that have gone into them. We do that in the hope that we can reach more people.

If you would like to help us or give a little more there are a couple of options you might wish to consider:

  1. Helping out: It would help us a lot if you could talk about Wotja on social or other media and share some of the things you make. If you could leave nice reviews and ratings, too - those always help, too!
  2. Giving a little more: If you can afford to pay just a little bit more then you have the following options:
    1. Regular Users or Fans: If you are likely to wish to continue using Wotja as it develops over the years, then instead of purchasing a paid-for annual version you might consider getting the subscription version (iOS/macOS only) and taking out a low cost (and easy to cancel) monthly 'Pro' subscription. It costs a little bit more over the span of a year but the benefits to you are that you will always have access to the latest version and you can spread out your payments over that year. The benefits to us are that we know we have regular customers and we get just a little bit more in the first year and in any period over a year Apple also give us a little bit more, too.
    2. Bigger Fans: Consider taking out an 'Pro' subscription above AND also purchasing a paid-for version (we tend to have offers on those towards the end of the year).
    3. "Superfans": In addition to 1 or 2 above, superfans might also consider taking out one of the monthly low cost (and easy to cancel) 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) subscriptions (see our 'Tip Jar' rationale here: FAQ: Specialist 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) In-App Subscriptions - what were they and who were they for?).

Any of the above options would help us a lot. You would know we would also be immensely grateful, too.

Anyhow, those are just a couple of suggestions. Thanks again for your support!

Versions & Upgrades

Do I need to buy a new version every year?

You might ask this question if you prefer to purchase a paid-for 'Pro' version (otherwise see Subscriptions, below).

The answer is no, of course you do not need to buy a new paid-for 'Pro' version every year!

For any paid-for app (e.g. Wotja Pro 19) you get the benefit of all the improvements that we pack in during that calendar year's product cycle (e.g 2019, be they features, fixes or stability)! We also try our best to ensure that when the app is for sale it runs fine on the OSes available in that year (i.e. 2019 for Wotja V19). Just be aware that at the end of the calendar year the app will be removed from sale and there will be no further updates to it.

Tip: At the end of each year we may run some mega sale pricing (we are in 2019) which might also mean you wish you to purchase a paid-for app at that time.

At the beginning of every year we endeavour to bring out a new major version of Wotja. This will generally have lots of new features and capabilities as well as further improvements and bug fixes.

If you are happy with the paid-for 'Pro' version you already have (e.g. "Wotja Pro 19") and do not need any of the new features etc. in the new version (e.g. "Wotja Pro 20") then of course continue using it for as long as it works as you want!


Where available, an easy alternative that some users prefer is to get the free version and take out low cost monthly 'Pro' Subscription. The free version gets all minor and major updates, features and improvements on a rolling basis, whatever the year.

See also the FAQ What is a 'Fullgrade' model? Do you sell Upgrades and do I need to Upgrade?

What Wotja Apps are available in 2019?

App Range for 2019

Wotja V19 is our app for 2019: There are 4 different versions available:

  • Wotja: Generative Music Creator, Lab & Player (Free / Free + Subscription App)
  • Wotja Pro 19: Generative Music Creator, Lab & Player (Paid-for App)
  • Wotja Box 19: Generative Music Maker (Paid-for App)
  • Wotja Go 19: Generative Music Player (Paid-for App)

What were 'Wotja A' and 'Wotja X' in 2018? What do I get now in 2019?

Historical Recap

SSEYO to Intermorphic App Consolidation Schematic

We started working on generative music apps way back in the 1990s. Our first app was SSEYO Koan, released in 1992. That was followed by Noatikl [itself the evolution of SSEYO Koan], Liptikl, Mixtikl, Tiklbox and previous Wotja apps. However, by 2016 we realised that to be able to keep moving forward we had to consolidate the capabilities of all of these into just one powerful Generative Music System app. We decided to call this app Wotja. In 2018 there are 2 variants: Wotja A and Wotja X.

Wotja A

In 2017 we completed the first round of this consolidation, but only for the iOS/macOS versions of our apps, therefore Wotja at that time was 'Apple-only'. To keep things simple we're choosing in the docs to refer to this original Apple-only 'variant' as 'Wotja A' (NB: On the App Store it is still called 'Wotja' and has the foregoing icon).

Wotja X

For 2018 we developed a new cross-platform UI variant (i.e. 'X') presently called 'Wotja X' which had the foregoing icon.

Wotja V5

As of Wotja V5.4 the two variants ('Wotja A', 'Wotja X') were major feature equivalent and so we referred to both as just 'Wotja' and they had one User Guide and Wotja page that was common to both.

Wotja V19

From 2019 there is just one Wotja variant but with different versions (see Wotja Apps). These versions all use the new X-platform UI approach presently deployed in 'Wotja X'. NB: As we now have a business model around annual releases we have changed our Wotja version numbering system to be one that reflects the year of release, i.e. in 2019 we have Wotja V19. This will keep it simpler for all!

What is a 'Fullgrade' model? Do you sell Upgrades and do I need to Upgrade?

Fullgrade Model for Paid-for Apps

Our apps all have a Major Version, be they Paid-for or Subscription apps; in 2019 that Major Version number is 19 (i.e. V19).

Continued app development and support all have to be paid for in one way or another, which is why in 2012 we realised it was time to change our business model. We decided the following back then and it is the approach we have taken ever since:

  • We would no longer sell Major Version 'Upgrades' for Paid-for apps (e.g. to go to V20 from V19).
  • We would sell Major Version Paid-for apps as NEW APPS and at a lower 'Upgrade Price' instead of a higher initial 'Full Price'.
  • We would (as soon as was feasible for us) sell our apps only via the major App Stores (Apple, Microsoft, Amazon); these stores do not provide a paid 'upgrade' mechanism anyhow.

For our Paid-for apps we refer to this hybrid approach a 'Fullgrade' model

  • You can decide to purchase a NEW Paid-for Major Version whenever you want.
  • You will know you are getting a good deal as Paid-for apps are in effect at 'Upgrade' pricing.
  • You get a NEW Paid-for app that does not overwrite or interfere with your existing Paid-for app.
  • You can get free 'updates' to your Paid-for app during the course of its Major Version product cycle (i.e. V19.X in product cycle V19).
  • We provide support for all our current apps whilst they remain available for sale.
  • At the end of the year, and for all App Stores, we will remove from sale all that year's Paid-for apps (this in turn refects that there will be no more updates because an App that is not for sale in an App Store cannot be updated).

The alternative to purchasing a Paid-for version is of course to get the Subscription version (where available) and keep an active Subscription for the relevant tier(s). The Subscription version will always get updated so that it is at the latest Major Version.

Tip: Collectors may wish to make sure that by the end of the year they have got any Paid-for versions they want to collect! For this purpose we tend to run special sale pricing at the end of the year.

Why did we move to a Fullgrade Model for our Paid-for Apps?

Even though we lose out on the initial 'revenue blip' we did it because:

  1. We now sell our Paid-for apps only via App Stores. These do not let us know who our customers are which makes it impossible to support the older paid upgrade model. A 'Fullgrade' approach keeps things simple, clean, clear and easy for a customer to manage - if you don't want the next Major Version, then just don't buy the new Paid-for app (or get a Subscription instead)!
  2. New customers can get our apps at a lower cost than they otherwise would have done.
  3. For development purposes we can focus on and operate an annual Major Version product cycle and provide regular updates during that cycle.
  4. For support purposes we only need to support apps with the current Major Version.
  5. Customers know what they are getting and what they can expect.
Do you sell Upgrades?

As noted above, we no longer sell Major Version Upgrades to Paid-for apps; we instead sell NEW Paid-for apps at Upgrade pricing - that is the Fullgrade model.

Do I need to 'Upgrade' (purchase a new Paid-for App)?

Well, that is up to you and will be down to whether or not you want or need any of the new features, capabilities or improvements that are in a new Major Version. If you do not think the Feature Set for a particular Major Version is strong enough and you don't want or need it, you don't have to buy the new Paid-for app - you can skip it (or get a Subscription instead): there is never any obligation for you to get another Paid-for app (or to continue a Subscription for that matter).

And, remember, if you have purchased a Paid-for app you can continue using it for as long as you like (assuming, of course, it runs OK on any new OS you choose to install). Doing things this way very much keeps us on our toes, and there is no fig leaf for us to hide behind.

P.S. Don't forget, if you purchase a Paid-for app near the end of the previous Major Version development cycle then it is still great value as, at an 'Upgrade Price', you get the benefit of all the improvements that we packed in during that product cycle (be they features, fixes or stability)! Alternatively, consider getting the Subscription version (if available) and a Subscription instead.

What about OS and 3rd party library support?

Toolchains are always changing, and it can take a lot of time to modify, test and update software to support new versions of an OS or new 3rd party libraries (e.g. Audiobus etc.). That is why for each Major Version we try as hard as we can to ensure our software works correctly with what is available at the time and whilst it is available. That said, if there is e.g. an OS release very late in the year that causes some issues then we may simply not have enough time to work on an update as we will be totally maxxed out on readying the next release - and we hope you understand (sorry). If the issues were problematic for you then you would need either to rollback your e.g. OS update or consider getting the next major Version of our app (trying the free version first).

As the years go by, though, older versions of our software may not work correctly with newer 3rd party services or a newer OS that you may choose to upgrade to (remember, it is entirely YOUR CHOICE to do that). That attrition is just the way the appverse works. It is a tough choice, but we simply do not have the bandwidth to continuously update or support old apps that may have cost a few dollars AND to keep our current apps moving forwards for customers who want new things.

Where and when did 'Wotja A' (the Accessibility version) go? What do I get now?


'Wotja A' was the Accessibility version of Wotja V5 (meaning it had support for VoiceOver), and it was available as a free/subscription version ('Wotja A') and a paid-for version ('Wotja A 2018'). The 'Wotja A' apps were built on a different underlying platform to that used in the current Wotja apps (V19 and moving forwards).

The new platform in Wotja V19+ does not at present have support for VoiceOver and we had to move to it primarily because it was the only platform that gave us the ability to deploy Wotja on iOS, macOS, Windows and Android, which we needed to do. It also meant we could move Wotja forwards faster and at the time have a chance at keeping all versions in sync.


'Wotja A': The iOS and macOS versions of 'Wotja A', and their In-App Subscriptions, were removed from sale on Dec 1st 2018. This was part of us getting ready for the next Wotja product cycle that started in January 2019. If you had this version then all that happens when the In-App Subscription lapses (as it will no longer auto-renew) is that it will then only operate in 'Free Mode'. See this FAQ on Subscriptions.

'Wotja A 2018': This was removed from sale in January 2019. The iOS and macOS versions can, on special request, be made available for sale for a short period (enough time for you to purchase). These versions are provided 'As Is' and will get no further updates. They are available for sale specifically for those who need a generative music system with support for VoiceOver - if you do not need that, then get the latest version of Wotja.

What happened to Wotja X? What about my Subscription? What do I get or do now?

IMPORTANT: Wotja V5 for iOS required iOS 9.3+ but Wotja V19 requires iOS 11+. Wotja V5 and V19 macOS requirements remain the same

Wotja X was the cross-platform version of Wotja V5, created in 2018. The iOS and macOS versions of Wotja X were updated to Wotja 19 on Jan 1st 2019.

  • If you have/had Wotja X for iOS and a Subscription and can (and do) install Wotja 19 for iOS then your Subscription just continues (note that the 'Unlocked' Subscription has been renamed to 'Pro'). See the FAQ on 'Feature Sets' and also the FAQ on Subscriptions. Remember, you can cancel subscriptions at any time!
  • If you were a subscriber to Wotja X V5 for iOS and A) you could not or B) chose not to update your device to iOS 11+ then you will see no more updates for this app. You can, if you wish, continue your existing Subscription (note that the 'Unlocked' Subscription has been renamed to 'Pro'). You will see no change to your existing Wotja X V5 functionality.
  • Alternatively, consider purchasing the latest paid-for Wotja app that meets your needs!

Licensing & Ownership

Do I own the rights to recordings I make of the output of Wotja and can I use them commercially?

Use of our Wotja V19 apps and content is covered by our Wotja V19 End User Licence Agreement (EULA) which also references the Intermorphic Pak EULA. Please note that we cannot give any legal interpretations whatsoever of our EULA or of Intellectual Property law and that includes, for example, how it pertains to copyright. If you feel you need such guidance you will need to ask a lawyer. As a general rule tread carefully and always respect the rights of 3rd parties.

Our apps can be used as creativity tools to help generate music, MIDI, melody and text ideas but also to create generative music, perhaps for use as live background music.

You are likely reading this FAQ as you want to know whether you own the copyright in any recordings (e.g. audio/MIDI/video/text) you make of the output of our archive software.


Subject to complying with our EULAs above and you having a paid-for "Pro" app or active "Pro" Subscription tier then, except for any included Albums, we allow you to make and own the rights to recordings (e.g. audio/MIDI/video/text) you make of the output of our software (and some generative apps do not allow that). See Clause 7 in our EULA.

Copyrights in recordings of Music, Melodies, MIDI and Video

Note: Intermorphic does not assert or claim any any copyright in the recordings you make of any music, melodies, MIDI or video that our apps generate by generative means from the included templates and/or suitably modified templates (see 'Using Templates that include Patterns' below).

Whilst copyright in the recordings of music, melodies and MIDI of the output of a generative music system might seem simple and straightforward, it is a much more complex issue than you might imagine as there are actually a number of different copyrights in a recording. For example, see https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/copyright-in-sound-recordings/copyright-in-sound-recordings.

As you will generally own the rights to any recording you make of our apps (see 'Recordings' above), the thing we are primarily focusing on in this FAQ is the composer's rights in respect of the composition, which of course includes melodies, too.

The whole area of music copyright is very, very complex and highly litigious and it can sometimes seem that all music and/or melodies is/are the copyright of someone.

Remember, we are not lawyers and we DO NOT give advice on the law.

It seems to us that something generated at random cannot by definition be copied. That is entirely different from saying it may not be the same as something already created.

Put another way, just because our apps can use chance to generate a melody or music it does not mean that that melody or music generated is necessarily unique or might not be a melody that someone might assert copyright over - our apps DO NOT cross-reference a database of copyrighted music. See also 'Using Templates that include Patterns' below.

For example, what happens if by chance, perhaps using TTM, a melody was generated that resembled a popular song?

That is why we say that whatever the output of our apps and whatever you do with it, it is entirely up to you and you alone to ensure that you do not infringe anyone else's copyright - it is your responsibility, not ours.

Copyright in Text generated by Randomization/Cut-up

Note: Intermorphic does not assert or claim any any copyright in any text our apps generate by randomization or cut-up using your own text input or the included Word Banks or Word Database. Just as above, though, we DO NOT cross-reference any database of copyrighted text.

Tip: If you input the words to e.g. a copyrighted phrase and then only used those words as the words available in the cut-up/randomization pool, then there is every chance you could end up with the phrase you started with. So, be sensible and be careful and use a large pool of words to draw upon such as the Word Bank or Wotja Database we include in Wotja (see Cut-up Create).

In any event, that is why we say that whatever the output of our apps and whatever you do with it, it is entirely up to you and you alone to ensure that you do not infringe anyone else's copyright - it is your responsibility, not ours.

Using Templates that include Patterns

Our generative apps/engines are very powerful creativity tools and use various randomization techniques to generate their musical output. A good number of included Templates also allow the use of (or use) pre-created note orderings (including those generated from characters such as Text to Music), in other words 'Patterns'.

Because of that you will need to read and understand this section and then may need to suitably modify your mixes.

We see things breaking down into three main Use Case areas for consideration.

Use Cases:

  1. Copyright in music generated randomly, without use of B or F Patterns
  2. Copyright in music where some of it is generated from a B or F Pattern not created by you
  3. Copyright in music where some of it is generated from a B of F Pattern created by you

In the case of 1 above, we expect you should not have issues with composition rights as the music is generated at random. In the case of 2 above we recommend you change the B or F Pattern and take approach 3. See the "What should I do?" section below where we give you pointers.

We re-iterate, whatever the output of our apps and whatever you do with it, all we ever say is that it is up to you and you alone to ensure that you do not infringe anyone else's copyright - it is your responsibility, not ours.


Patterns have a simple syntax and can be of a number of different types, including the B or F types which are similar to melodies in that they contain note pitch and duration. Such Patterns can also be generated "under the hood" from text using our Text to Music technique, but when generated that way they are not currently visible or editable.

Depending on how they are set up / used, Patterns affect the ensuing composition in different ways including it being completely pre-determined.

The reason all this is important is that a number of the Templates we include or make available for use in our apps include B or F type patterns and/or text for use in Text to Music. That means the melodies generated and/or the ensuing composition is not 100% randomly generated and so you need to be especially mindful of composer's rights issues, i.e. who created the pattern.

How do I know if a Template or mix uses Patterns, and/or what type they are?

We provide hundreds of Templates and there is no easy way to see this except by examining the Template and/or mix which is why that is what we recommend you do.

If you find any B or F Type Patterns in your mix then you MUST change them (including text being used for Text to Music) to be something of your own making (see below). Of course, whether you actually do that or not up to you.

What should I do?

Your goal should be to either aim to record music generated as in Use Case 1 or 3 above. Note that in your mix/piece you will need to check EVERY VOICE used in every Content Cell. Here are some pointers.

  1. Use Case 1 (music generated randomly, without use of Patterns):
    • Use only purely generative music Templates (i.e. those using Rhythmic, Ambient or Repeat Voice Types to generate notes, or which are followed by Follows voices) or generative content that you have created yourself from scratch from an IME Voice Type template.
    • Tip: Create, edit and save your own 'safe' generative music Templates. In Wotja can be found in the Templates screen in the 'Saved Files' folder and have a .noatikl extension. They can be selected for randomisation like any other Template meaning you can create new random mixes based only on them.
  2. Use Cases 2 and 3 (music where some of it is generated from a Pattern):
    • If you choose to use Templates that utilise B type IME (NME) Patterns then:
      • B type patterns contain information on both pitch and duration whereas R type patterns (below) define only note durations leaving the engine choose the note pitches at random (these can also be used for beat patterns, too).
      • If you have to use B type patterns then you MUST use your own patterns and it is your responsibility to ensure that the patterns you use do not infringe the rights of any 3rd parties (e.g. ensure you do not use melodies owned by others). Even though you can apply a mutation factor to a B type pattern it always starts with the pattern and we do NOT recommend relying on this technique.
      • For those reasons we instead recommend using R type patterns. Alternatively, change the voice type to be a generative voice type such as Rhythmic or Ambient (this will also change how the music is composed, however).
      • Tip: There are other generative strategies such as using a Following Voice to follow a Pattern voice. The Following voice MUST use a Chordal Harmony rule with associated Scale rule with a few elements. Set the volume of the Pattern voice to zero and all you should then hear is the Following voice, which might be OK for an audio recording. Note that MIDI recordings will still capture the Pattern voice, however.
      • Tip: See this FAQ entry - How do I find and change any 'patterns' used in a mix?
    • if you do choose to use a Text-to-Music (TTM) template and/or there is text in the TTM Text Editor field and the TTM "Enabled" parameter is set to on, then:
      • Unless you are certain the text has been created at random then you MUST change it as it generates a B type melodic pattern under the hood (i.e. the seed pattern). If you feel the melody has been created essentially at random (i.e. you have not tried in any way to reverse engineer the TTM algorithm or channel its results) then you may feel that melody has been generated at random and so no one could accuse you of deliberately copying it.
      • Further detail: Although TTM generated melodies are created from text (characters) that you enter, a specific sequence of characters will in general result in the same melody as it is built up one note at a time from that sequence of characters. If you do not know how the TTM algorithm works then when you enter text the melody that is generated may seem to you to be generated at random. However, if you did know and used that knowledge to "channel it" then the melody would not be generated randomly.
      • Note: Be careful what you claim as the same text characters may well generate the same melody in another mix so it may well not be unique to you. The greater the number of characters of text used the greater number of notes will be in the generated melody and so the more likely it is to be unique (it all comes down to maths and probabilities).
    • Tip: Save and only use your own 'safe' generative music Templates. See the tip above.
  3. General Things:
    • Even generatively created content has the potential to end up as a tune that a 3rd party might claim ownership of - so always be careful. Remember, we make creativity tools.
    • In any Use Case ensure you use only content that you own the rights to (e.g. your own WAVs, SF2, MIDI files and/or Noatikl / Mixtikl / Wotja files and/or ISE (PSE) Sounds Designs) or you have secured permission to use for your purposes.
    • With respect to recordings you make where you are using Wotja MIDI Output to drive 3rd party synth(s) ensure that that you have the necessary rights to record those synths.
    • In all recordings you must ensure you comply with the terms for use of the IM Wavetable(s) (See Intermorphic EULA, noting clause 5 concerning "Intermorphic Wavetable" which applies to all included Intermorphic SF2/DLS wavetables).
    • When you make the audio or MIDI recording(s) that you want to use Commercially make sure you have (as relevant) an active subscription or have purchased a valid licence to use the app as full product (e.g. including In-App purchase in an older Freemium version).
    • Please be aware that Educational versions may not be used for commercial or business purposes.
    • If using Templates or content from any of the Free Paks ensure you comply with the Intermorphic Pak EULA.

Do I need to credit or attribute Intermorphic for any recordings I make of the output of Wotja?

Of course you do not need to attribute Intermorphic! If you wish to, though, then please do!

Please note, though, that Educational versions may not be used for commercial or business purposes. Please also ensure you comply with the licence terms for any IM Pak and/or 3rd party content you use in your recordings.

Can I use Wotja for live performance?

Yes, you may, but see here for further details.

Where do I find the Wotja EULA?

You find it here.


What is a Subscription? How do they work? Are they easy to cancel? How do they stack up?

For iOS and macOS we adopted a subscription model for Wotja for a number of important reasons. If you don't like Subscriptions (also referred to as In-App Subscriptions) or their benefits (see below) then check out the paid-for version with the same capabilities as the Subscription version with the relevant and active Subscription tier (as available).

What is an auto-renewing Subscription (In-App Subscription)?

An 'auto-renewing Subscription' is a subscription that auto-renews after a period of time (e.g. every month), meaning you are charged again at the beginning of each such period. They are convenient because, for something you love and use regularly, you do not need to make a new purchase each time the subscription ends. They are very easy to cancel.

An 'In-App Purchase' is completely different. These are purchased ONCE and do NOT auto-renew like a Subscription.

How do I purchase a Subscription?

Simply go to the In-App Store (only present in the free Wotja iOS and macOS apps) and tap on the Subscription you want. Follow the steps to purchase it. Note that you must be signed into your iTunes account to complete your purchase.

What are the benefits of an auto-renewing Subscription?

If you are the kind of person that is always likely to have a device that can run the latest version of OS, and you do like to keep it updated with the latest version, then monthly auto-renewing In-App Subscriptions are good for many reasons - and they are easy to cancel at any time. They are not the bad thing some people might claim or fear they are, especially when used by a bone-fide developer (like us) that creates high quality paid-for software that does not treat you as the product. They are a win-win for both customer and developer.

Some of the benefits of Subscriptions (some for you, some for us), and why we now use them in Wotja, are as follows:

  • For a way to evaluate Wotja with a Pro tier Feature Set at low cost rather than outright purchasing a paid-for version. If you no longer want to use the app with the Feature Set you have subscribed to then simply cancel your Subscription any time up to 24 hours prior to renewal.
  • For occasional use i.e. where you wish to dip in and out at times during the year. If you no longer want to use the app with the Feature Set you have subscribed to, then simply cancel your Subscription to it any time up to 24 hours prior to renewal.
  • Where you prefer to make regular small monthly payments instead of a one-off larger payment, perhaps to manage your budget. If you no longer want to use the app with the Feature Set you have subscribed to then simply cancel your Subscription any time up to 24 hours prior to renewal.
  • Subscriptions allow us to spend more time working for our existing customers rather than spending that time in trying to find new ones.
  • They keep us on our toes as you can cancel at any time.
  • They provide a mechanism to extend the 'Music Play Time Timeout' for Long Play use (see FAQ: 'Long Play' [LP] (AKA 'Live Use' [LU]) Subscriptions - What are they and what are they for?).
  • They give our fans a way to pay just a little more for their use of the app over time and to know that if you continue to subscribe for more than a year we will also get just a little bit more from Apple in terms of revenue.
  • The Long Play (AKA Live Use) tiers provide superfans with a kind of de-facto tip jar option.
How do I check/view my In-App Subscriptions?

Apple provides detailed information on managing Subscriptions. Please refer to : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039

To get to your iTunes subscription page, either click the link shown in the above Apple page or follow the instructions below. Note that in both cases you must be signed into your iTunes account.

  • Go to the in-app Wotja Store and press the "Manage Subscriptions" button (it is shown in the area marked as "Miscellaneous".
  • You then see the Wotja Subscription page and you can see what level of subscription you currently have in place for Wotja, as well as being able to see expired Subscriptions.
How do I cancel my In-App Subscription?

It is very easy to cancel your Subscription and you can do so at any time up to 24 hrs before it renews. You may even decide to cancel it just after you purchased it - that is your choice - so that it won't automatically renew.

Apple provides detailed information on managing subscriptions. Please refer to : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039

To get to your iTunes subscription page, either click the link shown in the above Apple page or follow the instructions below. Note that in both cases you must be signed into your iTunes account.

  • Go to the in-app Wotja Store and press the "Manage Subscriptions" button (it is shown in the area marked as "Miscellaneous".
  • You then see the Wotja Subscription page and you can see what level of Subscription(s) you currently have in place for your Wotja app, as well as being able to see expired subscriptions.
  • For the Subscription you wish to cancel then, if shown, press the "Cancel Subscription" button.
    • Note: If not shown, it means this tier is no longer available for sale and your Subscription will automatically end once your present subscription period is up.
  • Press the "Confirm" button in the pop up.
  • Your Subscription will no longer auto-renew.
  • At the end of the subscription period the app will simply revert to operating in 'Free Mode'.

Once you have cancelled your Subscription, all that happens is that at the end of the subscription period is your Wotja app will revert to operating in 'Free Mode', i.e. the feature set and capabilities you can use for free. If or when you decide you would like to start a new Subscription you can do so at any time.

Important: Provided you have the relevant Wotja app installed on your device and are using Wotja with iCloud then if your Subscription lapses you will always have access to and be able to open/play in 'Free Mode' any previously created Wotja mixes, playlists or albums ("files") as appropriate. If you are using Wotja with iCloud and have to reinstall your Wotja app then you are still fine as your Wotja files should still be safe in iCloud. However, if you were not using iCloud and deleted the relevant Wotja app without first backing up your files somewhere then you will have lost those files.

What happens if my subscription lapses?

Your subscription will lapse if you cancel your subscription or it does not auto-renew. The most likely reasons for a subscription not auto-renewing (and where you have not cancelled it) are either that your payment has not gone through or we have removed the subscription from sale (we sometimes need to change the tiers we make available and/or we sometimes need to remove an app from sale).

No need to panic! All that means is that at the enf of your subscription period Wotja will then operate in 'Free Mode'.

If or when you decide you would like to start a new subscription you can do so at any time. Simply select one from the range of then currently available subscriptions for your Wotja app.

Important: Provided you have the relevant Wotja app installed on your device and are using Wotja with iCloud then if your subscription lapses you will always have access to and be able to open/play in 'Free Mode' any previously created Wotja mixes, playlists or albums ("files") as appropriate. If you are using Wotja with iCloud and have to reinstall your Wotja app then you are still fine as your Wotja files should still be safe in iCloud. However, if you were not using iCloud and have deleted the relevant Wotja app without first backing up your files somewhere then you will have lost those files.

How are the subscription prices decided?

It is up to the developer to set the prices for the subscription options they decide to make available (both subject to change) and they will balance many factors - it is ultimately a cost/return equation.

Getting that balance right is an art, not a science. Because of that we may need to adjust our In-App Subscriptions and prices over time.

How does In-App Subscription pricing stack up?

Prices for our apps have fluctuated over the years, but you may in the past have purchased a paid-for Noatikl 3 for iOS ($12.99), Mixtikl 7 for iOS ($7.99), Liptikl 2 for iOS ($4.99), Wotja 3 for iOS ($3.99, but no longer available) and the 2 Albums in Tiklbox for iOS ($1.99 each, no longer available to purchase). Had you done that for the iOS versions it would have cost you around $34 USD (or equivalent in iTunes pricing); getting all the macOS versions of Noatikl 3, Mixtikl 7 and Liptikl 2 would have been around double that.

The paid-for version of Wotja, e.g. Wotja Pro 19, is about one half of what you would have had to pay before for all the apps above - representing really great value - and Wotja can do a lot more, too!

One year of our low cost 1 month Wotja 'Pro' In-App Subscriptions work out roughly the same as price of the paid-for Wotja Pro version. Depending on subscription pricing at the time a full year's worth may cost a few dollars more. However, a big benefit of subscriptions is that they help you spread out your payments over time (great for budgeting) and they are easy to cancel (and then later restore if you want to), thus letting you dip in and out of Wotja as you want. If you are someone who wants to do that then they can also potentially save you money over getting a paid-for version.

If you decide not to continue with your In-App Subscription then the limitations in 'Free Mode' are re-instated.

If you just don't like the In-App Subscriptions?

That's OK; get the latest paid-for version instead! See our downloads page for app store links.

We hope the above info helps

We want you to be clear as to what subscriptions are and why and how we use them in 'Wotja'. If you purchase a subscription then you get our eternal gratitude and you will know that you have encouraged us to continue development of our generative music tools. Thank you!

Can I upgrade my Subscription tier before I reach the end of my current tier. Does Apple pro-rate? If so, how?

Note: This only applies to subscriptions in the same subscription group.

Yes, you can do this and Apple will take into account (pro-rate) the time left on your existing tier. They refer to this as a subscription 'Upgrade'. The wording they use to describe how it works is in the Subscription Properties section of this developer documentation. We refer to that as Apple (not us) handles how this happens:

"Upgrade: When a customer switches from a subscription in a lower level to a subscription in a higher level. The customer’s prorated amount from the prior in-app purchase is refunded to the original payment method. The new in-app purchase is charged and goes into effect immediately at the full price, which changes the customer’s renewal date to the upgrade date."

This means you can start out with a 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use') 'Personal' tier In-App Subscription and then move at any time to a higher tier e.g. 'Biz 1'. The value of any outstanding days on your previous tier is pro-rated and that value is used to offset the initial purchase price of your new In-App Subscription (we believe Apple does this way rather than issue a refund). Your subscription period is then reset to start from the date that you purchase that higher tier.

I have a 1 month Wotja Subscription. How can I tell if it is active?

You can see which of your Wotja Subscriptions are active by going to the In App Store and tapping the Manage Subscriptions item in the Miscellaneous section. This takes you to the Subscriptions section in the iTunes Store (for iOS or macOS depending on which app version you are using). Active Subscriptions are shown in the Active section, and Expired Subscriptions shown in the Expired section. See also: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039.

Tip: If your Subscription does not show up here then it means your purchase was, for some reason, not processed by Apple or you never completed your purchase in the first place.

Even if you cannot tell in the Wotja In-App Store that a Subscription is active (there is no status indicator; this can sometimes happen) then you can quickly easily tell if the app is in fact working with an active Subscription tier:

  • From the Documents screen select and play an album.
  • If you have the Sleep Timer off then at the top the screen the Play Timer should show 7:59:XX (Pro) or 1:59:XX (Box) somesuch, indicating there are 7+ OR 1+ hours left of Music Play Time. If it shows 3 mins or less, then there is no active Subscription tier - try preforming a Restore in the In App Store.

How do I check/view my Subscriptions?

Apple provides detailed information on managing Subscriptions. Please refer to : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039

To get to your iTunes subscription page, either click the link shown in the above Apple page or follow the instructions below. Note that in both cases you must be signed into your iTunes account.

  • Go to the in-app Wotja Store and press the "Manage Subscriptions" button (it is shown in the area marked as "Miscellaneous".
  • You then see the Wotja Subscription page and you can see what level of subscription you currently have in place for Wotja, as well as being able to see expired Subscriptions.

How do I cancel my In-App Subscription?

It is very easy to cancel your Subscription and you can do so at any time up to 24 hrs before it renews. You may even decide to cancel it just after you purchased it - that is your choice - so that it won't automatically renew.

Apple provides detailed information on managing subscriptions. Please refer to : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039

To get to your iTunes subscription page, either click the link shown in the above Apple page or follow the instructions below. Note that in both cases you must be signed into your iTunes account.

  • Go to the in-app Wotja Store and press the "Manage Subscriptions" button (it is shown in the area marked as "Miscellaneous".
  • You then see the Wotja Subscription page and you can see what level of Subscription(s) you currently have in place for your Wotja app, as well as being able to see expired subscriptions.
  • For the Subscription you wish to cancel then, if shown, press the "Cancel Subscription" button.
    • Note: If not shown, it means this tier is no longer available for sale and your Subscription will automatically end once your present subscription period is up.
  • Press the "Confirm" button in the pop up.
  • Your Subscription will no longer auto-renew.
  • At the end of the subscription period the app will simply revert to operating in 'Free Mode'.

Once you have cancelled your Subscription, all that happens is that at the end of the subscription period is your Wotja app will revert to operating in 'Free Mode', i.e. the feature set and capabilities you can use for free. If or when you decide you would like to start a new Subscription you can do so at any time.

Important: Provided you have the relevant Wotja app installed on your device and are using Wotja with iCloud then if your Subscription lapses you will always have access to and be able to open/play in 'Free Mode' any previously created Wotja mixes, playlists or albums ("files") as appropriate. If you are using Wotja with iCloud and have to reinstall your Wotja app then you are still fine as your Wotja files should still be safe in iCloud. However, if you were not using iCloud and deleted the relevant Wotja app without first backing up your files somewhere then you will have lost those files.

What is the difference between a 'Pro' and 'Pro S' Subscription?

Feature Set Subscription naming is a bit confusing in the last couple of weeks of 2019. We are in the process of changing the name of the Pro Feature Set Subscription to be ready for the new V20 versions(s).

The upshot is that even though you will see it is now called 'Pro S', in V19 apps it is still the Subscription for the V19 'Pro' Feature Set.

We apologise that this is very confusing. Simply continue with your 'Pro' (now showing in the App Store as 'Pro S') Subscription and all will become clear following the release of V20.

'Long Play' [LP] (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Subscriptions - what are they and what are they for?

Important: The 'Feature Set' and 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Subscription Groups are completely independent of each other. They are only available in the iOS free version and macOS free version.

Wotja is a Generative Music System and can be used to generate music, MIDI, melody and text ideas that you record/save for later use. Wotja can also be used to generate live music, e.g. background music for a home, art installation, home office, shop, reception area etc. We specifically refer to use in this manner as Live Use (LU).

A 'LP'/'LU' Subscription is one that, when active, disables Wotja's default 8 hour "Music Play Time Timeout" (MPTT). It does no more than that, it does NOT change the Wotja Feature Set, but it also grants you the relevant Live Use (LU) License.

Like any Subscription, these can be cancelled at any time via the "Manage Subscriptions" button in the Wotja Store.

What are they for?

'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Subscriptions cater for the following use cases (See also 'Tiers & Pricing' below):

  1. Very long play times for Live Use (LU): You may require continuous live background music for a period of longer than 8 hours before a play restart is required, e.g. to generate music for a 'Music Installation'. Tip: When using Wotja for long play times you will of course need to ensure your device or computer remains powered during that time.
  2. Tip Jar: If you are a fan or super-fan looking for a Tip Jar mechanism, then this is it! Even if you do not need the extra Music Play Time, you could just get one of the easy-to-cancel Long Play tiers for one month (and cancel straight away) or for as long as you wish. We especially thank any super fan who decides to do this, but we of course love *all* our customers.
'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Tiers & Pricing

The 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' (LU)) Group has two tiers with different pricing: 'Personal' (AKA 'C1') and 'Biz 1' (AKA 'C2') (see EULA Permitted Use section).

Music Play Time Timeout (MPTT) - what is it?

The Wotja Generative Music System has what we refer to as a "Music Play Time Timeout" (MPTT) - see the EULA definition.

The MPTT sets the maximum time a Wotja mix or album can continuously generate music. When this time is reached the mix, playlist or album will stop playing and a simple manual restart can start it playing again.

Note: The MPPT is version / subscription tier specific and in future may also be different for mixes and albums.

For both the paid annual version and subscription version with active 'Pro' tier the MPTT is 8 hours. It is set to this for two main reasons:

  1. Primary Use: As a 'music generator' Wotja is primarily a creativity & authoring tool. An 8 hour Music Play Time is plenty for both authoring mixes and for general relaxation. Besides, when authoring a mix every restart of a mix resets the Music Play Time counter. It is therefore highly probable you will never, ever notice the timeout.
    • Tip: If you really do need longer and do not want to purchase a 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use') Subscription then your alternative is to make up to 8 hour recordings and play them in a play list (i.e. add the recordings to your iTunes Library).
  2. Price: For the vast majority of users, i.e. those without a need for the extra long play times required for specialist use cases such as long term music installations, it allows us to keep the price of Wotja as low as possible.

Why are the Feature Set and Long Play (AKA Live Use) Subscriptions in different groups?

Wotja Subscriptions are available only in the Wotja Subscription version for iOS/macOS. In the Wotja Subscription version there are two independent Subscription Groups: 'Feature Set' and 'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use') Subscriptions in one Group are independent of those in another Group. The Groups are independent because each one fulfils a different purpose.

Being independent also means that each Group's Subscriptions show up as a separate subscription (Apple provides detailed information on managing Subscriptions; please refer to : https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202039).

'Feature Set':

  • 'Pro' Subscriptions are monthly auto-renewing and unlock the Pro 'Feature Set'.

'Long Play' (AKA 'Live Use' [LU]):

  • These monthly auto-renewing Subscriptions simply disable the Music Play Time Timeout - that is all they do; they do not change the Wotja Feature Set.
  • They are those who want to generate live music for > 8 hours (e.g. background music for installations).
    • Our thinking here is that artists wanting to use Wotja for installations are probably only going to need to have an active Subscription for a month at a time; this route makes it cheaper for them to use, and they can dip in and out only when they really need it.
    • Clearly anybody wanting to play Wotja in an installation for several hours or days would need to have their device plugged-in to a charger!

I had a Wotja A Subscription which I cannot now renew; where did it go?

I had a Wotja X Subscription. What happens to it now there is Wotja 19?

Install & Redownload/Reinstall

The "Wotja Folder" - Where is it and when should I use it?

Wotja Folder

If you are using different versions/variants of Wotja (mobile/desktop) and you want to have e.g. mix files play consistently then we recommend putting your User Content (e.g. mix files, ZIPs, SF2 etc.) in the Wotja Folder, as below. Its location depends whether you are or are not using iCloud.

The Wotja folder is a flat folder and requires that *all content* (with the specific exception of zipped content, see below) must be at the top level of that folder or it will not be found i.e. content must not be put in a subdirectory under it.

Zips are the exception: To help keep content organised Wotja can find zipped content in a 'zips' folder under the relevant Wotja Folder.

Tip: If you are using a Retired App (e.g. Noatikl, Mixtikl or Liptikl) then instead see the Intermorphic Folder.

Tip: You can easily find the Wotja Folder when using Wotja Desktop; from the Main Menu select Options > Show Wotja data folder.

See also: "What should I backup?"

Wotja Folder for iOS/macOS:

  • When using Wotja with iCloud enabled (recommended) the Wotja Folder is located as follows:
  • When using Wotja without iCloud enabled the Wotja Folder is located as follows:
    • IMPORTANT: If using iCloud, Wotja will not look for files in this folder
    • iOS: Wotja saves files to the device itself; see Apple's docs on iTunes Apps File Sharing for details on how to copy files (e.g. App Files and Other Content) from iOS to/from Mac/PC and vice-versa.
    • Mac: ~/Music/Intermorphic/

Wotja Folder for Windows:

Note: Wotja for Windows does not use the iCloud folder.

  • \Users\your-user-account\Documents\Wotja\

Wotja Folder for Android:

Note: Wotja for Android does not use the iCloud folder.

  • <storage>/Wotja/
    • Depending on whether you installed Wotja to internal or external storage (and allowing installation of apps on external storage e.g. SD Card is a device setting), this is a folder that is at the top level of that storage.


The free Pak AL Collections 1-3 zip file would be placed in the relevant Wotja Folder as below.

  • iOS/macOS (iCloud): https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/ and Wotja folder or Mac: ~/iCloud Drive/Wotja/
  • ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
  • iOS/macOS (no iCloud): ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
  • Windows: \Users\your-user-account\Documents\Wotja\IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
  • Android: <storage>/Wotja/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip

Can Wotja use iCloud / iCloud Drive?

Wotja macOS: 'Wotja' is damaged and can't be opened. Delete 'Wotja' and download it again from the App Store

This message may very rarely occur. We believe it only happens for the Wotja macOS subscription version and only then if a subscription does not seem to be applied after purchase. We are really not sure at the moment what might be the root cause it.

You might find the following will fix it:

  • Delete the Wotja app from your Mac via the Launchpad app. (NB: Deleting this way is sometimes more effective than merely dragging it to the Trash or Cmd + Backspace etc.) In Launchpad, click and hold on the app icon, then click the black 'X' icon that appears.
  • Log out of the Mac App Store (from the menu bar, choose Store > Sign Out).
  • Reboot your Mac.
  • Log back in to the App Store (Store > Sign In), then switch to the Purchases tab and click the Install button next to the Wotja app to reinstall it.

If you do manage to find a solution that cures this for you (including if the above works), then please let us know! Alternatively, try contacting Apple.

How can I get or restore an older version for iOS?

You might want to do this if iOS updates to a new version and you do not or are unwilling to do that or you have removed Wotja and the new version of Wotja is no longer available for your version of iOS (we use Apple tools to build our apps, and Apple updates to these tools change which versions of iOS we can build for). So, how do you restore the last version of Wotja available for your version of iOS?

See Apple's instructions on how to do this or an AppleInsider article. Alternatively, you might try restoring from a device or even TimeMachine backup.


How do I share a video recording?

Wotja now supports saving to videos (both 'Wotja A' and 'Wotja X' versions; iOS/macOS only) because they are easy to share on virtually every social media platform.

It is very easy to create a video recording using Wotja. The following assumes you have already created and saved a mix file you want to record and share. NB: We recommend using iCloud.

Creating the Video
  • Create: Open your mix, go to the Mixdown & Recordings screen and select the Video segment; press the bottom Record button (Mix Mode > Action > Mixdown & Recordings > Video segment > Record button).
    • Tip: You can use the 'Record Bars' slide to set the number of bars you want to record for. The slider text will also indicate how long your recording will be.
    • Tip: If you want to share your Cut-Up, too, first export it to the Clipboard from the Cut-up screen.
Saving the Video
  • Saving: The video recording that is made is either saved to to the Wotja iCloud folder (if you are using iCloud, recommended) or to the local file system on your device (on iOS this is in the Wotja app sandbox folder. See 'iOS: iCloud NOT used' below). NB: It can also be transferred off the device using iTunes App File Sharing.
Sharing the Video
  • Tip: Don't forget to paste in your Cut-up text from clipboard!
  • iOS, iCloud - general case: Simply load the Files app, find your recording in the Wotja iCloud folder, tap it to select it, tap the bottom Action button and in the pop up Action sheet select the app you want to share it with (e.g. Facebook, Messages, Instagram, Mail, WhatsApp, Messenger etc). Twitter is a special case, see below.
  • macOS, iCloud - general case: Tap the recording's cog icon and select "Show in Finder". Share the recording as you would normally share any recording on Mac.
  • iOS, iCloud - Twitter app: The Twitter app is a bit special as it can only see files in the Camera Roll. To get your video into that: Go the the Files app; Locate your video in the Wotja folder (which is synched with the Wotja iCloud folder if you are using iCloud); Select the video and tap the bottom Action button; Select "Save Video" (this saves it to the Camera Roll folder). Start a new tweet then add the video (you will see it in your Camera Roll below the tweet).
  • iOS, iCloud NOT used: When you don't use iCloud, video recordings are saved to the Wotja "sandbox". To share your video recording you first need to copy it from there to the Files app from where it can be shared. Tap the recording's Cog Icon, select "Open With" and in the pop-up Action sheet select "Save to Files" which copies it to a Wotja folder that can be accessed by the Files app.

How do I delete a Document/File?

In the Documents screen, tap on the Document/File name and from the pop up select "Delete". Once it has deleted you might need to press the top Action button and select "Refresh" (this refreshes the screen).

How do I use my own Noatikl (.noatikl) files as Templates in Wotja?

You can use your own generative Noatikl files (.noatikl) [created in Wotja, Noatikl or Mixtikl] as templates in Wotja and these can also be used for mix randomisation. It can all be done on an iOS device, too.

You can either use them ad hoq (i.e. if you just have a few) or have them appear as a Pak if you would prefer that. Both are noted below. Those zipped as Paks show up in the Settings > Random > Templates for Randomisation screen.

You will need to be using iCloud, and have a Wotja iCloud Drive folder, or be using the Intermorphic Folder (e.g. Windows/Android) for your files.

A) How to use your own Templates 'ad hoq'

Wotja will display any Noatikl files that are in the Wotja iCloud / Intermorphic folder in the 'Saved Files' Pak, shown at the top left in the Templates screen. You can either copy existing Noatikl files there, or you can export a Noatikl file from a Content Cell (Mix Mode > Toolbox > Export to File). See also this FAQ.

B) How to use your own Templates in a zip
  • Create a number of generative templates (each is a .noatikl file exported from a content cell - Mix Mode > Toolbox icon > Export as File.)
  • Get an iOS app that allows you, on device, to create a zip file and copy it into Wotja. NB: For below we used the free "iZip - Zip Unzip Unrar Tool" from in the App Store.
  • In this app what you do is:
    • Go to Document Browser option which accesses iCloud Drive, and the find the Wotja folder.
    • Select one of the template files above that you have created; this is then copied across to the app (only one at a time unfortunately).
    • Once you have copied all the templates you want into the app then go to the app's "Files" option and you will see an import folder (you can remove what you don't want in here).
    • Then select the bottom "Zip" option and give your zip a name (e.g. testpak.zip).
    • Select the created zip (e.g. testpak.zip) and then the bottom "Share" option and select "Copy to Wotja X" from the pop up action sheet.
    • If you go into the Settings > Random > Templates for Randomisation screen you will see this pak at the bottom and you can toggle it/its content items as you want.
  • Use the templates in Wotja X (you may/may not need to restart it for the pak to be picked up)!
C) How to configure templates to be used as TTM templates (text to music)

One of the benefits of using TTM type templates is that they make it really ease to create new seed melodies. There are a lot of Randomisation options related to how you want those to work, too, and those parameters reward experimentation. See: TTM Voice Type.

Also, when creating random mixes, there are some specialist settings that apply to them, too. See: Settings > Random and in the General/Mix section refer to the TTM Cells/Column and TTM Words settings.

Remember that TTM templates are full fat .noatikl files set up just to make melodies so they can use any sounds/fx etc. you want, and use Following Voices, Chording etc. - you can make them as complex as you want!

For any .noatikl file template you want to be used as TTM template then first of all ensure the following:

  • Voice Basics:
    • Set Voice Type to Pattern
  • Text to Music:
    • Set Text to something other than empty
    • Set Enabled? to on.
    • Set whatever you want for the other properties
  • Then, either:

    • Preface them with TTM (must be capitals, e.g.TTM-fred.noatikl) or;
    • Use TTM in the zip pak name if all templates in it are to be treated as TTM templates (e.g. TTM-mypak.zip)

    When you copy this zip into Wotja, as above, they will be treated as TTM templates. One fun extra thing there is that every time a TTM template is randomly added to a mix the text in the TTM field will be randomised, too, meaning a new seed melody each time.

    How do I copy/export a Wotja Cell and paste/import into another?

    To do this you need to be in the Network screen of Mix Editing mode.

    • Select the source cell you want to copy.
    • From the "Toolbox menu", select "Export to Clipboard".
    • Select a target cell where you want to copy to (this can be in a different mix, if you want - which is really easy to do on desktop, where you can have many documents open at the same time in different tabs).
    • From the Cell Toolbox menu, select either of the following:
      • "Import from Clipboard": This menu item is only available if you are wanting to paste into an empty Xell.
      • "Merge from Clipboard": Select this if you want to merge the content from the clipboard into the content that is already in the target Cell.
      • "Replace from Clipboard": Select this if you want to replace the contents of your target cell with that

    Using SF2 / Soundfonts - Where to put them, zipping them etc.

    Soundfonts (SF2) for IM Apps - where to put them:

    Tip: See also File Management - Where should I put or look for App Files, Zips, SF2, WAVs etc.?

    If you have one or two SF2 you want to use, then simply copy them to the Wotja Folder and then restart Wotja. On relaunching it the Wavetable Unit should be able to see them:

    If you have a lot of SF2 and you want to keep things tidy then if all the sf2 are in a flat folder you can just zip up the SF2 files. The resulting zip file can be placed at the root of the Wotja folder or in a 'zips' subdirectory below that.

    Zipping with Folders (optional)

    We appreciate you may have lots of SF2 you might want to use, or even collections of them and you want to keep things tidy and structured on your PC or even in the Wavetable SF2 list.

    You might wish to zip with folders if:

    • you want to have control over the order in which SF2 display in the Wavetable Unit SF2 list (i.e. you might want to easily see all ‘synths’ in one block); or
    • you want to retain the structure of the SF2 grouping (perhaps you have licenced a collections or set from a 3rd party and it is already set out like that)

    Say you have the following collection of SF2 files that you want to use in an App (and want to show up in the Wavetable Unit SF2 list like this, too):


    To retain that structure you must zip the above directory *such that it keeps the entire folder paths*. You can give this zip any name, maybe something like “mySF2Collection1.zip”

    In macOS you can create this zip by right clicking the "mySF2Collection1" folder and selecting “Compress 'mySF2Collection1'”. Alternatively, in Terminal, navigate to the folder above this folder and type:

    zip -r mySF2Collection1.zip mySF2Collection1

    You can check that the zip has the files you expect in it by typing in terminal:

    unzip -t mySF2Collection1.zip

    Now, put this zip file in the iCloud Folder (Wotja only) or *at the top level* of the Intermorphic Folder, restart the App and then create and save Pieces that reference these SF2. If you then move those Pieces between Apps, they should still play just fine (provided you have copied that zip file in of course!).

    Can I use WAV / Ogg files ("audio files") in Wotja when not in a Pak? How?

    Yes, but...

    Wotja only supports use of audio files in properly formatted Paks of templates. This allows such loops to be pitch-shifted/time stretched when added to a mix, in accordance with mix root and tempo. Note that audio Paks do not appear in the Settings > Random > Templates for Randomisation screen as they are not supported content for use in randomisation.

    However, there is a workaround that is not officially supported and may be prone to crashes etc. but it may work fine for you. It involves simply zipping up your audio files and then placing that zip where Wotja can find it (we strongly recommend using the iCloud folder - see this FAQ entry).

    It is also a workflow that can be done entirely on mobile device if required, in which case you will need to be using iCloud and have a Wotja iCloud Drive folder and your audio files will need to be located in some iCloud folder so they can be located to be zipped.

    The instructions below are specific to iOS, but are similar if using a desktop computer.

    Creating a zip file on device:
    • Get an iOS app that allows you, on device, to create a zip file. NB: For below we used the free "iZip - Zip Unzip Unrar Tool" from in the App Store.
    • In this app what you do is:
      • Go to Document Browser option which accesses iCloud Drive, and the find the folder that contains your audio files.
      • Select one files above; this is then copied across to the app (only one at a time unfortunately).
      • Once you have copied all the audio files you want into the app then go to the app's "Files" option and you will see an import folder (you can remove what you don't want in here).
      • Then select the bottom "Zip" option and give your zip a name (e.g. mywavs.zip).
      • Select the created zip (e.g. mywavs.zip) and then the bottom "Share" option and select "Copy to Wotja X" from the pop up action sheet.
    • You may or may not need to restart Wotja X for the zip to be picked up; as audio files are large you might need to wait a while before iCloud syncs it in any event!
    More on zip files, what they can contain, and limitations
    Zip Files (.zip):
    • A zip file can include media such as .sf2, .wav, .ogg or .midi files.
    • Wotja can access Zip Files only from its Wotja folder.
    • iOS tip: The only way on-device to get a zip file into Wotja so that it can be used by Wotja is to copy the zip file already in an iCloud folder into the Wotja folder as follows:
      • From the iOS iCloud Drive app, find and tap the zip file.
      • Select the bottom toolbar Action button and in the Action sheet popup select the option to either "Open in Wotja" or "Copy to Wotja".
      • Select either and the zip file is saved to your Wotja iCloud folder and will be ready to use in Wotja once you see a "Zip file mounted" message.
    • iOS Safari tip: When downloading a zip file in Mobile Safari from a web link you will see in the Action sheet popup an option to either "Open in Wotja" or "Copy to Wotja" (this assumes you have Wotja for iOS installed). Select either and the zip file is saved to your Wotja iCloud folder and will be ready to use in Wotja once you see a "Zip file mounted" message.
    • Important note on use of audio files in zips: Although you can put WAV/Ogg files in a zip and use them in a mix by selecting them from the Templates screen it is not a supported behaviour and it may be prone to crashes etc. If you wish to use audio files in Wotja we STRONGLY suggest instead creating and using a zipped Pak where they can be corrected pitch-shifted and time stretched when added to a mix.
      • In a simple zip Wotja treats audio files as sample loops of which it has no information on pitch, tempo, length etc. meaning those loops are used "as is" - they are not pitch-shifted to suit Mix root (as they would be when in a Pak, as well as they would be time-stretched to fit the mix tempo).
      • Even though not used in a Pak, if you subsequently change the mix tempo then any such audio files used in a mix will be time stretched in some fashion. This DOES take time, so only add them to a mix that has the correct tempo to suit them.
      • Wotja provides no support for streaming audio files from the file system and all audio files are treated as "samples" meaning they are first loaded into memory before they can be used. This may be OK for small foley effects or shortish loops, but that is up to you and your device.

    How do I copy/transfer Mixtikl mixes, Noatikl pieces, SF2 and WAV files into Wotja?

    From Wotja, how do I save / export Noatikl or Mixtikl files?

    Note: If content in your exported file uses a custom Wavetable/SF2 that is also in your iCloud Drive folder then for the file to play correctly when opened in Noatikl 3 you need to have that custom Wavetable/SF2 available in the Intermorphic Folder (See here). If this does not work you will need to recreate the association to the custom Wavetable/SF2.

    Saving/Exporting the contents of a Wotja Content Cell as a Noatikl file
    1. In the Wotja Mix screen, select the Content Cell you want to export.
    2. Tap the Toolbox icon and select "Export to File" or "Export to Clipboard". In the case of the former you will see a pop-up dialog where you name this file before it is saved.
    3. A saved .noatikl file is shown in the Wotja Documents screen and it will have an IME (blue) icon bottom right indicating it is a Noatikl file that can be used as a template.
    4. In the Templates screen you can see and select this under Saved Files. The file will have a .noatikl extension.
    5. If you are using iCloud then on your Desktop PC you will be able to see and access this file from the Wotja iCloud Drive folder (See here) and then use it in Desktop Noatikl 3 or even Mixtikl 7 (if you have either).
    Saving/Exporting a Wotja template as a Noatikl file (from an album)
    1. In the Wotja X Playlist, add a Template to the album.
    2. Tap Mix Overide cog next to that item in the album and select "Export Item to File" or "Export to Clipboard". In the case of the former you will see a pop-up dialog where you name this file before it is saved.
    3. A saved .noatikl file is shown in the Wotja Documents/Files screen and it will have an IME (blue) icon bottom right indicating it is a Noatikl file that can be used as a template.
    4. In the Templates screen you can see and select this under Saved Files. The file will have a .noatikl extension.
    5. If you are using iCloud then on your Desktop PC you will be able to see and access this file from the Wotja iCloud Drive folder (See here) and then use it in Desktop Noatikl 3 or even Mixtikl 7 (if you have either).
    Saving a Wotja mix as a Mixtikl file
    1. Go to the Wotja Mix screen.
    2. Tap the Toolbox icon and select "Export Mix (legacy format)". You will see a pop-up dialog where you name this file before the .mixtikl file is saved.
    3. A saved .mixtikl file is shown in the Wotja Documents/Files screen and it will display a Mixtikl icon.
    4. If you are using iCloud then on your Desktop PC you will be able to see and access this file from the Wotja iCloud Drive folder (See here) and then use it in Mixtikl 7 (if you have that).

    How do I export, backup or restore my Wotja Files?

    See Backup.

    Why does Text to Music text disappear when in Text Edit screen I have "Random words" selected and press the dice?

    This can happen if, in the Cut-Up Tab, you have the Word Library control "Use additional words?" set to "None" and you have no sources that contain text.

    The reason the text disappears is because the pool to choose words from is restricted only to the sources, and there is no text in the sources!

    The solution is either to add some text to a source(s) or to press the Library button and change the Word Library control "Use additional words?" to either "WJ Bank" or "WJ Database".

    How do I find and change any 'patterns' used in a mix?

    You are probably interested in knowing about how to do this as you are wanting to create and record some music (refer to the FAQ entry on recording ownership).

    You will likely know therefore that many templates use B-type 'patterns' which are melodies and, just like any melody, they contain note pitch and durations. We are not aware that the 'seed melodies' we have used in these templates are infringing in any way but you will need to change them.

    To do that, you will need to identify all instances of them and then either change them to use an R-type pattern or use only melodic patterns you have either entered yourself or have been randomly generated.

    Tip: When creating a new automatic mix or automatic album all B-Type patterns used in TTM voices are generated from randomly generated text (see 4.3 thru 4.6 below though).

    B-type 'patterns' are only used by Patterns type voices (which also includes the Text-to-Music [TTM] sub type). Patterns voices have a pink colour in the Mix Mode Generator Network view.

    So, in the Mix Mode Generator Network view for any mix you create and for every cell in which there is content:

    1. Tap on a Cell to select that cell.
    2. Right click or tap hold on EACH Voice used in that cell that is PINK (this is the colour of a Patterns voice).
    3. Select Edit from the pop up menu.
    4. Select the left side 'Text to Music' group and look to see if Enabled is checked.
      1. If Enabled is checked:
        1. This means the TTM generated pattern overrides the voice pattern.
        2. In that case, if you wish to use Text to generate a melody go into the TTM Text parameter at the top of this group and either enter your own text or randomise the text with the Dice button (we suggest the middle button should be set to either 'Random Words' or 'Shuffle Text').
        3. Ensure that you use enough text to generate a long enough melody, certainly longer than 7 notes.
        4. Bear in mind that whatever text is used will always generate the same melodic seed pattern so if two people enter "Happy birthday!" they will both get the same melody (even though there is no direct relationship between the text and the notes generated).
        5. Also remember that 2 people randomising text can get the same result (it is just a question of probabilities).
        6. Note that in General/Mix section of Randomisation Settings, the 'TTM Words min'/'TTM Words max' settings can be changed to increase the number of words generated.
      2. If Enabled is not checked:
        1. This means the Patterns voice will use any patterns in the Patterns paramater and you will need to change it/them.
        2. Tap on the left side 'Patterns' group.
        3. Tap on the Patterns parameter field (it will look something like <B 60 1 60 2 60 3 60 4>) to go to the Edit Pattern screen.
        4. For all of the listed patterns shown in the bottom list (and there may only be one) you will need to change any with a B-Type pattern to be your own patterns or change them to be R-Type patterns.
        5. To do that, in this list tap on the pattern you want to edit and in the top field type in your changes (in Wotja Desktop you can also paste in patterns).
        6. Alternatively, to create a new random pattern use the Action button to the right of the toolbar and select one of the presets that are available.

    Audio Issues

    I am getting audio issues (slow, stuttering, breakup) or audio artifacts (glitches, crackles, noise. pops etc). What can I do?

    For Audiobus/AUM/IAA related issues see "Section A, Mobile Devices/Tablets", below.

    If you are getting performance issues then it is highly likely to be because of one of the following (see steps below):

    • Audio Output Settings mismatch: You are using the default Wotja Audio Output Settings and these are not suited to or matched to those of your particular device and/or other apps you are using it with.
    • Too many templates in use: Your mix is simultaneously playing more templates than your device can deal with or the templates being used are too complex (some templates drive the processor much harder than others).
    • Too many FX in use: Your mix is using too many FX (Cell, Track or Global).
    • Too many mixes playing concurrently: This is possible in the Desktop version with multiple tabs open (ensure all are stopped except one).

    Tip: When trying to track down what is going on, always start off playing/testing with the Built-In Albums, then move up to Automatic Albums created with a Default Randomization Preset before finally trying out your own mixes.

    Step through the following, in order.

    A - Audio Output Settings mismatch:

    Wotja for iOS uses the following default Audio settings:

    • Audio Sample Rate (device dependent output, Hz): 48000/44100
    • Audio Block Size: 1024
    • Audio Block Count: 10

    Wotja for macOS uses the following default Audio settings:

    • Audio Sample Rate (Auto-detected, Hz): 48000
    • For the Output device you have selected (Wotja menu > Options > Output devices) ensure that the Wotja Audio Output Setting is the same as that selected in your Mac's 'Audio MIDI Setup' > Default Format (which determines the bit depth and sample rate e.g. '2 ch 24-bit 48.0 kHz').

    Wotja for Windows uses the following default Audio settings:

    • Audio Sample Rate (Auto-detected, Hz): 48000/44100
    • For the Output device you have selected (Wotja menu > Options > Output devices) ensure that the Wotja Audio Output Setting is the same as that selected in your Windows PC's Sound Control Panel > Playback tab > Speakers > Properties > Advanced tab > Default Format (which determines the sample rate and bit depth e.g. '24 bit, 48000 Hz (Studio Quality)').

    Wotja for Android uses the following default Audio settings:

    • Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 22050
    • Audio Block Size: 2048
    • Audio Block Count: 5


    Provided your settings above are correctly matched then the default settings are likely fine for Desktops.

    Windows Tip: If you have the settings matched and are still experiencing glitching then we have had a customer report that they resolved it by going into the BIOS settings and "in the processor options turned off 'Hyperthreading' along with 'Intel Speedstep Technology' for good measure". They came across that by googling for an answer to "DAW crackling/popping issues". This is not advice from us, and only make changes like that if you know what you are doing - making changes is at your own risk!

    Mobile Devices/Tablets

    The default settings above are likely fine forand most 2-3 track mixes on newer iOS and premium Android devices. However, if on a mobile device you are getting glitching when playing mixes for listening purposes then first try the following, one at a time and in order.

    To apply changes to any of the following Audio Output Settings you will need to restart Wotja. Note that increasing any of these values will increase the time taken for Wotja to stop playing.

    1. Audio Block Size: Try changing this to 2048 and restart Wotja. There is every chance this will fix your issue completely, if not completely then it will likely make a big difference. Wotja Settings > Audio Output > Audio Block Size.
    2. Audio Block Count: After completing step 1 above, try setting this value to some higher number, e.g. 20 and then again restart Wotja. There is every chance that both in combination will fix your issue completely. Wotja Settings > Audio Output > Audio Block Count.
    3. Audio Sample Rate: After completing step 2 above, try reducing the output quality to one of the lower values that are shown and then again restart Wotja. Wotja Settings > Audio Output > Audio Sample Rate.
    4. Audiobus/Inter-App Audio [IAA]/AUM etc. [iOS apps]: For Wotja for iOS to work with such apps it requires the following (see Wotja Settings > Audio Output):
      • The Wotja Audio Block Size MUST be the same value as the Buffer Size (samples) or Latency Control (frames) in those apps [different apps refer to the same thing in different ways]. We recommend that this value is 1024.
      • The Wotja Audio Sample Rate MUST be the same as that being used by those apps, e.g. 44100 Hz. Some newer devices might be set to use 48000 Hz.

      It is likely that with any other setting you will get a lot of glitches and noises (but if you already get those then changing these is worth a try).

      One other thing to try (noting that you still need to match the settings as above) is to connect Wotja to either Audiobus or AUM and then from there into your recording app, e.g. Audioshare or Garageband. i.e. Wotja > Audiobus/AUM > Audioshare/Garageband.

      • GarageBand Tip: It seems that this app has a default hard wired Audio Block Size of 256 (there is no way to change that setting in GarageBand). If you want to directly use Wotja as an IAA in GarageBand then change that setting to 256 in Wotja, too, however such a low value may result in glitching. An easier alternative is to keep your Wotja settings as they are above, but connect to GarageBand via AUM/Audiobus as noted above - and that seems to work.
    5. Mixdown Recordings: Mixdown recordings are made at the Wotja Audio Sample Rate. Even if you are getting glitches trying to play a mix live, it should record just fine using Mixdown. Wotja Settings > Audio Output > Audio Sample Rate.

    If changes to the above do not fix your problems, then it is likely your mixes contain too many tracks (i.e. too many things playing at the same time). However, as content customisation is more specialist activity then before we look at anything there, we need to check / note a few general things first so that the app can use the maximum processor power possible.

    B- General Checks:
    • Use latest OS version: Ensure your device is using the latest OS update available for it.
    • Power cycle your device: This just ensures there is nothing running you don't expect to be running. Tip: Even if no other app is running, this can sometimes solve problems that seem to have no obvious cause.
    • Other running apps: Although OS are good at managing app usage these days, it might well be worth closing all other running apps.
    • Inter-App Audio / Audiobus (if relevant; see also step 1 below): Use of these takes up processing cycles, so try working without these on (at least until you have found an approach that works for you).
    • AirPlay, WiFi, BlueTooth, Chromecast, Media Streaming, Cellular data (as relevant): Use of these takes up processing cycles, so try turning these off. Why not try temporarily putting your device into Airplane mode?
    • Don't run Wotja backgrounded (mobile): There are less processor cycles available to the app when backgrounded.
    • Cable connection to computer (mobile): If your device syncs, that, too, can use processor cycles, so try using it without a computer connection (but charging it from a USB charging point is fine).
    C - Content Issues:
    1. Templates/Content/Tracks: To make the new templates sound really great they take advantage of the stereo sound unit capability (above) in the ISE. Some templates feature synth (and generator) networks are really quite complex, too, meaning they will use more processor cycles. The processor useage therefore greatly depends on the templates/content being used which means that some of the demo mixes will take up more processor cycles than others. Also, how you configure the ISE can also play a part.
      • Templates: Either use fewer templates/tracks in a piece (for Automatic albums see Settings > Random and in the General/Mix section set Tracks to 1 or 2) so there is less sound to generate (in some of the Demo pieces use 3 merged templates but even that can be too much on some devices!), use less complex sound generators (such as templates that have a sound network primarily based on Wavetable units), or look to remove some FX units that are used in a template (you can do this via the ISE Network Editor). Alternatively just turn off the ISE (that is covered in step 7, below).
      • Solution 2 - Note Stealing: When the IME generates a lot of overlapping notes and the ISE is generating the sound then unless the ISE Polyphony setting is sufficient to cover all the notes that may be playing at the same time you can get an effect called "note stealing". This means a newly composed note will play in preference to the a previously generated note, on a First in First Out (FIFO) principle. The last note is instantly "dropped" meaning it can cause a click, especially if you are using FX. See the Polyphony setting in the ISE Network Editor.
    2. Track and Global FX: Our current templates are generally sonically richer than earlier templates (such as those from Noatikl 2 and Mixtikl 6 and earlier) and most use a reverb and other FX in the template itself. If you have a lot of Voices in your piece, then a lot of FX units can be in play at the same time.
      • Solution: If using these new templates in a (merged) piece, try removing FX from the templates themselves (e.g. reverb, as that is a heavy hitter), and then add it back as a Global FX. Example: Copy one template's FX network to the the clipboard (ISE Network Editor > bottom right Action button > Export to clipboard) and then pasting it into the Global FX (ISE FX Network Editor > bottom right Action button > Import from clipboard) and then remove the FX from each Voice's FX Network. This may change how the piece sounds quite a bit, so may require some experimentation.
    3. Merging pieces: Because of the Wotja 4+ template richness (above), you do not need many when creating a piece.
      • Solution: Try merging no more than 3 templates. This should still give you PLENTY of goodness to play with.
    4. Use some older content, too: Because of the Wotja 4+ template richness (above), you do not need many when creating a new piece. However, we still include the older Noatikl templates which in general has less of a processing hit, so you might want to try sprinkling some of those in (they are in the BP00 and BP000 Paks).
    5. Try to isolate the issue: If you have got this far down the list and are still getting issues, such as ocasional clicks, glitches or pops etc., then it may be that the issue is coming from your piece and it might be worth seeing it you can isolate the problem. That means gradually removing IME Voices and ISE Sound Networks from your piece / mix until the problem goes. Then you can work back up again.
      • Optional - MIDI Out: If you are STILL getting audio issues then it may well be worth trying to play the IME MIDI note streams via external/3rd Party synths (using MIDI Out) and seeing if the issues then go... If they do go, then it is likely the issue is something related to the ISE...
      • You can also trying turning OFF the toggle "Use ISE for Sounds & FX" in the Settings > Mix screen and then using MIDI to drive external synths (but don't forget to turn it on again if you want to use sounds interal to Wotja, including using SoundFonts in the Wavetable Unit!).
    6. Your Device....: We put this at the very of this list because we know only too well that money does not grow on trees and powerful desktop/mobile devices are very expensive. :( But, the device you are using is also a factor to keep in mind. How our app sounds is very important and, to keep moving forwards, we have to to take advantage of new capabilities and device power - we do this very carefully though. Unfortunately, sound generation and sound processing is a heavy hitter, and, moving to stereo sound units (see ISE comment, above) is just something we had to do...
      • Solution: If your funds allow, it might be worth at some point checking out a more powerful device.

    I hear silence, help!

    Things to check...
    • It almost goes without saying, but don't forget to press play!
    • In the Settings > Audio Output section check that you have the "ISE for Sounds & FX" toggle turned on.
      • It needs to be on for Wotja to automatically render all MIDI data that it generates through Wotja's built-in Intermorphic Sound Engine, i.e. its integral modular synth. If the checkbox isn't ticked, Wotja will only send its MIDI data to whatever MIDI Output destination you have defined in Wotja's MIDI Out settings... which means that you've probably got a bit of MIDI configuration to do first in order to hear Wotja play. Note that Wotja can play both through ISE and through a MIDI device, if that is how you have configured things - the choice is yours.
    • Unless you are trying to use external MIDI to start/stop Wotja, then in the Settings > MIDI Input section ensure that "MIDI Transport Control" and "External Clock Sync" are unchecked, otherwise they can prevent Wotja playing and the Play button will show "Wait: MIDI".
    • Make sure your system volume is turned-up, and any speakers are turned on.
    • Make sure you haven't muted all voices/cells or soloed an empty voice/cell (See: Track controls).
    • Make sure you are not playing just empty Cells (playing Cells have a green bar in the middle). Trying locking a Cell that does contain content to make sure it is playing (Mobile: tap/hold it; Desktop: right click it); when locked a Cell has an orange bar in the middle (See: Content Cells).
    • Make sure you haven't set all track volumes to zero (See: Track Mixer).
    • Make sure you haven't set all voice volumes to zero (See: Voice Mixer).
    • Make sure you haven't set voice track velocities to zero (See: Envelopes).
    • If you are using fixed-pattern voices, make sure they don't all have empty patterns (See: Patterns).
    • If you are using TTM (Text to Music) player templates, make sure you have entered some text (See: TTM Voice Type).
    • If your templates use ambient voices, they can sometimes take a while to start playing (See: Ambient Voice Type).
    • If you have modified any ISE sounds settings, check that you have not set the "Amp" values in any ISE units to zero or any modulators (See: ISE Amp Unit).
    • When creating a new mix or randomising a mix make sure you have not deselected all Paks or content otherwise nothing will be added to a mix. Likewise, make sure the General/Mix section of Randomization settings all have sensible values i.e. TTM is NOT set to 0 if Cells are 1, Generative % NOT set to 0, Blank Cell % NOT set to 100, Volume Min/Max NOT set to 0 etc. (See: Randomization Settings).
    • It is possible that an empty track is being soloed (empty tracks do not show the column 5 controls e.g. Solo/Mute buttons). This can happen if you delete all content in soloed track. The solution is to try muting/unmuting one of the non-empty tracks, as that will remove the Solo state from any soloed tracks.
    If none of the above work and you are still stumped then try creating a new automatic mix...
    1. Go into Settings and in the Randomization segment tap the "Preset" button at the top and select Default. Just to make sure you are using Default settings, go to the bottom of the screen and select "Reset Settings of this Presert to Defaults".
    2. Go to the Documents screen and select Add New > Music Mix (Automatic).
    3. Open and play this mix. IF you have the "ISE for Sounds & FX" toggle turned on in Settings (as above) then you should hear something and can go from there (sometimes it can be easier just to start over).
    If even that does not work, and you are using iCloud (so your files are backed up) then as a last resort try re-installing Wotja.

    If you are still stuck, then go to the Mix Edit Mode and from the top right Action button select "Export Wotja to Clipboard". Go to our support form, select the "Problem Mix File" option and then paste your mix into the form and send it to us. If it is something going on in the mix file we will see if we can figure it out for you!

    How can I play Wotja via Bluetooth, AirPlay or AirPods (or other audio output device)?

    Note: It is important that you follow the numbered steps in order.
    1. Connect/pair your Bluetooth or other audio output device to the device/desktop you are running Wotja on and ensure your system is outputting via it.
      • Mobile Device tip: In the Settings section for your device check to see that e.g. Bluetooth is on and your audio output device is selected
      • Mac Desktop tip: Select your status bar Volume Control and in the droplist ensure that your desired audio output device is selected under in the Output Device section
      • Mac Desktop tip: Instead of doing this, you can also use an app like Audio Hijack to route your system output to e.g. a Bluetooth device.
    2. Wotja Desktop Version: Start or restart Wotja
    3. Wotja Desktop Version: From the Desktop Menu select Options > Output Devices > your audio output device (e.g. your Bluetooth headphones, AirPlay device, AirPods or other audio device/driver). These will ONLY show up here if you have first paired/connected them with your desktop BEFORE starting Wotja.
      • Note: Once you set or change this you may also need to restart Wotja for this change to be implemented.
    4. If you do not already have a Wotja file, playlist, album or flow selected, select one in the Documents screen
    5. Start Wotja playing
    6. You should now hear Wotja playing through your selected audio output device!


    How do I make MIDI recordings?

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on iOS?

    Refer to the MIDI Out and MIDI In sections of the Wotja User Guide.

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on macOS?

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on Windows?

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on Android?

    How do I record Wotja MIDI out in Logic Pro X?

    How can I stop/start Wotja on iOS with MIDI Transport Control (MTC) and sync tempo to an external MIDI Clock?

    This is possible only in Wotja when using either Audiobus 3 or AUM and an app such as MidiBus that can send MIDI tempo and MIDI Transport Control [MTC] start/stop messages (AKA MIDI Machine Control [MMC], as opposed to MIDI Time Code [MTC] i.e. MIDI Clock). That app can also be used as a Master MIDI Control app if you are controlling/synching multiple MIDI apps at the same time.

    See this FAQ on Audio Issues wrt Settings required (you may well get audio glitches if these are not set correctly).

    Finally, if you get stuck, see the section at the end of this FAQ entry for another suggestion to try.

    Wotja and Audiobus 3

    Wotja and Audiobus
    1. Load Audiobus, add the Wotja app to it and then launch Wotja
    2. Ensure you have your MTC app loaded, e.g. MidiBus. In this app you must ensure that "Network" is selected as a destination.
    3. In Wotja, go to Settings and in the MIDI Input section check on "MIDI Transport Control" and "External Clock Sync" (if you also want the tempo synced).
    4. In the MIDI Input section then tap "Input Devices" and ensure that both "Network Session 1" (this is how iOS [CoreMIDI] refers to the name of the network MIDI device) and "MidiBus" are checked (or whatever MTC app you are using), possibly even Audiobus 3. Note that these may not appear at the top of the list, you might have to scroll to the bottom.
    5. In the Wotja Mix Mode screen, tap the play button as if to start the mix, and the wording under the button changes to "Wait: MIDI". You will only see this if you have the "MIDI Transport Control" option checked on.
    6. Go to your MTC app, e.g. MidiBus, and press the start/play button. This should then start Wotja playing. Press stop to stop it playing. Sometimes you may need to allow a few seconds between pressing Stop and Play for the transport command to work correctly.

    Wotja and AUM

    Wotja and AUM
    1. Load AUM, add the Wotja app to it and then launch Wotja
    2. Ensure you have your MTC app loaded, e.g. MidiBus. In this app you must ensure that "AUM" is selected as a destination, as well as "Network".
      • Alternative 1 (shown):
        In AUM, go to its Menu and select the MIDI Routing screen. In this ensure that you have your MTC app, e.g. "MidiBus", connected through to "Network Session 1" (which is Wotja in this case, see below).
      • Alternative 2:
        In AUM, A) tap the bottom Wotja channel button (shown in image 1 as text "Chan 1" then B) in the pop-up menu tap the top left Mixer button and C) in the pop-up menu tap the MIDI Sources button then D) select your MTC app e.g. MidiBus and back out of the menus; E) If you go to the MIDI Routing screen shown in Alternative 1 you will see a setup where your MTC app (e.g. MidiBus) is connnected to MIDI Control built-in, which will work just fine.
    3. In Wotja, go to Settings and in the MIDI Input section check on "MIDI Transport Control" and "External Clock Sync" (if you also want the tempo synced).
    4. In the MIDI Input section then tap "Input Devices" and ensure that both "Network Session 1" (this is how iOS [CoreMIDI] refers to the name of the network MIDI device) and "MidiBus" are checked (or whatever MTC app you are using), possibly even AUM. Note that these may not appear at the top of the list, you might have to scroll to the bottom.
    5. In the Wotja Mix Mode screen, tap the play button as if to start the mix, and the wording under the button changes to "Wait: MIDI". You will only see this if you have the "MIDI Transport Control" button checked on.
    6. Go to your MTC app, e.g. MidiBus, and press the start/play button. This should then start Wotja playing. Press stop to stop it playing. Sometimes you may need to allow a few seconds between pressing Stop and Play for the transport command to work correctly.

    Got stuck?

    OK, lets try it another way (you can still refer to the relevant images above).

    First, launch MIDIbus and e.g.Audiobus so they are open and then add Wotja to Audiobus.

    Launch Wotja (from Audiobus) and create a simple test piece based on a Fixed Pattern template (you can have made it before of course, in which case just open it). To do this, go into the Documents screen and select Add New then choose "Mix (Manual)" which creates an empty mix (probably called "Untitled or "Untitled 1" etc). Open this mix and tap on Cell 1 in Track 1 and select the "IME Voice Types" pan on the left of the Template list, then Fixed Pattern in the right and then top right "Load". Now save this mix.

    Go back to Wotja and go into Settings, MIDI Input section and Input Devices and ensure that you have at least "Network Session 1" and "MidiBus" checked (you can also check "Audiobus 3" if you want). Also ensure that in Wotja Settings both MIDI Transport Control and External Clock sync are checked. Finally, in order to hear it in Wotja, ensure you have the "ISE for Sounds/FX" box checked. Press the play button in Wotja and you will see the "Wait: MIDI.." in the bottom toolbar.

    Now, go into MidiBus and ensure that both "Network" and "Midibus" are checked (it may still work if just MidiBus is checked). If you press the MidiBus play button you should hear an ascending 4 note pattern. If not, press the MidiBus stop button, wait a few seconds and press the play button again (sometimes it does seem you need to wait for the MIDI transport command to get picked up).


    In Wotja how do I make audio recordings of my wotjas?

    Mixdown & Recordings

    Simply go to the Mixdown & Recordings screen, select the bars you to record for and the type of recording you want to make and then press record!

    Here it is in more detail, step by step:

    1. Go to the Documents screen and open a mix file (.wotja).
    2. In the Mix Editing mode tap the top right Action button and from the pop-up menu select Mixdown & Recordings.
    3. Tap the top segment bar to select the type of recording you want to made (Audio, MIDI [as available], Video [as available]).
    4. In the Record slider below that select how long you want to record for. This has a default value that you can override if you have space to make especially long recordings (change the maximum value in Settings > General > Recording > Max Recording.
    5. Tap the bottom left "Record" button to start the recording and you will see a progress bar popup in the middle of the screen showing the progress of the recording, as well as the title bar changing to show the size of recording. Recordings are all saved to your Wotja Folder.
    6. Once Wotja has finished making the recording you should see it in the list of recordings which shows the recordings in your Wotja Folder, above. If you are using iCloud and are making long recordings, this can take some time and you might need to press the top "Refresh" button. See this FAQ.
    7. Once the recording shows in the list then if it is an Audio or MIDI recording you can tap it to start/stop it playing, or tap the Cogs icon for a popup meny where you can select how you want to open it, preview it, delete it etc.
    8. Tip: If you do not seem to be making recordings, first check to see if they are in your Wotja Folder. If they are not, then it is likely an iCloud related issue, in which case see this FAQ.
    Recording in Audiobus/IAA 3rd party app

    Wotja for iOS is Audiobus / Inter-App Audio enabled which means you can send an audio stream out through that and then record it with another suitable 3rd party app that supports Audiobus / Inter-App Audio and recording.

    Audiobus / Inter-App Audio support is enabled by default and we make no charge for its use*.

    Inter-App Audio

    Please refer to the Apple website for information on how to use Inter-App Audio (and iOS 7+ system provided capability) with GarageBand. There are numerous IAA enabled apps.


    Please refer to the Audiobus website for instructions on how to use Audiobus.

    *To use Audiobus you will also beed to install the Audiobus app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch This is a 3rd party paid for app.

    See this FAQ on Audio Issues wrt Settings required.

    How do I record MIDI files?

    Important: The making of MIDI recordings is only supported in the Wotja 'Pro' Feature Set, meaning the paid-for 'Pro' app or the Subscription version with an active 'Pro' Subscription (see downloads). Without a 'Pro' feature set you will not see the MIDI recording tab mentioned below.

    Making a MIDI mixdown recording
    • Go to the Mixdown & Recordings screen and select the MIDI tab.
    • Adjust the Record slider at the top for the time/bars you want to record.
    • Press the bottom left Record button and your recording will be made.

    Note 1: MIDI file recordings can be made in the 'Pro' Feature Set whether or not your device supports MIDI Out (e.g. such as some Android devices).

    Note 2: MIDI file recordings are saved as Type 1 files.

    • In Wotja V4-19 Type 1 MIDI recordings combine *all* MIDI from Cells in each Track onto one MIDI channel, irrespective of the MIDI assignments in that Cell. For example, if you have a mix with content/templates in both Cell 1 Track 1 and in Cell 1 Track 2 then all MIDI from the former is recorded to MIDI channel 1, and from the latter to MIDI Channel 2, etc.
    • If in V4-19 you wish to record to a multi-channel Type 1 MIDI file you must therefore split your content up across Cells in different Tracks. i.e. if you had content in Cell 1 which generated MIDI on Channels 1 and 2, then remove the Channel 2 MIDI content and put that into Cell 2.

    How can I use Wotja for iOS recordings in iMovie for iOS?


    • Inter-app Audio supporting Intermorphic iOS app: e.g. Mixtikl 6+, Noatikl 2.5+, Tiklbox 1.4+, Wotja 1.4+
    • GarageBand 2+ for iOS
    • iMovie 2+ for iOS
    • iPad, iPhone, iPod touch

    1) First record the Intermorphic app (as an Inter-App Audio instrument) in GarageBand. Please refer to this Apple Product Support doc for information on how to use Inter-App Audio with GarageBand: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6038.

    2) Then follow the instructions in Apple Product Support doc here: http://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT6040.

    Note: What may not be 100% clear is that the Action button they refer to in step 2 is the top left "Share" button; and, on iPhone you cannot see the "Open in" option on the pop up screen unless you scroll that screen down. Once you have done that, everything else is straightforward!

    On my iOS device the Mixdown Recording progress bar goes to the end but recordings do not seem to be made?

    Tip: The first thing to check is if you have enough free storage available wherever you are saving your recording to, be that to iCloud or to your device. If you do not have enough space, the mixdown cannot be completed!

    Assuming you do have enough storage available then it is likely because your version of Wotja (e.g. subs or paid-for) is getting confused as to where to save the recordings. Depending on whether you want recordings to be saved to iCloud or to your device you need to have BOTH settings below to be on or off, as the case may be.

    The two places are to be found here:

    1. iOS Device > Settings > (scroll down the screen to find) Wotja > Wotja > Settings > Use iCloud (Toggle)
    2. iOS Device > Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > Apps Using iCloud > Wotja (Toggle)

    See the images in the iCloud Settings section of User Guide.

    Bugs & Bug Reporting

    Help, Wotja crashes after load screen!

    Wotja on iOS can crash after the load screen if you are using iCloud and do not have BOTH the relevant app's "Apps Using iCloud" and "iCloud Drive" settings toggled on. This has the effect of confusing Wotja as to where to look for its files and so it can crash.

    See Wotja > Settings > iCloud.

    Help, Wotja is crashing!

    We try very hard to ensure Wotja is stable and does not crash, and we carry out a lot of testing. Wotja is a very deep app, with a huge number of possible workflows, so it is possible we missed something. Sorry!

    We normally receive crash reports and they are uploaded when Wotja next restarts. So, if it has crashed and you have restarted Wotja we should get to know - rest assured we will be on it!

    That said, if you are getting a crash that is hard to pin down then could we suggest trying a clean re-install:

    • Back-up your device with iTunes
      • If you have iCloud enabled, and are using it for Wotja, then your files should be safely stored there. If not (and even if you do, just to be on the safe side!), before you delete/reinstall Wotja below we strongly suggest backing up your Wotja mixes/files via iTunes App File Transfer. See our FAQs: Backing Up, File Management and Apple's own help on backing up.
    • Delete Wotja from your device
    • Re-install Wotja to the device, restore IAP (if the subscription version is what you are using)
    • Restart Wotja, connect to iCloud
    • Your documents will re-sync, should all be fine
    • Try again!

    If Wotja is still crashing and there is any particular work flow that is causing the crashes/issues, could you please get in touch with us via our Contact form and provide the following information:

    • Which version of Wotja you have installed (you can see this in Settings > Info, e.g. 5.x.x)
    • Which Wotja app variant (subscription or paid version, Wotja X or Wotja A)
    • What version of OS you have installed
    • How much free memory is available on your device
    • Which device/device version you are running Wotja on?
    • Step by step instructions as to how to reproduce the crash

    Thanks for your help, and patience and we look forward to getting to the bottom of this as soon as possible!

    Crashers! Wotja is crashing. How do I report it?

    We try as hard as we can to make our apps stable. To that end we now include in our apps either HockeyApp or Crashlytics. Because of this, rest assured we will have been alerted to it and we will be trying to fix it. This also means our latest versions are likely to be the most stable so we recommend keeping Wotja updated to the latest version, where your device/OS allows.

    Even though we (usually!) get the crash logs, it can also help us track things down if you send us any info about your particular crash, or indeed anything you think is not working right. The crash log files all start with the app name, and have an extension "crash". They can be found here: Where do I find Crash Logs?. They are text files that we can read, and give us useful information in tracking-down a crash and you can send them to us via our Contact form. Don't forget to tell us what you were doing when you had the crash! Hopefully we will be able to fix the crash in the next update. Thank you!


    I want to get started quickly - where are the video tutorials?

    See also our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/intermorphic


    How do I use Wotja with iCloud / iCloud Drive?

    VERY IMPORTANT: To use iCloud in Wotja on iOS you MUST have BOTH the relevant app's "Apps Using iCloud" and "iCloud Drive" settings toggled on or when you launch Wotja it can crash - see Wotja Settings > iCloud.

    Intermorphic apps that directly support save to/load from Apple iCloud and Apple iCloud Drive folders:

    iCloud Note: On first start up of an iCloud-supporting iOS app, if "iCloud" is selected in the pop up rather than "Local Storage", then any App Files that are stored in the Apps Device folder (including Zip Files) will be moved to iCloud. After that, no App Files or Other Content are saved here and App Files or Other Content that are copied here will NOT appear in the relevant App's Files screen.

    • Wotja 4+ (iOS/macOS)
    • Noatikl 3.0+ (iOS), Noatikl 3.1+ (macOS)
    • Liptikl 2.0+ (iOS), Liptikl 2.0+ (macOS)
    • Mixtikl 7.0+ (iOS)
    • Wotja 3.2+ (iOS)
    iCloud Drive Folder:

    The iCloud Drive folder on macOS is found here:

    • ~/iCloud Drive/Wotja/
    • ~/iCloud Drive/Noatikl/
    • ~/iCloud Drive/Mixtikl/
    • ~/iCloud Drive/Liptikl/
    Why use iCloud / iCloud Drive?

    We strongly recommend using iCloud / iCloud Drive wherever you can.

    There are five main reasons for that:

    1. Backups: Files kept in iCloud are always backed up.
    2. File Synchronisation: Lets you easily create and edit on any device. For example, on an iOS device you create a file on device 1 and then edit it further on device 2, and then on macOS work on that file in the desktop version of that app, and vice versa.
    3. File Organisation: You can move files around on iOS with the iCloud Drive app or on desktop PC with Finder.
    4. Single copies of Zip files (Wotja 4+ only): If you Zip up additional content that you want your Wotja file to reference (e.g. SF2, WAV or OGG files) and you put that Zip File in the Wotja iCloud folder then you only need one copy of it (rather than a copy in the Intermorphic Folder of very device you use).
    5. Simplicity: You don't need to understand the intricacies of the "Wotja Folder" or "Intermorphic Folder" or Local Device folder.
    iCloud Drive Subfolders:

    Our iOS apps support "flat" folders meaning they will display all files under the root folder, including files in any subfolders.

    Tip: If you want to limit what files are displayed in the iOS app, you need to move the files you don't want to see out of the main app folder, perhaps into a "Archived" folder under iCloud Drive.

    Apple iCloud Drive FAQ:

    See: iCloud Drive FAQ

    How to display iCloud Drive on your iOS device home screen:

    See: Help using iCloud Drive

    Why can't I see the relevant app folder in my Mac's iCloud Drive folder or in the iCloud Drive on icloud.com?

    Tip: Even if you have Wotja for iOS installed on your device, to see the Wotja iCloud folder on Mac, we strongly suggest installing either Wotja for macOS.

    If you have just installed one of our iCloud Drive supporting apps for the first time, then it seems it can take a while for the iCloud Drive synching to happen and for the folders/files to appear on your Mac. We know not why.... but a couple of suggestions to try are:

    • Sign-in to your iCloud web account (icloud.com) and from the home page select the iCloud Drive icon when you will then be able to see all your iCloud Drive folders. It seems that doing this may cause the relevant app folder to appear soon on the Mac.
    • It may be that the relevent folder is not showing in the above iCloud Drive folder, in which case we have found that if you connect your device to iTunes on your Mac and then perform an iTunes "Sync" for that device, it seems the folders/files then appear straight away under your Mac's iCloud Drive folder and in icloud.com.

    How do I regenerate the Wotja iCloud folder after deletion?

    There should be *no reason at all* that you need to delete the Wotja iCloud folder and we strongly recommend that you DO NOT delete it. By all means delete any files in that folder, but just not the folder. The folder itself will take up no storage space.

    If, however, you do delete that folder then what you can do to get it back again is as follows:

    Go to Settings > iCloud and find the iCloud Drive toggle. Turn it off, then turn it on again. Then, return to Wotja X and create a new file and the Wotja iCloud folder will be created and the file added to it (you must of course be using iCloud in Wotja X as follows, 1) Settings > iCloud > Wotja X toggled on and 2) Settings > Wotja X > Use iCloud toggled on).

    Apple’s page on this is here: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT207689

    They say "When you turn off an iCloud feature on a device, information stored only in iCloud for that feature is no longer available on the device."


    How to I copy out my Files and Audio, MIDI and Video recordings?

    You may be wondering how to copy our Wotja mixes and albums. You may also be in the Mixdown Recordings screen and have selected the Action (cog) icon next to the recording you want to copy out it, selected where you want it to be copied to, and sometimes it does not work (it seems it won't work if you are not using iCloud with Wotja).

    If you are using iCloud with Wotja here follows a foolproof way to copy out your files and recordings. NB: If you are not using iCloud, see Apple's docs on iTunes App File Transfer.

    • Find the Wotja folder in the Apple Files App, and visually locate your file(s) or recording(s).
    • In Files, tap the top "Select" menu item and select the files/recordings you want to copy out
    • In Files, use the bottom toolbar Action button and then select where you want to copy them to (e.g. Dropbox, Mail, Message, WhatsApp etc. depending on what apps you have installed)

    I am using Wotja for iOS with Audiobus/Inter-App Audio and getting a lot of glitches. Why?

    See this FAQ on Audio Issues wrt Settings required.


    How do I quit Wotja for macOS?

    Before you can quit the app you need to save or discard changes to any Wotja files that are open, be they mix files (.wotja), albums (.wotjabox) or playlists (.wotjalist) [as relevant].

    To do that, close each open file one at a time, saving or not as you wish via the pop-up menu. Once you have thus closed all files you can Quit the app.

    Alternatively, Force Quit the app. None of your unsaved file changes will be saved.

    Note: Free Mode has limitations on saving of changes.

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on macOS?

    Refer also to the MIDI Out and MIDI In sections of the Wotja User Guide.

    On macOS this is via Apple's Core MIDI Framework.

    Apps that are Core MIDI enabled can take advantage of this. Refer to Apple's information, e.g.: "Set up audio devices on iMac (Mid 2014) and later", "Audio Midi Setup: Set up your MIDI devices" and "Audio MIDI Setup: How to test for MIDI function".

    See also Apple's knowledge base article on Combine multiple audio interfaces by creating an Aggregate Device.

    The following article on the Ableton website also gives some useful pointers on how to use Audio MIDI Setup on macOS: Sending and receiving MIDI messages using a virtual MIDI network.

    How do I record Wotja MIDI out in Logic Pro X?

    For details on how to make recording in Logic Pro X refer to Apple's own knowledge base article: Logic Pro X: Get started with software instrument tracks. See also the FAQ links on How do I use Wotja MIDI Out on macOS?

    That said, here is a quick set of steps to try:

    • In Wotja Pro 19 or Wotja with a Pro Feature Set, go to Settings > MIDI Output and select a MIDI Output from the list, e.g. 'IAC Driver Bus 1' .
      Wotja MIDI Out macOS
    • In Logic, create a new project using a Software Instrument template.
      Logic Pro X new project
    • Start Wotja playing your mix (Tip: start out simple, perhaps a single cell mix using something busy like Settings > Templates > BP0 Arps > Busy Marimba) and ensure you have Settings > Audio Output > ISE for Sounds & FX toggled on so you can hear it in Wotja (you can turn it off once you have figured out your MIDI recording workflow).
    • In Logic, arm your track and then press the record button (you need to do BOTH) to start the recording. You should see something like that below (tap for larger image), which indicates that you are recording the MIDI in Logic.
      Logic Pro X MIDI Recording

    How do I use VoiceOver in Wotja for macOS?

    General Comments:
  • How we configure our Macs to verify Wotja A 2018 for macOS (available for a limited time) using VoiceOver:
    • System Preferences → Accessibility
    • Select "VoiceOver" in left-hand panel
    • Select "Enable VoiceOver" checkbox in right-hand panel
    • Voice over is now working, but you don't have voice over tell you when then mouse pointer is "over" text labels for example (which is basically how iOS VoiceOver works).
  • You can enable this behaviour really easily, as follows:

    • Press "Open VoiceOver Utility…" button in bottom right
    • Select Navigation
    • Change "Mouse pointer:" dropbox to "Moves VoiceOver cursor"
    • Pop-up menu items – when the menu appears, you must then use the keyboard up/down keys to have VoiceOver tell you what each item says. Seems to be a feature of VoiceOver!
    • If you don't start the app when VoiceOver already enabled, the playlist/album screen won't work with VoiceOver as expected.
    Current minor limitations:
    • IME Rules editor: the "Ove" etc. aren’t spoken at the moment
    • Sliders: the +/- buttons aren't selectable with voiceover at the moment

    How can I play Wotja via Bluetooth, Airplay or Airpods (or other audio output device)?


    How do I resolve Wotja installation/loading issues on my Windows device?

    If you are having general issues with e.g. installation/loading of the Wotja app then the first thing to check is this Microsoft Store FAQ.

    If that does not resolve your issue then please get in touch and provide as much information as you can. Tip: When using the form, please select the correct option before submitting.

    How do I exit Wotja for Windows?

    Tip: Before you exit the app it is generally good practise to save or discard changes to any Wotja files that are open, be they mix files (.wotja), albums (.wotjabox) or playlists (.wotjalist) [as relevant].

    These are the options you have:

    Manually save changes to open documents, one at a time, then exit:

    • Close each open file one at a time, saving or not as you wish via the pop-up menu ("Save" or "Discard changes" buttons).
    • Close Wotja (e.g. select the top right X on the Wotja window, or the top left Wotja window icon and select Close, or File > Exit, or Ctrl+ Q, or press Alt+F4

    Manually save changes to open documents, each one in turn, then exit:

    • Select the top right X on the Wotja window, or the top left Wotja window icon and select Close, or press Alt+F4.
    • Save or not as you wish via the pop-up menu ("Save" or "Discard changes" buttons).
    • Select the "Quit without Saving" button in the final popup dialog (you will see this whether or not you have saved changes in the above step).

    Quit the app and lose all changes:

    • Note: None of your unsaved file changes will be saved.
    • Press Ctrl+Q or from the Wotja top menu select File > Exit.
    • Then select the "Quit without Saving" button in the next popup dialog.

    Force close Wotja e.g. if it crashes or will not quit:

    1. Press Control + Alt + Delete at the same time (or Control + Shift + Escape depending on keyboard)
    2. Select Task Manager
    3. Select the open Wotja app in the Task Manager list
    4. Select the 'End task' button

    Note: Free Mode has limitations on saving of changes.

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on Windows?

    Refer also to the MIDI Out and MIDI In sections of the Wotja User Guide.

    Note: 'Free Mode' will send/receive MIDI only on Channel 1; if you want to send/receive on multiple MIDI channels then you will need to get the Pro version of Wotja (see Wotja Downloads).

    • We have found that loopMIDI is an easy to use virtual loopback MIDI cable. If you cannot seem to get MIDI Out working with your laptop Windows MIDI drivers, then give this a try!
    • Once you have installed it you may well need to restart Wotja and/or your DAW. Then, in Wotja > Settings > Mix tab select MIDI Out > Devices and ensure that loopMIDI is selected.
    • If you need a Network MIDI driver for Windows you might also wish to check out rptMIDI.
    • See also the rptMIDI tutorial.

    I am getting audio glitching, what should I do?

    Firstly, see this FAQ on Audio Issues. Have a look at the Windows default settings, the Desktop tips and also the general steps to follow. Also make sure that you do not inadvertently have have multiple Wotja files open (these can all play at the same time and so really load the processor).

    Tip: We always recommend that before purchasing Wotja (i.e. the paid-for version) that you download the free version and ensure that is works correctly for you. Partly for this reason we make available a full featured save version for free, albeit with a Free Mode feature set (but that does not stop you making the necessary checks).

    To check that Wotja performs correctly on Windows 10 we have tested setting the Speaker output (Primary Sound Driver) up to to 24 bit, 96 Khz and, even on a slowish machine, it seems to behave fine at that setting (note that you must restart Wotja after making any changes to Audio Output settings. See below and/or see this FAQ.

    In our experience the most likely causes of any glitching is either because of an Audio Output Setings mismatch or that the Wotja content you are playing is simply working the processor too hard (less likely, but still possible especially if you are playing a simple one cell mix created from one template).

    Tip: If you have the settings matched and are still experiencing glitching then we have had a customer report that they resolved it by going into the BIOS settings and "in the processor options turned off 'Hyperthreading' along with 'Intel Speedstep Technology' for good measure". They came across that by googling for an answer to "DAW crackling/popping issues". This is not advice from us, and only make changes like that if you know what you are doing - making changes is at your own risk!

    Step by step on how to change the Wotja Audio Output Device on Windows 10:

    1. Go into the Wotja menu, select Options and then Output devices, you will see what is available to select. Our test machine shows two options, Speakers (Realtek) and Primary Sound Driver (selected), but yours may also show other audio device drivers you have installed.
    2. Next, go to Wotja Documents screen and tap the Settings icon. In the Settings screen, select the General tab and notice what the Audio Output is set to. This setting MUST match what your system and/or external audio device is set to run at. On our test system the Wotja Audio Sample is set to 48,000. NB: Wotja will generally auto select the audio output to match what your machine is set up to.
    3. Now go into Sound Control Panel, and select the Playback tab and then tap on Speakers (our test machine machine shows Realtek High Definition Audio Default Device).
    4. Select the bottom Properties button, which opens a Popup dialog called Speakers Properties.
    5. Select the Advanced tab and the look at the Default Format (which determines the sample rate and bit depth).
    6. We have our test machine set to 24 bit, 48000 Hz (Studio Quality) so try that to start. You will likely need to restart Wotja once you have done it, but then check the device you have Wotja using in Option Devices (above) and also check that the Wotja Audio Sample rate is set to match, i.e. 48000.
    7. Try playing one of the Built-In albums, e.g. Calm and Relax - these are quite low processing overhead and so are good to use for checking.
    8. If you still get the issue on SOME content, but not all, it will likely be related to the complexity of the content vs the audio output rate of your computer. If you set the audio output rate to 44100, 16 bit, then that requires less computational resources.

    How can I play Wotja via Bluetooth (or other audio output device)?

    I have a problem with the Microsoft Store, is there a FAQ

    Yes, here is the link to Microsoft's FAQ: Microsoft Store FAQ.

    Help! Why can I not see Wotja in the Microsoft Store?

    If you go to the Wotja for Windows download links from our download page and you get a message like "Wotja is not currently available" then fear not - we have not removed it!

    One helpful user had that very issue. He discovered on some forum (found by Google search) that the Microsoft Store does some sort of IP filtering. He reported being on on 4G LTE which rotates IPs regularly so he instead tried it from a VPN and the app was then showed available. Result!


    Why do you not sell a version of Wotja for Android in the Google Play store?

    Tip: See our Download page for links to the 'Paid-for' Android apps we sell via the Amazon Appstore.

    You may be aware that we sell 'paid-for' versions of Wotja in the Apple, Microsoft and Amazon app stores.

    We do not sell 'paid-for' versions in the Google Play store for the following 2 main reasons (Tax Reporting Burdens and Data Privacy Security):

    Tax Reporting Burdens:

    Google does not automatically set and everywhere collect all sales taxes and then remit them to the relevant authorities on behalf of the developer.

    • Setting & Collecting: We are not tax specialists or accountants and it is very expensive to secure tax advice - the laws are very complicated and it seems every changing. The cost to a low volume niche app business like ours would be way more than we would ever get back in terms of app sales.
    • Remittance: There are also administrative burdens and associated costs of making tax remittances. On top of that, for digital sales to some countries (e.g. Europe) a developer needs to store sales information for 10 years. Again, the costs to us in this area would be way more than we would ever get back in terms of app sales.
    • Amazon does what is needed on our behalf for *all* countries which is why we sell a paid-for version of Wotja for Android in the Amazon Appstore.
    • It is true that Google now does do these for *some* countries, but other than for those it expects the developer to undertake this administrative burden themselves (i.e. setting tax rates, collecting and remitting). If or when Google does offer the same across the board approach as do Amazon, Apple and Microsoft then we *might* consider selling on Google Play (however, also see the next item about Data Privacy).
    • Note 1: Google's primary business model seems to be to get to know you better than anyone else and then to make their money selling the ads that get shown to you; it's not about making a margin on sales of paid-for apps which is why they have not done what Apple, Microsoft and Amazon have done with their app stores. We can't therefore see Google anytime soon undertaking the work to make Google Play comparable to the other 3 stores.
    • Note 2: The above being the case, we did for a while in Google Play also experiment with an ad-supported model, just to see if that could be a viable alternative for revenues. It turned out, however, that for our niche low-volume apps it was simply a no-go. And besides, for any number of reasons (mainly around Data Privacy Security/GDPR issues) we are not particularly keen on the ad-supported model.
    Data Privacy Security:

    Google provides developers with customer information in the form of sales reports rather than just a revenue share as provided by Amazon, Apple and Microsoft.

    • Receiving such customer information is in itself is no bad thing (know your customer!), but in the new world of GDPR it generates another area of risk for a developer in protecting that information. We would simply rather not get it in the first place.

    How do I get Amazon Appstore so I can purchase Wotja Pro 19?

    See the Install Amazon Appstore for Android.

    If you do not already have an account with Amazon you will need to set one up, but this is no different to what you would need to do to purchase via Google Play, either!

    Once you have the Amazon App Store installed, just purchase Wotja Pro 19 from the store. Once downloaded and installed you then just load the app from its icon, like any other installed Android app (you do not have to first load the Amazon Appstore).

    How do I restore a purchase made on the Amazon Appstore?

    This is what you do:

    1. Open the Amazon Appstore on your device
    2. Tap the menu button
    3. Select "MY APPS" from the menu list
    4. Tap "ALL" in the upper right side (below the search bar)
    5. Locate your App and click “Install"

    I am using Wotja and get message "Internal Service Failure"?

    This is not a Wotja issue. Do a web search for "amazon android internal service failure". You should find a number of solutions to try and it seems that you need to de-register and re-register the device. You might even need to re-install the Amazon Appstore app :(.

    I have installed the Amazon App store and Wotja seems to download OK but does not install?

    We have tested Wotja App download and installation via the Amazon Appstore and know that it works fine.

    If you are having issues that you can download the Wotja app via the Amazon Appstore but it just does not seem to install then we believe it might be related to the Android setting 'Enable Unknown Sources' - Amazon mention this setting on their Amazon Appstore app download page. See: https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&docId=1000851343. Tip: Of course once you have sucessfully installed Wotja you might want to revert the setting back to "Disabled".

    As every Android device seems a little different you might also find it helps to do a web search for something like "Amazon App store apps not installing" and check what results you get back.

    Can I copy audio (e.g. WAV), MIDI or other files to my Android Device for use in Wotja?

    Yes! Put them in the Wotja folder. See the Wotja Folder for Android below.

    Wotja Folder

    If you are using different versions/variants of Wotja (mobile/desktop) and you want to have e.g. mix files play consistently then we recommend putting your User Content (e.g. mix files, ZIPs, SF2 etc.) in the Wotja Folder, as below. Its location depends whether you are or are not using iCloud.

    The Wotja folder is a flat folder and requires that *all content* (with the specific exception of zipped content, see below) must be at the top level of that folder or it will not be found i.e. content must not be put in a subdirectory under it.

    Zips are the exception: To help keep content organised Wotja can find zipped content in a 'zips' folder under the relevant Wotja Folder.

    Tip: If you are using a Retired App (e.g. Noatikl, Mixtikl or Liptikl) then instead see the Intermorphic Folder.

    Tip: You can easily find the Wotja Folder when using Wotja Desktop; from the Main Menu select Options > Show Wotja data folder.

    See also: "What should I backup?"

    Wotja Folder for iOS/macOS:

    • When using Wotja with iCloud enabled (recommended) the Wotja Folder is located as follows:
    • When using Wotja without iCloud enabled the Wotja Folder is located as follows:
      • IMPORTANT: If using iCloud, Wotja will not look for files in this folder
      • iOS: Wotja saves files to the device itself; see Apple's docs on iTunes Apps File Sharing for details on how to copy files (e.g. App Files and Other Content) from iOS to/from Mac/PC and vice-versa.
      • Mac: ~/Music/Intermorphic/

    Wotja Folder for Windows:

    Note: Wotja for Windows does not use the iCloud folder.

    • \Users\your-user-account\Documents\Wotja\

    Wotja Folder for Android:

    Note: Wotja for Android does not use the iCloud folder.

    • <storage>/Wotja/
      • Depending on whether you installed Wotja to internal or external storage (and allowing installation of apps on external storage e.g. SD Card is a device setting), this is a folder that is at the top level of that storage.


    The free Pak AL Collections 1-3 zip file would be placed in the relevant Wotja Folder as below.

    • iOS/macOS (iCloud): https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/ and Wotja folder or Mac: ~/iCloud Drive/Wotja/
    • ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
    • iOS/macOS (no iCloud): ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
    • Windows: \Users\your-user-account\Documents\Wotja\IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip
    • Android: <storage>/Wotja/IMTPALLoopEssentials1.zip

    How do I use Wotja MIDI Out/In on Android?

    Refer also to the MIDI Out and MIDI In sections of the Wotja User Guide.

    Note: 'Free Mode' will send/receive MIDI only on Channel 1; if you want to send/receive on multiple MIDI channels then you will need to get the Pro version of Wotja (see Wotja Downloads).

    • On Android devices we refer to Wotja MIDI Out as an experimental feature because we require it to be supported in the OS AND by the device manufacturer, but this is not always the case. We expect that most devices running Android 8+ should support MIDI Out in the OS, but some devices using Android 6+ may also support MIDI Out (e.g. some Samsung / Google devices). There seems to be no public list of such MIDI enabled Android devices but you can at least check that it works on your device in the free version of Wotja.
    • When it is supported it will let you control external MIDI devices via a suitable USB MIDI Interface (e.g. Roland UM-One mk2). If you just want to make MIDI file recordings on Android, see this FAQ.
    • Getting it working:
      • BEFORE loading Wotja, plug into your Android device your USB MIDI Interface (e.g. Roland UM-One mk2; we know this works as we have tried it); you will likely also need a Micro USB Male to USB Female OTG Adapter cable to be able do that.
      • Load the Wotja app, go into Wotja Settings, find the MIDI Output section and tap the "Output Devices" selector.
      • In the MIDI Output Devices screen that then displays, you should see your MIDI Interface in the MIDI Output Device List (e.g. Roland UM-ONE).
      • Tap the checkbox to the left to select it (you will see the checkbox show a green dot).
      • Create or load a Wotja mix and start it playing; you should see your MIDI Interface show that it is receiving MIDI notes.
      • You should then be all set!