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The Year Gone...
23rd December 2015 by Tim Cole
The Year Gone, Wotja 3 and The Year Ahead
First things first... thank you!
At the close of 2015 the first and most important thing for us to say is a big thank you and shout-out to our fans - all of you that stayed with us, bought our apps and continued to use the creativity tools that we build.
We may only be a core 2 man team, and we can only go so fast, but what keeps us going is knowing that you are out there and using what we build - and we never forget we build our tools and apps for you.
So, thank you again for your support, kindness, reviews, feedback and interest. It means more to us than you will ever know!
It was a busy one
A lot happened at Intermorphic over the last year. We had our 25th year anniversary of working in generative music and spent much of it working on major improvements that made their way into Noatikl 3 and Mixtikl 7.
To top it all off, at the end of the year we released Wotja 3, a major update that, as well as continuing to be a reflective music system, saw it become a generative music publishing system in its own right.
Wotja 3
It is early days yet for Wotja which continues to be a Reflective Music System. Anyone can create and share a Wotja URL or File that uses its included Players and Backing to create the music.
This year we enhanced the underlying PSE (Partikl Sound Engine) to greatly improve the quality and range of sounds it could generate. In addition, we also added the facility to Import/Export Noatikl files as Custom Content. This was a "big thing" as it now means Wotja is much more - it is also now a Generative Music Publishing system.
Why did we add support for Import/Export of Noatikl files as Custom Content?
We did this so that for those of you that are skilled at creating generative music with Noatikl (and for that matter, Mixtikl, too) and that might want others to hear what you make, and to hear it live and without first having to pay for a tool, you now have a route to do that via easy-to-use Wotja 3 and Wotja FREE 3.
Community and Artform
We know it won't happen overnight, but a key aspect of the what we are trying to facilitate is the growth of a community of reflective and generative music artists, artisans and interested parties who can take to new heights a shareable interactive creative artform which can be made by anyone - and all without coding. Or, as we call it, personal artistic creative expression ("peace").
We hope the community can, from our materials and from each other, learn to make and share clever things such complex Partikl Sound Engine (PSE) networks and advanced Noatikl Music Engine (NME) compositions etc. This is all made possible because the Player or Backing in a wotja can be exported for further study and editing in Noatikl 3 or Mixtikl 7.
Custom Content - How to use it
Simply import your Noatikl file into Wotja as a Custom Backing, set the Player to "None" (unless you want a Text to Music tune to play as well) and then share it as a Wotja URL or File that can be played, for free, in Wotja FREE 3. Under the hood both Wotja and Wotja FREE include the same powerful Noatikl Music Engine (NME) and Partikl Sound Engine (PSE) that are in Noatikl 3 and Mixtikl 7, so your content will play just fine.
Generative Music Publishing System
So, there you have it, Wotja is a generative music publishing system! It make take a while for the ramifications of this to sink in, and, for that matter, what Wotja is actually really about, but that will become clearer over time as we move the product forward and add more pieces of the puzzle.
Yes, of course you could make and share recordings of your wotja (and why not), but that is not the same thing. And, besides, a recording is not live, not as much fun, not re-editable and so not participative or interactive. :). And, we believe that as the community of creators and sharers grows over time, and as we develop Wotja further, it will get more and more fun to be part of it.
Noatikl / Mixtikl users - time to get sharing!
Why not see what you can do and publish/share some of your own wotjas? It is easy and fun to express yourself! Why not start by experimenting with standard wotjas and then move up to creating your own Custom ones.
The Year Ahead
It goes without saying that we will continue to push back boundaries in 2016, as we have tried to do every year of the last 25. :)
Although we already have lot planned for next year, we don't want to give away too much on what we have up our sleeve and also because things can change. But, one thing we can say, however, is that we will be building a version of Wotja for Desktop. Yay!
We hope you stay with us and get as much use and fun from our apps as we have in building them for you. Thank you again for your support this year.
Season's Greetings and Happy New Year!
Tim and Pete
NB: Special thanks from us to long time collaborators Mark Harrop and Timothy Didymus who have helped us a lot this year.
P.S. We hope to be taking things a bit easier from now until the New Year, so if you need a response on anything then allow that it might take a bit longer than usual.