Guide  3.3.6 - 10 Mar 17

Noatikl User Guide

Guide  3.3.6 - 10 Mar 17|

Generative Music Composer

Noatikl has now GONE : it's evolved to the even more powerful  Wotja

Noatikl (pronounced "noh – tickle") is a very powerful generative (MIDI) music creativity application. It is the evolution of the SSEYO Koan Generative Music System.

Noatikl generates its MIDI notes and MIDI controller events via the integrated Noatikl (MIDI) Music Engine (NME). This MIDI data can be used to drive 3rd party external MIDI software or hardware, such as synths, FX units and samplers, that you connect to Noatikl, or the integrated (but optional to use) Partikl Sound Engine (PSE), a powerful, advanced and modular synth + live FX network.

Don't forget to check out the 2 Minute Videos!

Noatikl is available for both Desktop (Windows/Mac macOS) and Mobile (iOS). Those using Desktop Audio software generally have a preferred workflow, using either a DAW with Plugins, or using and connecting a number of Standalone apps. So that you can use Noatikl Desktop in the way you prefer, there are 2 versions - Noatikl Desktop Standalone and the Noatikl Desktop Audio Plugins (VSTi/Aui). The Desktop versions (only) also have extensive built-in scripting features which allow them to be used as a customisable hyperinstruments.

This guide details the various Noatikl app interface elements and what they do, as well as other kinds of application specific things such as installation, connecting to external MIDI sources etc. When it comes to defining how the music and sounds are generated, however, we direct you instead to the NME Guide and PSE Guide which cover all relevant objects, parameters and settings available.

Quick overview on the NME and how it works

The NME utilises a range of generative / aleatoric / stochastic / algorithmic music techniques and parameters and creates MIDI notes and MIDI controller events through the interaction of 4 different kinds of NME Objects: Voice (with 6 Voice Types), Rule (Scale, Harmony, Rhythm & Next Note), Piece and File. There can be multiple instances of the first two objects in a "piece" and there are a large number of Voice Object parameters to affect and direct the composition.

Rather than being a traditional composer or instrumentalist, with the Noatikl app you are conductor, director, curator or gardener. You set up the rules and settings that let it generate a composition for you, in real time, in all its detail. Random events in combination with a powerful set of musical rules are used to create a stream of music that is ever-changing and continually fresh, but which is entirely in accordance to your personal artistic choices and musical direction. How you interpret what you hear is filtered through your own internal knowledge of music. This combination of chance and logic is what allows the music to stay fresh, interesting and unpredictable.

Install & Launch

Noatikl Mobile

Noatikl Mobile for iOS is installed via the iTunes App Store as part of the download process.

Noatikl Desktop user - which variant should you use?

Use this where:

  • You have a sequencer which does not support per-channel routing of MIDI data output by a Noatikl Plug-in variant; or
  • There is no Noatikl plugin variant for your sequencer (e.g. ProTools.); or
  • You want to create self contained noatikl pieces that use the IM synth


  • Mac - available at the Mac App Store
  • Windows - available as a 30 day trial from the Intermorphic web store

Noatikl Desktop Standalone runs as a tool on its own, but you can also use it to generate and send MIDI events to a MIDI output device or virtual MIDI port. You can use it in this manner with any Windows (e.g. Sonar, Reaper, Cubase etc.) or Mac (Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools etc.) MIDI sequencer (also referred to as a DAW or Digital Audio Workstation) or standalone software synth or sampler.

We have created tutorials and template projects to "get you started"for some of the popular sequencers. Download the file below, extract the contents to the appropriate place on your computer, and then follow the appropriate tutorial to see how the template project works:

Use this where:

  • You have a sequencer (such as Sonar, Logic or Cubase) which supports per-channel routing of MIDI data output by a Noatikl Audio Plug-in variant; or
  • You can set up your sequencer to use a Noatikl Audio Plugin to control multiple synths, all from one instance of Noatikl (depending on how your sequencer works note timing accuracy might be dependent of the setting for the Noatikl timer resolutions). See Cubase VSTi video tutorial or Sonar VSTi video tutorial for examples.
  • NEW for Noatikl 3.3.3+: You require multiple Concurrent Instances (beyond the 2 supported as default), and/or want to use it in a Playlist mode, and/or to extend the Music End Time (the default is 32,000 seconds) and/or you require a licence to use the Noatikl Desktop Plugin for a period of Commercial Use. Contact Intermorphic and subject to payment of the required fee we will generate and provide you with the relevant Noatikl Plugin Extension key.


  • Windows - Free for Noatikl 3 Intermorphic Webstore customers
  • Mac - Free for Noatikl 3 Mac App Store customers

If you're just using Noatikl to render audio using Noatikl's built-in PSE modular synth, then there are no special requirements for configuring a Noatikl Audio Plug-in variant to work within your DAW. Noatikl will "just work".

However, if you want to process MIDI event data from a Noatikl Audio Plug-in variant, then you are likely to have some configuration work to do first.

Challenge number one: Noatikl emits data for more than one MIDI channel

The most fundamental challenge with the Audio Plug-in variants of Noatikl, is that Noatikl is quite unique in the music world; in that it generates MIDI data across more than one MIDI channel. Why does this make things difficult? Well, most MIDI Plug-ins are designed to deal with single channels of MIDI data, such as echo or delay FX; or even to generate simple sequences that target a single MIDI channel (such as standalone bass lines or drum riffs).

However, if you were to assign a Noatikl Audio Plug-in variant to a MIDI track in your sequencer, you would find that you could attach that MIDI track to render through only one soft synth (such as a VSTi synth). This is not good ... as what you really want to do is render each channel of data generated by Noatikl through a different synth! Some sequencers are not able to split output from MIDI Plug-ins attached to a MIDI track, on a per-MIDI channel basis, to target different synthesizers with data from different MIDI channels generated by Noatikl!

That said, many sequencers do work well with the Noatikl VSTi; Reaper, Sonar and Cubase being examples.

Challenge number two: the wide variety of plug-in formats

There is a huge range of plug-in formats, each of which behaves differently on different platforms. Noatikl is a MIDI-based generative music engine, and therefore is designed to emit (and respond to) MIDI events. However, each sequencer requires a slightly different variant of plug-in!

If you wish to use Noatikl as a plug-in MIDI event generator, then which plug-in variant to use, depends on what tool you are using, and which platform you are running on (e.g. Mac macOS or Windows).

  • Reaper - Noatikl is deployed as a VST plug-in, as Reaper can route MIDI events generated from a VST plug-in into other VSTi synthesizers. Further info.
  • Logic / Garageband (for Mac) - Logic (which uses the Audio Unit Format, but which does not support VST plug-ins), simply doesn’t support MIDI event generation by any Audio Unit plug-in... but we have documented a way to work-around this this. So you have two options to consider, depending on how you like to work: either use the Noatikl standalone version or the Noatikl AU version.
  • Cakewalk Sonar - Noatikl can be deployed in Sonar (Sonar 6 and up) as the Noatikl VSTi. See the video tutorial and further info. The output from the Noatikl Audio Plug-in this is fed-in to your favourite synthesizer to render the MIDI events generated by Noatikl using the exact sounds you want. Note that there can be some timing problems inherent in using the Noatikl VSTi with Sonar; see here for more details about how to work-around these issues.
  • Cubase - Noatikl can be deployed in Cubase Windows as the Noatikl VSTi. See the video tutorial and further info. The output from this is fed-in to your favourite VSTi to render the MIDI events using the sounds you want.
  • Ableton Live - Noatikl is deployed as a VST Plug-in (Windows) or Audio Unit Plugin (macOS), see the video tutorial and further info.

Challenge number three: not all hosts are equal!

Just to add to the challenge, not all hosts handle VSTi plug-ins correctly, and they all have their own ideosyncratic behaviours. So you'll probably need to experiment to find the Noatikl variant that works best with your favourite host. If in doubt, the standalone Noatikl version can usually be configured to work well with your sequencer; though the flexibility of the plug-in approach makes it well worth the effort in giving a plug-in variant of Noatikl a try too!

Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone and Desktop Audio Plugins

Noatikl Desktop Standalone for Mac macOS is installed via the Mac App Store as part of the download process.

Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone / Desktop Audio Plugin for Windows are available for from the Intermorphic website as 30 day trial full versions, and are installed as below. See Enter the Product Key on how to unlock them after the trial period is up.

Installing Noatikl 3 Desktop Software Downloaded from IM Website:

  • Tip: You cannot install a 64-bit version on a 32-bit OS.
  • The zip files you can download are called or
  • Unzipping the relevant one for your OS will extract the file e.g. noatikl_win64_standalone_setup.exe or noatikl_win64_plugin_setup.exe
  • Run to install the 64-bit versions of :
    • noatikl.exe (standalone)
    • noatikl_VSTi_win.dll (VSTi plugin)
      c:\Program Files\VstPlugIns

      Important note: The Vst plugin is always installed to the \Program Files\VstPlugIns path shown above (and to the drive Windows is installed to), irrespective of the editable folder destination shown in the installer, e.g. “C:\Program Files\intermorphic\appname" where appname is the name of the Intermorphic app whose plugin you are installing. The editable destination affects *only* where the plugin uninstall files are put (e.g. unins000.dat and unins000.exe) so please leave it at the default setting.

  • If you want to use the Noatikl VSTi, you might need to tell your Sequencer program to scan the appropriate folder for the Noatikl VSTi, as above.

Configuring your Windows computer so that Noatikl can route its MIDI data

  1. Install and enable loopMIDI (or other similar virtual MIDI router)
  2. Proving loopMIDI works (e.g. in Cubase)
    • Create a MIDI project
    • On MIDI track 1 enter some notes with piano roll editor
    • Set "in:" to "Not Connected"
    • Set "out:" to one of the virtual MIDI ports.
    • On MIDI track 2 set "in:" to the same MIDI port.
    • Set "out:" to be your favourite VST Synth or sampler, e.g. "The Grand SE"
    • Press transport Play, and you should hear your MIDI events being rendered through a soft synth where your MIDI events have been routed from one track to the other through the virtual MIDI driver.

Sequencer-specific Plug-in notes

The Audio Unit plugin does not require a Product Key, but instead a Mac App Store purchased and installed version of Noatikl 3.

Garage Band 10 users: See the following - How do I use Audio Unit plugins?

  • The downloaded zip file is called
  • Unzipping it will extract the file noatikl_AU_mac.component
  • Copy or move this file to:
    • Admin password required:
      Hard Disk/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components 
    • Or (where tilde [~] in the pathname is a shortcut for your user account name):

Configuring your Mac so that Noatikl can route its MIDI data

Use the following steps, which are also shown in one of the video tutorials:

  1. Enable your IAC driver
    • Click on the blue magnifying class (spotlight) icon on the top right of your Mac screen
    • Type "audio midi setup"
    • Click on the Audio MIDI Setup entry you will see listed under applications. This will run the audio midi setup application. Note: more advanced Mac users could use Finder to run this application directly, you will find it under Applications / Utilities Audio MIDI Setup
    • Click on MIDI Devices tab
    • Click on IAC Driver
    • Click on Show Info icon
    • Ensure that "Device is online" is ticked, and press Apply
  2. We strongly recommend that you download and use the excellent MidiPipe by SubtleSoft, which you can get from ... a very useful piece of software, which most of our Mac tutorials rely on! Please also refer to the Noatikl video tutorial - "creating your first piece on Mac" which will get you going with MidiPipe in 1 minute.

Sequencer-specific Plug-in notes

Launching Noatikl 3

  • iPhone / iPad / iPod touch:
    • Tap the Noatikl 3 app icon in the App screen.
  • Desktop PC or Mac:
    • on Windows PC, select
      Start > Programs > Intermorphic > Noatikl
    • on Mac run
      Finder > Applications > Noatikl

Once launched, the load screen will display for a few seconds as Noatikl loads up and show status updates such as "Loading skin" "version number " and "Loading content". Once Noatikl has loaded the load screen will disappear.

Windows Product Key

Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone & Desktop Audio Plugin (VSTi) for Windows are made available via our website as 30 day trial versions. To continue to use the Desktop Standalone version after the 30 day evaluation period requires that you purchase the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence from the Intermorphic webstore. The Desktop Audio Plugin is provided "As Is" and is free to use once you have purchased the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence. Following your purchase you will be sent an Order Confirmation email that contains your Order ID, Customer ID (the email you used for purchase) and Product Key, or in some cases just a Product Key.

Noatikl 3: The Product Key for the Noatikl Desktop Standalone version and Noatikl Desktop Audio Plugin are both the same. However, you must still enter your Product Key into each product to unlock it.

Noatikl 2: This had separate (different) Product Keys for the Standalone and Plugin versions, and each was sold separately. To use the Standalone version requires the Standalone Product Key and vice-versa.

To enter your Desktop Audio Plugin product key, launch the Plugin from your Windows Desktop Audio Workstation (DAW) or Sequencer that is a VST host (e.g. Sonar, Reaper, Ableton, Cubase etc) and then follow the instructions below.

As you are entering your Product Key into a plugin on a Windows PC, then you might need to ensure that you are running the host software (e.g. Reaper 3) "as Administrator" in order to get the product key to stick.

Entering the Product Key

  • Open your Order Confirmation email.
  • Launch Noatikl
    • Noatikl Desktop Standalone is launched as you would launch any standalone software.
    • Noatikl Desktop Audio Plugin must be launched via the VST host you are using it in.
  • From the Noatikl / Noatikl Plugin Main Menu select Help > Noatikl Product Key.
  • A dialog box will pop up, and you should copy the relevant information from your Order Confirmation email (i.e. Customer ID, Order ID and Product Key or where only Product Key is provided, then just that) and paste into the relevant fields. All information must be the same as that in your Order Confirmation email and please ensure there is no space in front of or after the Product Key in the Product Key field (which can happen when you paste it in). If you have problems, see this FAQ entry.
  • See also the Noatikl Plug-in for details on the Plug-in Extension Key (this is something different).

Copy Content In/Out (Backup)

This is right at the top of this guide because knowing how to transfer your files to/from devices to PCs is also key to backing up your creative work. That is very important and thus needs to be easy to find!

Prior to iCloud-supporting Wotja 4, Noatikl 3 and Mixtikl 7, the Intermorphic Folder is where we used to recommend putting your own content that you wanted to be used by our apps so that it could be consistently referenced in files created by them. This was important for a workflow that required using content in different versions of the apps (mobile/desktop) and between different apps - and you wanted that content to play consistently.

Now that iCloud use is commonplace for Wotja 4+, Noatikl 3 and Mixtikl 7 we strongly recommened using the iCloud / iCloud Drive folder instead. However, for the desktop versions you can still use it as a fallback if you wish.

Noatikl 2 and earlier; Mixtikl 6 and earlier:

Tip: In Mixtikl 7 / Noatikl 3, to use App Files or Other Content from an earlier version, simply first move it to the Intermorphic Folder (a *flat* folder).

The Desktop Noatikl and Mixtikl Apps look for Zip Files and Other Content, where used and referenced in an App File, in a specific folder. This allows such content to referenced/used in both mobile and desktop versions of those apps. We call this folder the "Intermorphic Folder". It is a *flat folder* (where tilde [~] or %HOMEPATH% in the pathname below is a shortcut for your user account name).

Mixtikl Note: The "User_Content" folder (Mixer > Mixer Cell > Content button, then ".." and scroll the list to see it at the bottom) is an alias for the "Intermorphic Folder", and is the fastest way to see the files located in it.

The "Intermorphic Folder" is found here:

  • ~/Music/Intermorphic/ (Mac)
  • %HOMEPATH%\Music\Intermorphic\ (Windows)
  • /Intermorphic/ (Android)
    • This is a folder that is at the top level of your *internal* storage card.
    • Note: Depending on your Android device this may also work with an external SD Card if Mixtikl is also installed to that card.
  • Tip: If you are not sure where to find the Intermorphic Folder, use an IM App as follows:
    • Mixtikl: Try saving a .mixtikl or .noatikl file and then take a look to see what folder it appears in.
    • Noatikl (Desktop): From the Menu select Tools > Show Folders > Noatikl Files
    • If you want to use Other Content from an earlier version of Mixtikl or Noatikl, or even your own content in IM Apps, simply move it to the above *flat* folder.
    • IMPORTANT: A flat folder means that *all content* must be at the top level of that folder. It must not be in a subdirectory under it or it will not be found. So, for example, the free Pak AL Collections 1-3 zip file would just go here, alongside any mix files you might have saved or indeed any other content e.g.: ~/Music/Intermorphic/
  • Tip for Mixtikl 7 / Noatikl 3: To keep things even tidier on Desktop, you can now create a ‘zips’ folder under the IM Folder above and simply copy your zip files to there, e.g.: ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/ Files are still saved to the Intermorphic Folder.

Important: iCloud-supporting Intermorphic Apps can use iCloud synching/backup for "App Files" only. "Other Content" must still be backed up/transfered in/out via the "Intermorphic Folder" below. Refer also to the Backup section at the end.

See the relevant sections below for details on what can be copied, e.g. "App Files" and "Other Content", what IM Apps support iCloud and other useful information and links.

iOS <-> Mac / Windows PC:

Noatikl 2.3+ and Mixtikl 6+ (mobile and desktop versions)

  • See Apple's latest docs on iTunes Apps File Sharing for details on how to copy files (e.g. App Files and Other Content) from iOS to/from Mac/PC and vice-versa.
  • Important iCloud Note: On first start up of an iCloud-supporting iOS apps any App Files that are here will be moved to iCloud (if "iCloud" is selected in the pop up, rather than "Local Storage"). After that, no App Files are saved here and App Files that are copied here will NOT appear in the relevant App's Files screen.
  • Important note for App Files that reference Other Content: So that IM App versions (e.g. mobile, desktop) know where to look for them, when copying Other Content (see below. e.g. WAV files) from your device to your Mac/PC ensure you always put them in the Intermorphic Folder.
  • Tip: You may need to restart the IM App for it to be able to find any new content copied in.
  • Tip: You can also email yourself mixes and recordings, and then import from those, but that is something that has to be done one file at a time.
  • Other Content is shown in the root directory in the right hand side list. Ignore folders called "CompatibleAppsCache" and "intermorphic".
  • Mixtikl Tip: The "User_Content" folder (Mixer > Mixer Cell > Content List, then ".." and scroll the list to see it at the bottom) is an alias for the "Intermorphic Folder", and is the fastest way to see the files located in it (e.g. WAV files).
  • Mixtikl Tip: When WAV files are not in a correctly formatted Pak they will not be pitch shifted or time stretched if you change the mix root or tempo.
  • See the following links for information related to Noatikl 2.3 (or earlier) Desktop (macOS/Windows) or Mixtikl 5 Desktop (macOS/Windows).

Android <-> Mac / Windows PC:

Mixtikl 6+ (mobile and desktop versions)

  • Connect your Android device to your PC or Mac. It will appear in Explorer or Finder as a USB device.
  • With Explorer or Finder, on your device look for the Intermorphic Folder (see below, a top level folder called "Intermorphic" (i.e. NOT /Music/Intermorphic/) on the *internal* storage card of your device).
    • Note: Depending on your Android device this may also be on an external SD Card if Mixtikl is also installed to that card.
  • Copy your App Files and Other Content (see below. e.g. WAV files) to/from this Intermorphic Folder.
  • The "User_Content" folder (Mixer > Mixer Cell > Content List, then ".." and scroll the list to see it at the bottom) is an alias for the "Intermorphic Folder", and is the fastest way to see the files located in it (e.g. WAV files).
  • Important note for App Files that reference Other Content: So that IM App versions (e.g. mobile, desktop) know where to look for them, when copying Other Content (see below. e.g. WAV files) from your device to your Mac/PC ensure you always put them in the Intermorphic Folder (see below).
  • Tip: When WAV files are not in a correctly formatted Pak they will not be pitch shifted or time stretched if you change the mix root or tempo.
  • Tip: You may need to restart Mixtikl for it to be able to find any new content copied in.
  • Tip: When WAV files are not in a correctly formatted Pak they will not be pitch shifted or time stretched if you change the mix root or tempo.
  • Tip: It is easiest to delete files on your Android device using Explorer or Finder but you can also delete them using Menu > Tidy.
  • See the following link for information related to Mixtikl 5 (Android).

App Files:

These are saved by the relevant app with a filename corresponding to that of the app.

When you use iCloud in an iCloud-supporting app these files are all saved to iCloud (see the iCloud FAQ).

  • .noatikl, .mixtikl, .liptikl, .wotja

Other Content:

These are additional files that can be used by an IM app, including being referenced in App Files, and files that can be exported/utilised by an IM App. They are not saved to iCloud and they must be backed up separately.

Files that are exported/utilised by the app are stored locally in the Intermorphic Folder (see below).

It is strongly recommended that files that are referenced by your App Files should be put in the Intermorphic Folder (see below).

  • Noatikl [NT2.5+]

    • Exported/Utilised: .fxm, .tg
    • Referenced: .Zip (Tiklpak/Pak), .SF2, .DLS
  • Mixtikl [MT6+]
    • Exported/Utilised: .WAV, .MIDI, .fxm, .tg
    • Referenced: .Zip (Tiklpak/Pak), .WAV, .Ogg, .SF2, .MIDI, .DLS

iCloud-supporting IM Apps:

  • Noatikl 3.1+ macOS, Noatikl 3.1+ iOS
  • Liptikl 2+ macOS, Liptikl 2+ iOS
  • Wotja 3.2+ iOS
  • Mixtikl 7.1+ iOS

iCloud Drive Folder (Mac):

Noatikl 3.1+ and Liptikl 2+ (macOS)

Our iCloud-supporting Desktop Apps for Mac allow App Files to be saved to and opened from the iCloud Drive folder (see the iCloud FAQ). The folder on Mac macOS is found here:

  • ~/iCloud Drive/Noatikl/ (Mac)
  • ~/iCloud Drive/Liptikl/ (Mac)

Soundfonts (SF2) for IM Apps - where to put them:

You may want to use your own SF2/DLS (“SF2”) in mixes or pieces (“Pieces”) that can play in both Mobile and Desktop IM Apps.

  • If you put and use your SF2 at the top level of the Intermorphic Folder (see above), any Pieces in any App will find them just fine (tip: so that the App can find a SF2 after you have added it, always restart the App).
  • Alternatively, if you have a lot of SF2 and you just want to keep things tidy under the Intermorphic Folder, then, if, all the sf2 are in a flat folder you can just zip the SF2 files and then put that zip file there.
  • Tip for NT3+/MT7+: To keep things even tidier on Desktop, you can now create a ‘zips’ folder under the Intermorphic Folder above and simply copy your SF2 zip files to there, e.g.: ~/Music/Intermorphic/zips/

In any event, make sure you put the SF2 or zip file(s) there before you reference them in your Pieces!

Note: You select the SF2 you wish your Synth Network to use via the PSE Wavetable Unit. The Wavetable Unit SF2 list is alphabetically sorted first on folder names (if present in a zip, see "Zipping with Folders" below) and then on SF2 names.

Zipping with Folders (optional)

We appreciate you may have lots of SF2 you might want to use, or even collections of them and you want to keep things tidy and structured on your PC or even in the Wavetable SF2 list.

You might wish to zip with folders if:

  • you want to have control over the order in which SF2 display in the Wavetable Unit SF2 list (i.e. you might want to easily see all ‘synths’ in one block); or
  • you want to retain the structure of the SF2 grouping (perhaps you have licenced a collections or set from a 3rd party and it is already set out like that)

Say you have the following collection of SF2 files that you want to use in an App (and want to show up in the Wavetable Unit SF2 list like this, too):


To retain that structure you must zip the above directory *such that it keeps the entire folder paths*. You can give this zip any name, maybe something like “”

In macOS you can create this zip by right clicking the "mySF2Collection1" folder and selecting “Compress 'mySF2Collection1'”. Alternatively, in Terminal, navigate to the folder above this folder and type:

zip -r mySF2Collection1

You can check that the zip has the files you expect in it by typing in terminal:

unzip -t

Now, put this zip file *at the top level* of the Intermorphic Folder, restart the App and then create and save Pieces that reference these SF2. If you then move those Pieces between Apps, they should still play just fine (provided you have copied that zip file in of course!).

Backing up:

Note: Using iCloud as your App File backup mechanism is very convenient. It also keeps them in sync across devices and so makes it easy to work with those files in the iOS version of that app.

  • App Files on Mobile Device:
    • If you are using iCloud then we still recommend you occasionally back up your "App Files" that are in the "iCloud Drive" folder. Reason?: Just in case!
    • If you are NOT using iCloud for your App Files (meaning they will be stored locally on your device) we strongly recommend you regularly back them up to an "Intermorphic Folder" on that Mac/Windows PC. You should certainly do this BEFORE you remove an IM App from your device as the process of removal also removes ALL of the Apps' locally stored files.
  • Other Content on Mobile Device: If you have a Mac/Windows PC we strongly recommend you use it to regularly and separately back up your "Other Content" to an "Intermorphic Folder" on that Mac/Windows PC. You should certainly do this BEFORE you remove an IM App from your device as the process of removal also removes ALL of the Apps' locally stored files.
  • iOS specific note: Although making an iTunes backup of your device will back up all your installed apps AND their locally stored data (see:, if you remove and then reinstall an app, its local DATA is not restored: the only way to get back that app's local data is to do a device restore from a backup (See: - but that also then OVERWRITES ALL device app data with whatever was in the backup. If you want or need to go that route, see this FAQ entry.

Remove Noatikl

Note: If you want to remove Noatikl so you can reinstall an older version, see the instructions here.

iPhone / iPad / iPod touch:

  • In the App screen tap and hold the Noatikl application icon, and then press the jiggling black cross in the left corner of it.


  • Select the corresponding Uninstall item
    Start > Programs > Intermorphic > Noatikl >


  • With Finder, locate the following folders:
    1. Hard Disk/Applications
      • Drag Noatikl to the Trash
    2. Hard Disk/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components
      • Drag noatikl_AU_mac.component to the Trash

Quick Start

The following short text tutorials are to get you started fast, doing some very basic things with minimum fuss. The principles are the same for both Noatikl Desktop and Noatikl Mobile (even if slightly different).

Noatikl is a very deep app and quick tutorials are no substitute for further investigation - they are just to get you started! To that end, in most steps we link to further information where you can go on to read and learn more about various screens and what they are for.

  1. Launch Noatikl
  2. Open a piece:
    • Mobile: From the Files Screen tap on a file to load it and the piece will open in Design View.
      • When installed, Noatikl 3 iOS should come with some demo pieces pre-installed; If these files are for some reason not there then if you have access to a desktop computer and iCloud Drive you can download a zip of them from here and then just unzip that in the iCloud Drive folder.
    • Desktop:
      • Menu > File > Open and the select a file.
      • When installed, Noatikl 3 should add some demo pieces to the Intermorphic Folder : Mac macOS ~/Music/Intermorphic/ and Windows: %HOMEPATH%\Music\Intermorphic. If these files are not there you can download a zip of them from here and then just unzip that in the Intermorphic Folder or iCloud Drive folder.
      • Mac OS Tip: Were you to already have pieces saved locally and you use iCloud, then Noatikl 3 will likely save these to the iCloud Drive folder.
  3. Play the piece:
    • Mobile: Tap the Play/Stop toggle button in the bottom toolbar
    • Desktop: Tap the Play/Stop toggle button in the top toolbar
  4. Add a Template Voice:
    • Mobile:
      • Tap the + button in the bottom toolbar (next to Play/Stop toggle).
      • In the pop up list, tap any Pak on the left of the list (e.g. "IM3_Drones") and on the right tap a content item (e.g. "Choral lowfi"), which also previews that item (or select Pak "Noatikl Seed" if you want to add a new default Voice of one of the 5 Voice Types).
      • Tap the top right Merge item and press OK to add it to the existing piece.
    • Desktop:
      • Select any parameter of a Voice you want to add a new Voice AFTER.
      • Select Menu > File > New to see the list of Templates available (or select Menu > Edit > Add Voice to add a new default Voice)
      • Tap a content item in the Template list which also previews that item, and then tap the Merge button to add it to the existing piece.
  5. Save your piece:
    • Mobile: Tap top left Menu icon and you will see the Files Button Popup where you can decided what to do next on the way back to the Files Screen. In the Files Screen, tap on the file name with "untitled" text in it and enter a name for the piece ("MyPiece"), and then press the OK button.
    • Desktop: Select Menu > File > Save, enter "MyPiece" in the Save As field and find the folder to save it to iCloud folder or the Intermorphic Folder or the iCloud Drive folder as preferred or appropriate to you.
  1. Launch Noatikl
  2. Create a Piece:
    • Mobile: From the Files Screen tap the Create New "+" icon. Tap Standard Templates Pak on the left, tap Simple File template on the right and then tap the top right New button and you will be returned to the Design View with a new piece based on that template. Press Play to hear it.
    • Desktop: Select Menu > File > New to show the template list and from Standard Templates select the Simple file template; press the New button at the top of the template list to be returned to the main screen with a piece based on that template. Press Play to hear it.
  3. Assign MIDI channel (optional, as MIDI channel 1 should already be assigned): Tap and hold the Voice on the left and drag to the MIDI channel 1 box to the right (as you drag all of the MIDI channel boxes will become visible).
  4. Change Wavetable SF2 sound: Tap the Synth box (to the right of the MIDI box) to launch the Partikl Network Editor and in that tap the purple box marked "1 Wavetable". In the left hand SF2/DLS drop box select IM Synths and in the right Patches drop box select "11-VoxA" and press the top left button twice in a row (Desktop: "OK"; Mobile: "MIDI 1 Synth", then "Design") to return to the Design Screen with your new sound.
  5. Change Track FX: The Track FX (if any) is applied to just the track. Tap the FX box (to the right of the Synth box) to launch the Partikl Network Editor and in that tap the Folder button (Desktop) or Action button, then Open (mobile) to open the FX preset list. Select "Chorus default" and press the top left "OK" button (Desktop) or "Design" button (Mobile) to return to the Design Screen with your new FX.
  6. Change Global FX: The Global FX (if any) is applied to the whole piece and it's operation is just like a track FX, above. Tap the Glob FX box (to the right of and above all the tracks) to launch the Partikl Network Editor and in that tap the top toolbar Folder button to open the FX preset list. Select "Reverb default". Exit this screen as above.
  7. Save your piece: Follow the instructions in the first tutorial and save to "MyPiece2"
  1. Launch Noatikl
  2. Open the piece "MyPiece2" you saved in Tutorial 2 and play it.
  3. Change track volume/pan:


    • Both: Tap the Track FX button and enter the "Amp" unit that you will see after the Chorus unit. Change the Level slider to suit (Tip: If you want to change the volume level for the whole piece, just go into the Global FX and add an Amp unit at the end by tapping to the right of the last FX unit and selecting Amplifier in the pop up list), or;
      • Mobile: Tap the bottom tab bar Blend icon to go to the Blend View, then drag the Voice icon around the screen to change its volume (up/down) and pan (left/right).
      • Desktop: In the left hand side Parameter Group display select the "Voice - User Env 1- Volume" parameter group. In the Envelope parameter control shown on the right, either draw on it with your mouse, or right click on it and select one of the options. Pan: Select the "Voice - User Env 1 - Pan" parameter instead and change the Envelope parameter control.
  4. Change track mute/solo:
    • Mobile: In the Blend View, tap on a Voice icon and from the pop up control select either Mute or Solo. Tip: You can also use the Mute or Solo button in the bottom toolbar.
    • Desktop: Check or uncheck the Mute parameter or, to solo just one Voice, select and hold the keyboard Control key when you select the Mute parameter.
  5. Change Voice pitch:
    • Mobile: Tap on a Voice icon and from the pop up control select Edit to enter the Voice View. Tap the left hand Basics group and then in the right of the screen scroll to find the Pitch parameter and use the slider or +/- control to change it. Tap the bottom Degin tab to return to the Design View.
    • Desktop: In the left hand side Parameter Group display select the "Voice - Basics" parameter group and then in the right hand side parameter grid change the value of the Pitch parameter using +/- control or just type a value in that parameter's grid cell.
  6. Export a piece:
    • Mobile: Tap top right "Action" icon and choose how you want to export it!
    • Desktop: Select Menu > File > Export and chose whether to "Export as mail" (a file attached to an Email) or "Export" which copies it to the clipboard.

Noatikl Desktop [DT]

Noatikl Desktop comes in Standalone and AudioPlugin (VSTi / AUi) versions. It is a deep product and it does take time to master - but it is worth the effort. This section will go though the main areas of the desktop interface so that you can become familiar with what does what and we will go on from there.

Note: do also check out Noatikl Mobile, which has the majority of the power of Noatikl Desktop.

Before you start ...

Ensure you have installed Noatikl Desktop and have it correctly setup for MIDI Out if you wish to use that. If you use Logic, also note the special instructions for Logic.

OK, let's get going!

When you first load Noatikl Desktop you see the following screen which gives you some quick pointers on what to do next:

Noatikl Start screen

Noatikl Start screen

Playing your first piece

Noatikl comes with several demo pieces for you to try out. In the Desktop versions these are installed to the "Intermorphic Folder". Once you have finished with them you can delete them if you want. If you want to get them back again, just download a zip of the demo pieces and unzip that in the Intermorphic Folder.

To load and play them, from the menu select File > Open. Once the piece has loaded, just press the Noatikl Play button and enjoy!

Noatikl Desktop Interface

Noatikl Desktop UI

The screenshot above was taken of Noatikl playing the "Demo - Cosmic" piece and it contains a number of generators (voices). This helps illustrate the different areas in the Desktop interface.

Control Bar

The top "Control" bar contains the Play/Stop button (press Play to hear Noatikl), as well as information on piece progress, and fast access to some key MIDI options (as these are very important for many Noatikl users).

Play and Stop
  • Noatikl Standalone Play

    The Play button starts you playing. You will only see this button for Noatikl standalone; for the plug-in variants of Noatikl, play/stop is controlled directly by your DAW's transport controls.

    Note: you might first want to set-up a MIDI device through which to render your music. See MIDI Routing or MIDI Output for more info on this.

    Note: if you have Sync? selected, then playback won't start making any sounds until the sequencer that you are listening to has the play button pressed on its own transport control. In this case, you must first press Play before Noatikl can respond to events from your sequencer's transport control.

  • Noatikl Standalone Stop

    The Stop button stops you playing. You will only see this button for Noatikl standalone; for the plug-in variants of Noatikl, play/stop is controlled directly by your DAW's transport controls.

  • Noatikl Plug-in Play and Stop

    Press the Play This File! checkbox to indicate which of your open documents is to be played in response to the Transport control in your DAW. Remember that Noatikl can have more than one document open at once, so this checkbox tells the DAW which of the open Noatikl files to play.

Progress indicators

When the piece is playing, you will see various interesting properties get displayed in the Playback group:

  • Tempo

    This shows the current Piece tempo. If you are using one of the Noatikl Plug-in variants, then this value will be the value that is forced by the sequencer host in which Noatikl is running.

  • Elapsed

    The elapsed time in Measures:Beats:Ticks format (MBT).Note that if you are using of of the Noatikl Plug-in variants, then this value might be up to a bar ahead of the value displayed by your sequencer's transport control; this is because Noatikl composes ahead according to a latency dictated by the behaviour of your host sequencer.

  • Percent

    The approximate elapsed Noatikl Piece position, relative to the Piece Duration.

MIDI Output

Whether or not you have "Partikl?" checked (which allows sounds and FX to be rendered via the PSE), you can optionally ask Noatikl to deliver MIDI event data from the Voices in your piece to a MIDI Output device.

If you are running within a sequencer which does not support MIDI routing from one VST to another then you must select any value other than "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" (otherwise your MIDI events will not generate any sound in the sequencer).

If you are using some other VST Host which allows MIDI data to be routed from one VST into another one (e.g. Reaper), then you may select any of the available options; though you are most likely to want to select the "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" option.

  • Standalone

    Mac: select an IAC port, and maybe use MidiPipe by SubtleSoft to render your audio data. Please refer to the Noatikl video tutorial - "creating your first piece on Mac" which will get you going in about 1 minute.

    Windows – use a MIDI output device; use MIDI Yoke or Maple if you want to route data from Noatikl to your DAW!

  • Plug-in

    In general, use the "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" option.

    • Audio Unit (AU)
      • See listed IAC Driver Bus 1 (this assumes you have configured the IAC as outlined above) and perhaps some other devices.
    • VST
      • Mac: See "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" followed by Mac - IAC Driver Bus 1
      • Windows: Use Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth or perhaps some other MIDI output devices such as MIDI Yoke channels.
MIDI Input

You can tell Noatikl to listen-out for incoming MIDI data on the specified port. Noatikl can use incoming MIDI information for various purposes, including synchronisation and as a hyper-instrument through Listening Voices.

  • Partikl?

    By default, the "Partikl?" checkbox is ticked. This means that Noatikl will play the MIDI events generated by the generative Voices, through the built-in PSE.

    • If you tick the "Partikl?" checkbox, and have no MIDI Output device specified, Noatikl will send data only to PSE.
    • If you tick the "Partikl?" checkbox, and set a MIDI Output device, Noatikl will send data simultaneously to both PSE and your MIDI Output device!
    • If you clear the "Partikl?" checkbox, Noatikl will only deliver its MIDI output to whatever MIDI Output device you have specified - in this case, make sure you have a MIDI Output device specified, or you won't hear anything!
  • Sync?

    You can use the Sync feature to allow Noatikl (when playing through an external MIDI device or port) to synchronise with audio playback in your favourite Sequencer. Once this checkbox is selected, then playback won't start making any sounds until the Sequencer that you are listening to has the play button pressed on its own transport control.

    Note: you will experience a degree of MIDI latency (i.e. all notes offset by a certain amount) and some small variation in the note playback timing (typically +/- 5 or 10ms). We are looking at ways to minimise this in later updates. If you record the Noatikl output to a MIDI file, then it is fairly easy to adjust for the latency and also quantise (if you want) the note timing.

    • Noatikl Standalone

      Check the "Sync?" checkbox and set your Noatikl MIDI input device to listen-out to the MIDI port to which you have told your Sequencer to send MIDI sync information.

      Press the Noatikl Play button.

      Noatikl will then start and stop playing automatically in response to your pressing the play and stop buttons in the Sequencer.

      For an example of setting this us see also this FAQ entry.

      • Note: Noatikl does not currently support "Resume", so if you press "stop" in your sequencer, then to restart Noatikl you will first need to rewind your sequencer head to the beginning before pressing "play".

    • Noatikl Plug-in

      Press the play / stop buttons in your transport control.

    • MIDI Sync using Logic:

      Using Logic Pro on the Mac, you can use MidiPipe by SubtleSoft to provide the "cabling" between Noatikl and Logic. Please refer to the Noatikl video tutorial - "creating your first piece on Mac" which will get you going in 1 minute. Set-up couldn't be easier.

      1. Set noatikl's in and out ports to MidiPipe, engage the Sync? option and hit play in noatikl.
      2. Open Logic, set the sync option to send midi clock to the MidiPipe port and that's it really. Once you've done that, the Logic transport controls work both Noatikl and Logic - hit play in Logic and Noatikl starts composing and feeding the tracks in Logic with midi data. What you do with it then is up to you. Control the tempo of the piece live in real-time from Logic's transport. Or, if you have them, you can use a hardware transport controller!
    • Note for Logic 8 Users:

      To use MIDI sync in Noatikl AU for Logic 8:

      1. Just connect-up IAC1 in the click and port layer... i.e. remove the SUM option... if you don't use the SUM input you need to connect input ports on a port by port basis. Needs good eyesight and a steady hand if you have a lot of ports.
      2. project MIDI sync settings to send to IAC port 2.
      3. noatil file: set output IAC1, output IAC 2, sync = checked.
      4. Should then work OK.
  • Listen?

    This is provided to protect against MIDI feedback, which can occur with some sequencers, notably Logic (which will by default present all data output to a port, as an input to all other ports).

    • If Listen? is ticked or if Noatikl is using the Plug-in internal sequencer pipeline, then:
      • MIDI events from the MIDI input will be passed-through to Noatikl
      • the MIDI Input trigger scripts will respond to MIDI input
      • listening voices will compose where appropriate
      • all note on/off events presented at the input will reach the output.
      • Noatikl will try to harmonize with incoming MIDI note data.
    • If Listen? is not selected and if Noatikl is not using the internal sequencer pipeline, then:
      • MIDI events from the MIDI input will not be passed-through to Noatikl
      • MIDI Input trigger scripts will not respond
      • Listening Voices will not compose
      • the only events that will be passed through to Noatikl will be MIDI Sync events
      • Noatikl will not try to harmonize with incoming MIDI note data.
    • Noatikl 1.5+, Logic and midi feedback
      • Noatikl V1.5+ listens to incoming MIDI data to allow you to create dynamic hyperinstruments. In order to use this feature in the standalone version of Noatikl, Logic users are advised to take the following steps to eliminate the risk of midi feedback.

Voice / Generator Network Editor

The central "Generator Network" editor / panel is where you marry voices (note generators) to MIDI channels, PSE synth sounds and FX. It shows a view of all NME Voices, together with cells showing the associated MIDI channel and any PSE Synth, Track FX and Global FX settings. Refer to the NME Guide for information on Voice and Piece parameters and the PSE Guide for information on Synth and FX parameters and Networks.

This panel lets you:

  • Drag Generators/Voices around for easy re-ordering (reflected in the Parameters area, below)
  • Drag Generator/Voice to MIDI Channel (or vice-versa) for easy MIDI channel mapping
  • Drag Generator/Voice to Generator/Voice for easy Follow/Repeat voice networks
  • Tap Synth/FX buttons to display the built-in PSE Synth/FX Network Editors

If you drag from a Voice box to a MIDI channel box that will tell the system that the Voice will play through the defined MIDI channel. If a new voice is added to a piece, the voice won't be assigned to a specific MIDI channel; if you haven't yet hooked-up a Voice to a MIDI channel, Noatikl will decide on a free MIDI channel to hook-up the Voice to when it starts playing.

  • Patch and MIDI Channel

    The Voice "Patch" parameter defines which MIDI Patch command to send for each MIDI channel - in general, you should only hook-up multiple Voices to the same MIDI channel if they all share the same Patch parameter.

  • MIDI Channel 10

    MIDI Channel 10 is reserved for the Drum instrument. Every voice with a Drum Patch, should generally be attached to MIDI Channel 10.

  • Synth

    If the "Partikl?" checkbox is checked, then MIDI events are routed for each channel through a PSE configuration defined by the associated Synth box, which by default will use the PSE's built-in MIDI Wavetable synth (using the Patch defined by the Voice's Patch parameter). If you want to use a custom sound, click the Synth button to invoke the Synth editor dialog.

  • Track FX

    The output from every Synth box can be passed through a custom PSE FX Network. If you want to use an FX, click the FX button to invoke the FX editor dialog!

  • Global FX

    The output from every PSE FX is added together and passed through a Global FX network. If you want to use a Global FX, click the "Glob FX" button to invoke the Global FX editor dialog. This dialog looks the same as for the Track FX dialog.

    By default, the dialog shows no FX units. You can alter the network to use a custom set of sound FX units in various configurations; or select from a list of built-in preset FX.

Object Type View

The left view lets you select which type of NME Objects you want to edit the parameters for in the Parameter panel below.

Object Type View

Object Type View

  • NME Voice Objects

    This is probably the most important Object Type in Noatikl. A Voice is a Noatikl object that represents a generator of Music data. For example, a Voice can be used to play a fixed musical pattern. Or, a voice can be used to create notes according to various musical rules. A Voice can also be used to emit MIDI controller information that is used to control your favourite sequencer. You must have at least one Voice in your Noatikl composition but you may have many more if you want. The basic behaviour of a Voice is defined by its Voice Type property. You may tell Noatikl that individual Voices use specific Scale Rules (other any other of the supported Rules).

  • NME Rule Objects

    Scale Rule, Harmony Rule, Next Note Rule and Rhythm Rule. These rules provide the settings that govern what notes are composed, and when. Each Voice object can use it own rules, as well the Piece Rules object (below).

  • NME Piece Objects

    There is always exactly one Piece object in your Noatikl composition. The Piece object manages various high-level properties of your composition. These include things like what musical rules to follow by default (where not overridden by individual Voices), the Tempo to follow, and various other global properties.

  • NME File Objects

    You can store certain basic bookkeeping information related to your file, such as the title of the composition and the author. The File object doesn't define any data that affects what you hear in your composition.

NME Parameters View

The bottom "Parameters" view contains a table where you can view and edit all of the NME Objects and Parameters that make-up your Noatikl composition. It gives you access access to all the editors for the group of objects and parameters you select in the left panel. In the above picture, the Voices are listed together with their basic parameter values. Voices will flash here to show that they are playing a note.

You can add Voices (or other musical objects) within the table, so that each row represents a different Voice, and each column represents a different attribute of that Voice. Use the menu items to add, delete and copy voices and other objects.

Creating your first piece with Noatikl Desktop

Open Noatikl, and then From the Noatikl menu, select File -> New.

This presents you with the Template list (first image below) containing a large selection of Noatikl templates from which you may base your new Noatikl composition.

Select the 'Simple file' item from the list of templates. This will present you with an empty piece (second image below). Then just press Play.

Template List

Template List

Empty Piece

Empty Piece

File Menu

Note: If you are Noatikl for macOS, Noatikl 3.1+ for iOS and also use iCloud, then you might find it best to put your files in your Mac's the iCloud Drive folder. You can open and save to that folder and it means you can easily sync your Noatikl files between macOS and iOS devices that share the same iCloud account. See the iCloud FAQ.

  • New

    Creates a new piece for editing; select the template that you want to use as the basis for your new piece, via the dialog that is presented to you. Which templates get listed, depends on which template packs you have got installed.

    • Merge...

      Browse for a Noatikl template file to merge into the currently open piece.

      From the list of templates, browse for a template that you want to merge-in to your current piece; Noatikl does the "right thing", pulling in all voices and rules from that template (it does *not* replace any rules, but will bring-in rules that do not currently exist in your piece); copies-in all voices and renames each voice if required to keep them unique. Try merging in one or more drum templates!

  • Open...

    Browse for a Noatikl or Partikl file to open.

  • Merge...

    Browse for a saved Noatikl piece to merge into the currently open piece.

    This is a similar operation merging in a Templates (see New > Merge above), except this will let your browse for a Noatikl file that you want to merge-in to your current piece. Try taking any piece, merging-in any other piece, and amaze yourself at what you hear.

  • Close

    Close the currently open piece.

  • Save

    Save your document as a Noatikl file with its current name in its current folder location.

    Note: Noatikl 2 supported both the .noatikl and .partikl file format. Noatikl 3 supports the .noatikl file format but can still open older .partikl format files.

  • Save As...

    Save your document as a Noatikl file with a new name or folder location.

    • Tip: Making/saving your own templates
      • To create a new Noatikl file which can be used as a template, perhaps one based on the Scale Rules template to which you have added some of your own rules added, simply save this file e.g. My_Scale Rules.noatikl and then zip that file e.g.My_Scale and place it in the Intermorphic Folder or zips sub-folder. You can then re-open this whenever you want, and know that it won't be overwritten.
  • Import

    Import a Noatikl document from the clipboard.

  • Import Merge...

    Import a Noatikl document from the clipboard and merge it into the currently open piece.

  • Export...

    Export your Noatikl file to the clipboard.

  • Export as Mail...

    Export your Noatikl file as an Email attachment.

  • Open Recent

    Open from a list of your recently accessed Noatikl files (not available in the Mac standalone version).

Edit menu

Use the Edit menu items to copy and paste object parameters. The menu items available under Edit are as follows:

  • Undo

    Where possible, Noatikl presents an Undo option.

  • Redo

    Where possible, Noatikl presents an Redo option.

  • Add Voice

    Adds-in a new default object of the currently viewed type.

  • Cut Voice

    Cuts the currently focused object.

  • Copy Voice

    Copies the currently focused object.

  • Copy Parameter

    Copies the currenly focused parameter.

  • Paste Voice

    Pastes in the most recently copied or cut object or parameter.

  • Delete Voice

    Deletes the currently focused object.

  • Default Parameter

    Restores the currently focused parameter to its default value.

  • Default Column

    Restores all parameters in the currently focused column to their defaults.

  • Default Row

    Restores all parameters in the currently focused row to their defaults.

Control menu

Use the Control menu items to play / stop tracks. The menu items available under Control are as follows:

  • Play / Stop

    Starts or stops the piece playing (you can also use the Ctrl+Spacebar shortcut).

  • Solo Voice

    Solos the selected voice.

  • Unmute All Voices

    Unmutes all voices.

  • Mute All Voices

    Mutes all voices.

Tools menu

Use the Tools menu items to access integrated helper utilities. The menu items currently available under Tools are as follows:

  • Noatikl Script Window

    Displays the Noatikl script window.

  • MIDI File Cooker (a file must be open)

    Launches a utility to capture (as fast they can be generated) a user configurable number of takes to sequentially numbered MIDI files. For MIDI file saving, see also Preferences.

    MIDI File Cooker

    MIDI File Cooker

    • Start/Stop

      Starts off/stops the "cooking" process (make sure you have a Noatikl file loaded, and have set the number of "Files to Create" and "Record MIDI files to folder" below).

    • Close

      Closes the dialog.

    • Files to Create

      Use the slider to select a number from 1-100 (or double click the number field to enter a number).

    • Recorded Files

      Tells you how many MIDI files have just been recorded.

    • Recorded

      Tells you the total size of the MIDI files that have just been cooked.

    • View

      Uuse this button to see the folder where the recordings are saved.

    Important note: when cooking a MIDI file, the tempo comes from the NME Piece Tempo parameters; not from any host sequencer.

  • Show Folders
    • Show Noatikl Files (Music -> Intermorphic)

      This is the folder under which Noatikl saves and opens all files, including your custom Synth and FX networks, unless you are using iCloud.

    • Noatikl MIDI Recordings

      Shows the folder where Noatikl saves MIDI recordings.

Options menu
  • Check for Updates when Noatikl starts (not available in the Mac Standalone version)
    • Select this to allow Noatikl check the Intermorphic website for a simple text file to let it know if there is an update available.
  • Reset Column Widths
    • Resets the column widths for every parameter, to their default values.
  • Output Devices
    • Select your Output audio device to be targeted by Noatikl's built-in PSE synth.
    • macOS Important Note: If you wish to play Noatikl via AirPlay, and that is supported by your Mac, you must set your Mac to play via an AirPlay Output device (Opt+Click on your Mac's system volume control) and then restart Noatikl and then select that AirPlay output in Output Devices.
Help menu
  • Online User Guide
  • Noatikl Forum
  • Online Licence
  • About Noatikl
    • macOS: see Noatikl 3 > About
  • Noatikl Product Key
    • Windows versions only
Preferences menu

Mac: Noatikl 3 > Preferences...

Windows: Options > Preferences...

Plug-ins: Options > Preferences...

Use the relevant Preferences menu item to define the key settings that the way that Noatikl works. These include settings for MIDI CC Events, and also to allow automatic MIDI recording of a live playback (see also Tools), as follows:

Preferences Menu

Preferences Menu

MIDI Events

  • Send all CC Events - If you clear this checkbox, the only MIDI CC events sent by Noatikl will be Bank Select (for patch selection), and those from Micro Controllers and User Envelopes. The reason for this is to (optionally) suppress most of the CC messages that Noatikl sends out as some synths don't seem to like them.

Automatic MIDI File Recording

  • Automatically record to MIDI files? - use this checkbox to enable automatic recording of Noatikl output to a MIDI file - select the tick box to enable this behaviour.
  • View - use this button to see the folder where the automatic MIDI file recordings are saved.
    • Note: You wouldn't want to set the auto-record toggle button if you were using Noatikl for an installation!
    • Note: when auto-capturing a recording through this preferences setting, where the tempo comes from depends on what configuration you are currently using:
      - Noatikl Plug-in: the tempo comes from the host
      - Noatikl Standalone synced to host:, the tempo comes from the host
      - Noatikl Standalone unsynced: Noatikl provides its own tempo from the from the NME Piece Tempo parameters


  • Show Noatikl 2 Content - Check this to display all the templates that were included in Noatikl 2 in the template list (see File > New).


Refer also to the Plug-in section.

  • Global Harmonization - "Global" Scale Rule will be shared - It can be very useful when using the Plug-in in a multi-instance configuration (i.e. more than one instance of the Plug-in is playing at the same time) to have all plug-in instances harmonise together, i.e. some form of co-dependent composition. This checkbox allows Scale and Harmony rules in the first piece that have the special name of "Global" AND that are used at the piece level to be used as the relevant rules in all other pieces being played. i.e. A piece level scale rule named "Global" in Plug-in instance 1 will then overide all other voice rules in all other pieces in all other playing instances. Note: When a piece restarts it may take a few seconds for the Global rule(s) to override its own rules.
  • Piece with Global Scale Rule forces Root - This checkbox forces the Root of the piece containing the Global Scale Rule to be the Root used by all instances.
  • Strict Global Harmonization - This checkbox forces each composing instance to harmonize against a number of previously composed notes, helping to ensure a harmonic coherency across instances.
  • Enable Playlist - This checkbox is greyed out unless you are using a Plug-in Extension Key that enables playlist operation. If you have loaded multiple Noatikl pieces into the plug-in (displayed as tabs), this checkbox allows random selection of the next piece once the current one has finished playing.

Plug-in [DT]

The Noatikl 3 Desktop Plug-in for Mac (AUi) and Noatikl 3 Desktop Plug-in for Windows (VSTi) are both free for Non-Commercial Use for those who have purchased and installed the respective Desktop Standalone versions from the Mac App Store or Intermorphic Web Store.

Under Non-Commercial Use we allow making recordings for Commercial Use, but for the avoidance of doubt we do not include live generation of music for Commercial Use.

The Noatikl Plug-ins can be downloaded from our website and are provided "As is". Just like the Desktop Standalone versions they have a Music End Time of 32,000 seconds (nearly 9 hours, and the maximum value of the Piece Length parameter). The Plug-ins support up to 2 concurrent instance operation in a 3rd party licenced DAW.

Once installed, Plug-in activation is as follow:

  • Windows version (30 day trial): From the Noatikl Plug-in UI in your DAW go Menu > Help > Noatikl Product Key and enter the Product Key you received on purchasing a licence for the Windows Desktop version.
  • macOS version: Activated by detecting an installation of one of the macOS Deskstop Standalone version. To check it is activated, from the Noatikl Plug-in UI in your DAW go Menu > Help > Check Noatikl Plug-in Activation.

See also the Noatikl Preferences menu which allows special modes of operation for the Plug-in(s).

The forgoing capabilities should be plenty for anyone wishing to make music with it in a non-commercial capacity. However, if you need to do more, it is possible to extend certain capabilities: see below.

Commercial and Extended Use

The Noatikl 3 Desktop Plug-in V3.3.3+ allowed extension of the Music End Time, additional concurrent instances and playlist capability. This was principally intended to support a range of Commercial uses and was through the provision of a separately paid for and specially generated Extension Key (both varying according to specific requirements). This facility is now no longer being offered by Intermorphic as we are transitioning to Wotja, which already includes playlist capability, and we are recommending MIDI output to control external synths and environments.

MIDI Routing [DT]

If you want to send MIDI output from Noatikl to a MIDI port or device, you will need to redirect the "MIDI Output" from Noatikl using a technique appropriate to your version of Noatikl.

If you are using a DAW/Sequencer, you must also assign one or more MIDI tracks to listen-out to the port to which you are directing your Noatikl output! Note that for quick testing of this approach on Windows, you have the option of directly targeting your built-in Windows wavetable synth.

You'll find a lot of information on how to configure the various variants of Noatikl in the Noatikl FAQ.

What Sequencers support direct sending of MIDI data from Noatikl, onwards to other Instrument Plug-ins?

Reaper for Mac and Windows:

  • Reaper supports pass-through of MIDI events generated from VSTis
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • (Desktop Standalone, macOS)
    • noatikl.exe (Desktop Standalone, Windows)
    • noatikl_AU_mac.component (Audio Plugin, macOS)
    • noatikl_VSTi_win.dll (Audio Plugin, Windows)

Reaper is very easy to use with the Noatikl VSTi or Noatikl Audio Unit!

Follow these instructions to get something playing in under two minutes!

  1. Run Reaper.
  2. New Project (it'll have started with a new project anyways).
  3. Track -> Insert New Track.
  4. Click the "FX" button in the silvery panel on the LHS side; that panel is basically the controller for the track, the FX is how you attach FX chains (VST/AU) to the track...
  5. Type noatikl in the filter list to make it easy to either the AU or VSTi version of Noatikl, and press OK.
  6. In Noatikl, File -> New -> Simple (or open a file you already have).
  7. In Reaper, press the play button

Logic / Logic Express / GarageBand for Mac

  • Logic and Garage Band both support Audio Units
  • You can also use Noatikl standalone with Logic
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • (Desktop Standalone, macOS)
    • noatikl_AU_mac.component (Audio Plugin, macOS)

To use Noatikl AU with Logic is very easy; simply download the template project zip and follow the video tutorial.

Cakewalk (e.g. Sonar, HomeStudio) for Windows:

  • There are some keyboard issues with Sonar 6...
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • noatikl.exe (Desktop Standalone, Windows)
    • noatikl_VSTi_win.dll (Audio Plugin, Windows)

Sonar works well with the Noatikl VSTi (albeit with some possible keyboard issues in older versions of Sonar)! There can also be some timing problems inherent in using the Noatikl VSTi with Sonar; see here for more details about how to work-around these issues.

The steps for using Noatikl VSTi under Sonar Home Studio (which is similar to Sonar Studio/Producer) are as follows (see also the video tutorial). These steps might also work (in slightly different form) with earlier versions of Sonar; let us know if you find out.

Configuring the Noatikl VSTi the first time, for use with Sonar

When you've first copied the Noatikl VSTi to your computer, be sure to scan for the VSTi. On my machine, this involves the following steps:

  • Select Tools -> Cakewalk Plug-in Manager from the Menu
  • In the VST Configuration section, click on the Options button. Add to the list of scan paths, the folder to which you copied the noatikl_VSTi_win.dll file (on my machine, this is C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase SE 3\Vstplugins, but could also be something like C:\Program Files\Vstplugins) .
  • Press the Scan VST Plug-ins button.
  • Noatikl VSTi_win should now appear in the VST Instruments (VSTi) Plug-in Category.

Using the Noatikl VSTI within your Sonar Project

  • Step 1: Add the Noatikl VSTi to your project
    • To add the Noatikl VSTi to your project, do not start by using the synth rack; it will crash Sonar.
    • Insert the Noatikl VSTi by right-clicking the FX bin of an audio track; select the Noatikl VSTi plug-in.
    • Load-up a Noatikl file (or create a new one) within noatikl. That will give you something to hear in a moment. Make sure you set the MIDI Channel parameter for each voice, so you can be sure which software synth you want to direct it to.
    • Next, open-up the Synth Rack (Views -> Synth Rack)
    • Right-click on the far-right pane of the Noatikl VSTi, and click on "Enable MIDI Output". This lets Sonar use the MIDI output data emitted from the VSTi by noatikl. If you forget this step, Noatikl will remain silent.
    • Close the Synth Rack.
  • Step 2: Add some Software Synths
    • Add as many software synths as you want to your Sonar Project; one for every distinct sound you want rendered by your Noatikl piece. Each software synth is on a separate audio track, of course.
  • Step 3. Prepare your MIDI tracks.
    • Create one MIDI track per Noatikl MIDI channel that you're interested in. For every such track:
      • You must make sure that Input Echo is turned-on! Note: you can see weird behaviour with Sonar, where changing one MIDI track's Input Echo status can reset the Input Echo status of another track (!); watch-out for this. The way to avoid this is first to select the Options -> Global -> General menu item, and ensure that the "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" item is not checked (the default behaviour is that this is checked, which is not what you want).
      • Select the MIDI Input as the appropriate Noatikl MIDI output (for example, noatikl_VSTi_in 1-> MIDI Ch.1). Set a separate Noatikl MIDI output channel for each MIDI track.
      • Set the output device as the appropriate software synth that you added earlier.
    • We have found that if you should set-up at least some MIDI data in at least one track (such as dummy MIDI controller events), otherwise the Noatikl data will be ignored! You probably also want to set a loop start and end point (presumably, choosing a loop size equal to or greater than your Noatikl Piece Length).
    • Save your project before you forget
  • Step 4: play and enjoy
    • Start playback - enjoy what you hear! Note that of course if you have too many software synths in your project, or are running on a slow computer, you might hear some audio break-up.

Cubase for Mac and Windows:

  • See the tutorials for hints on how to get started.
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • (Desktop Standalone, macOS)
    • noatikl.exe (Desktop Standalone, Windows)
    • noatikl_VSTi_win.dll (Audio Plugin, Windows)

Cubase Windows works well with the Noatikl VSTi. The steps for using it with Cubase are as follows (see also the video tutorial). These steps might also work (in slightly different form) with other Steinberg authoring tools; let us know if you find out.

Configuring the Noatikl VSTi the first time, for use with Cubase

When you've first copied the Noatikl VSTi to your computer, be sure to scan for the VSTi.

Using the Noatikl VSTI within your Cubase project

  • Step 1: Add the Noatikl VSTi to your project
    • To add the Noatikl VSTi to your project, launch the VST Instruments window by selecting Devices -> VST Instruments from the menu
    • Insert the Noatikl VSTi by clicking the top area in the first VST instrument slot; select the Noatikl VSTi plug-in (noatikl_VSTi_win or noatikl_VSTi_mac).
    • Load-up a Noatikl file (or create a new one) within noatikl. That will give you something to hear in a moment. Make sure you set the MIDI Channel parameter for each voice, so you can be sure which software synth you want to direct it to.
  • Step 2: Add some Software Synths
    • Return to the VST Instruments window.
    • Add as many software synths as you want to your Project; one for every distinct sound you want rendered by your Noatikl piece. In the above screen shot, you'll see three soft synths that have been set-up in the VST Instruments window, listed after the Noatikl VSTi plug-in.
  • Step 3. Prepare your MIDI tracks.
    • Create one MIDI track per Noatikl MIDI channel that you're interested in. For every such track:
      • Select the MIDI Input ("in") as the appropriate Noatikl MIDI output (for example, noatikl_VSTi_win or noatikl_VSTi_mac ).
      • To ensure that your MIDI track listens-out to only one of the MIDI channels output by Noatikl, select the Input Transformer button, and select the Local entry in the pop-up list that appears. In the presets drop box, select Channel Filtering followed by the specific channel that you want to listen to. Finally, set the Active Module 1 checkbox, and close the window. In case you find these instructions confusing, you should find that they are made clear in the video tutorial.
      • Set the MIDI Output ("out") to be the appropriate software synth that you added earlier.
      • You must make sure that Record Enable is turned-o.
    • Save your project before you forget
  • Step 4: play and enjoy
    • Start playback - enjoy what you hear. Note that of course if you have too many software synths in your project, or are running on a slow computer, you might hear some audio break-up.

Ableton Live for Mac and Windows:

  • Ableton Live does not supports pass-through of MIDI events generated from VSTis
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • (Desktop Standalone, macOS)
    • noatikl.exe (Desktop Standalone, Windows)
    • noatikl_AU_mac.component (Audio Plugin, macOS)
    • noatikl_VSTi_win.dll (Audio Plugin, Windows)

The steps for using Noatikl VSTi under Ableton Live are as follows; these steps apply to both the Windows and Mac versions of Ableton Live.

Configuring the Noatikl VSTi the first time, for use with Ableton Live

When you've first copied the Noatikl VSTi to your computer, be sure to scan for the VSTi from Ableton. Once done, you should see noatikl_VSTi_win (Windows) or noatikl_VSTi_mac (Mac) in Ableton's list of "Plug-In Devices".

Using the Noatikl VSTI within your Ableton Live Project

  • Step 1: Add the Noatikl VSTi to your project
    • Add the Noatikl VSTi by selecting the plug-ins view, and dragging noatikl_VSTi_win (Windows) or noatikl_VSTi_mac (Mac) from Ableton's list of "Plug-In Devices" on to a MIDI track.
    • Show the input/output options for your tracks; set the track with Noatikl on it, such that input is set to "No Input".
    • Show the Noatikl editor window, and set-up a file to play (e.g. create a couple of voices).
    • Set the Noatikl MIDI Output to be a spare MIDI port; such as MIDI Yoke NT 1 (Windows) or IAC Port 1 (Mac); you can then hide Noatikl if you want to clear some screen space.
  • Step 2: Add some Software Synths
    • Create another MIDI track.
    • Drag a VSTi synth onto that track.
    • Make that track's MIDI Input to be the MIDI Port to which Noatikl is sending its data; such as MIDI Yoke NT 1 (Windows) or IAC Port 1 (Mac) in this example.
  • Step 3: play and enjoy
    • Start it all playing
    • If you can't hear anything, make sure that the green "on" button was set in the bottom panel in Ableton where Noatikl is shown. If this isn't enabled, you won't see Noatikl flash away when playing notes; so that is a clue to if you need to press this button or not!

Pro Tools

  • We are not creating an RTAS plugin at this time, so recommend using Noatikl standalone with Pro Tools.
  • Relevant Noatikl versions:
    • (standalone macOS)

Logic [DT

There is a separate section just for Logic and Noatikl Standalone. This because to run Noatikl under the direct control of Logic's own transport controls, and also route MIDI event data from Noatikl such that Logic can pick-up that data, requires that a little bit of preparation work is done first.

Logic sums all incoming midi data to the current active track in the arrange window because this is normally what you might want. However, it isn't what you want with Noatikl and the Logic manual isn't clear as to how to change this.

Using Noatikl Desktop Standalone application with Logic Pro:

  1. Enable IAC bus and assign this as the Noatikl output
  2. Launch Logic
  3. Select first track in the Arrange window and create an Audio Instrument track.
  4. Insert instrument plug-in of choice.
  5. Set MIDI channel of this instrument to 1
  6. Arm for recording
  7. Repeat for up to fifteen other tracks - assigning each one to a different MIDI channel
  8. Go to File -> Song Settings -> Recordings
  9. Check the box marked "Auto demix by channel if multitrack recording"

This now works correctly i.e. setting Noatikl to transmit on c1 directs the data to the first instrument in Logic, transmitting on c2 goes to the second etc.

You are now ready to make amazing music with Noatikl and Logic on your Mac.

Noatikl, Logic and MIDI feedback

Noatikl V1.5+ listens to incoming MIDI data to allow you to create dynamic hyperinstruments.

In order to use this feature in the standalone version of Noatikl, Logic users need to take certain steps to eliminate the risk of MIDI feedback.

Due to the way Logic implements it's own MIDI through system, it is essential for Noatikl to use different MIDI ports for MIDI in and MIDI out. Port sharing will cause MIDI feedback, lockups and the risk of system crashes.

Instructions for using the IAC driver.

Open Audio/MIDI setup in the Applications/Utilities folder. Select the MIDI tab.

Double click on the IAC icon and select Ports Click on the Add port button underneath the ports window. Accept the default setting by clicking Apply.

In Noatikl select IAC bus 1 as the MIDI output bus and IAC bus 2 as the MIDI input bus

Launch Logic.

Open the Environment window (Command 8) and select the Clicks and Ports layer.

Click on New -> Monitor to create a new Monitor object. Draw a cable from the Midi input object from IAC Bus 2 and connect it to this monitor. Do not connect the output of this monitor to any other object in the environment.

In the arrange page, select "Settings -> Synchronisation". Click on the MIDI tab. Set the MIDI clock destination tab to be IAC Bus 2 and you are good to go.

Instructions for MidiPipe

See also: Noatikl video tutorial - "creating your first piece on Mac" which will get you going with MidiPipe by SubtleSoft in 1 minute.

To create a second MidiPipe port, drag another MIDI in and MIDI out into your current pipe.

Select the second MIDI input and click on the blue menu display tab to show all the MIDI inputs. Click on Edit virtual Inputs

Click on New Virtual Input to add the second input, repeat this in the Virtual Outputs view to create a new virtual output. Click Done.

Highlight the first Midi output in the pipe. Ensure the box marked Pass Through is unchecked (this box is checked by default).

Save your Pipe.

In Noatikl select MidiPipe input 1 as the output and MidiPipe Output 2 as the input.

Instructions for Logic

Launch Logic.

Open the Environment window (Command 8) and select the Clicks and Ports layer.

Click on New -> Monitor to create a new Monitor object. Draw a cable from the MIDI input object from MidiPipe Output 2 and connect it to this monitor. Do not connect the output of this monitor to any other object in the environment.

In the arrange page, select Settings -> Synchronisation. Click on the MIDI tab. Set the midi clock destination tab to be MidiPipe Input 2

Noatikl Mobile [MO]

Load Screen

Noatikl 3 Mobile Load screen

Noatikl Mobile for iOS (available at the Apple App Store) has all the power of Noatikl Desktop (including support for PSE Soundfont (SF2) Wavetables) except that it does not support Scripting, Listening Voices or MIDI transport controls.

That said, it has a useful "Blend" mode for X-Y blending of elements with a "drift" facility as well as support for Inter-App Audio / Audiobus and CoreMIDI / Virtual MIDI. As with Noatikl Desktop, Noatikl Mobile takes a bit of time to master - but it is worth the effort.

This Noatikl Mobile section goes though the main areas of the mobile interface so that you can become familiar with what does what and we will go on from there. The parameters are all detailed in the preceding Noatikl desktop sections.

The "Views"

There are four main "Views" selectable via the bottom tab bar (see Views below). The first two views are where you design and blend pieces and are unsurprisingly called the Design and Blend views. The other two views are the Voices and Piece views, but more on those later. OK, let's get started, and to do that, we load Noatikl and from the Files screen open and play one of the included demo pieces!

Files [MO]

The Files screen is where you can create a new noatikl file, open one you have previously saved or delete/duplicate files.

Note: If you are using both Noatikl 3.1+ for macOS and Noatikl 3.1+ for iOS then you may also want to use iCloud rather than local storage (i.e. saving your files to your iOS device). If you use iCloud your files will also appear in your Mac's iCloud Drive folder, meaning you can easily sync your Noatikl files between macOS and iOS devices that share the same iCloud account. See the iCloud FAQ.

Files Screen

Tap to zoom

Top Panel

New: Select New to create a new file.


  • iCloud Sync: Select this to resynch your iCloud files.
  • Sort by Name / Sort by Date: This toggleable setting allows you to sort your files by Name or Date.
  • Rename: Select to display a pop up dialog to rename the file
  • Import from Clipboard: This option is displayed when you have a Noatikl file on the clipboard.

Settings: Select for Settings used in Noatikl, including a link to Info.


  • Duplicate: Select the jiggling file(s) and then press the Duplicate icon to create copies of the file(s).
  • Delete: Select the jiggling file(s) and then press the Delete icon to delete the file(s).

Files Area

New: Select "Create New" to create a new file.

Saved File: Tap on one of the Saved File document thumbnails to open a previously created file. The thumbnail is a representation of the generator network in your piece. A file's thumbnail will briefly jiggle when you close the file and return to the Files screen, making it easy to see what file you have just played or edited.

File Name: Tap on the File Name for a pop up dialog to rename the file.

Templates [MO]

The Templates screen is where you select and open templates that you want to base a new piece on (when accessed via Files screen) or add to the current piece (when accessed via Design/Blend views).

Templates Screen

Templates Screen

Top Panel

On the left of the top panel is a button that takes you back to the screen you came from. Depending on how you accessed this screen, on the right is shown one of the following:

  • "New" button which, if pressed will use the selected template or piece as the basis for a new piece
  • "Merge" button which merges the selected template or piece into the currently open piece and takes you back to the view you were last in (Design or Blend)
  • Both "Open" and "Merge" buttons - you will only see if you have selected one of the "Saved Files" (shown top of the left hand list). The "Open" button is just a quick route to open an existing piece.

Template List

On the left is the Pak (a kind of grouping) and on the right the template. Tap a template to preview it. Tap it again to stop the preview.

Saved Files

Always shown at the top for easy accesss, this is list of pieces you have already created and saved.

Standard (Empty) Templates

There are two simple templates that you can choose as plain starters.

Noatikl Seed (Voicetype) Templates

These let you start a new piece with a particular voice type.

Tiklpak Templates

Noatikl Mobile includes all the templates that are in Noatikl, grouped by Tiklpak. There are a lot of templates, so just scroll down the screen as you would any list in iOS.

Design [MO]

The Design view is where you will do your piece construction and set up.

Design Screen

Design View

Top Panel

The top panel contains the "Files" button on the left and the "Action" button on the right which is used to export the Noatikl file to clipboard (e.g. for use in Wotja) or to send it as an Email attachment.

Files Button

If you press this button you will see the Files Button Popup with the following options:

  • Save & Close

    Saves your changes, closes the file and takes you back to the Files screen.

  • Save & Continue

    Saves changes to the file and lets you continue editing the file.

  • Save a Copy

    Creates a new file (which you can rename) based on the current state of the open file, but leaves you in the current open file - meaning if you then exit the file you will see this pop up dialog again letting you choose what to do with the file. Note: This is NOT the same as Save As.

  • Discard

    Lets you discard any changes you have made to the file since opening it.

  • Cancel

    Closes the dialog.

Piece Status Panel

Below this is the small Piece status panel and this shows the piece name, elapsed time in Measures:Beats:Ticks format (MBT), elapsed piece position (%) relative to the piece duration and the piece tempo.

Global FX Panel

The output from every FX is added together and passed through a PSE Global FX Network. If you want to use a Global FX, click the "Glob FX" button to invoke the Global FX editor dialog. This dialog looks the same as for the Track FX dialog.

By default, the dialog shows no FX units. You can alter the network to use a custom set of sound FX units in various configurations; or select from a list of built-in preset FX.

Voice / Generator Network Editor

The central "Generator Network" editor / panel is where you marry voices (note generators) to MIDI channels, PSE synth sounds and FX. It shows a view of all Noatikl NME Voices, together with cells showing the associated MIDI channel and any PSE Synth, Track FX and Global FX settings.

Tap/hold on a voice and you can drag it up/down to change the voice order. If you drag from a Voice button to a MIDI channel box that will tell the system that the Voice will play through the defined MIDI channel. If a new voice is added to a piece, the voice won't be assigned to a specific MIDI channel; if you haven't yet hooked-up a Voice to a MIDI channel, Noatikl will decide on a free MIDI channel to hook-up the Voice to when it starts playing.

  • MIDI Channel

    The Voice "NME Patch" parameter (see Voices View) defines which MIDI Patch command to send for each MIDI channel - in general, you should only hook-up multiple Voices to the same MIDI channel if they all share the same Patch parameter.

  • MIDI Channel 10

    MIDI Channel 10 is reserved for the Drum instrument. Every voice with a Drum Patch, should generally be attached to MIDI Channel 10.

  • Sound Generator

    If the "Partikl" toggle is checked in the Settings screen, then MIDI events are routed for each channel through a PSE Synth configuration defined by the associated Synth box, which by default will use PSE's built-in MIDI Wavetable synth (using the Patch defined by the Voice's Patch parameter). If you want to use a custom sound, click the Synth button to invoke the Synth editor dialog.

  • Track FX

    The output from every Synth box can be passed through a custom FX Network. If you want to use an FX, click the FX button to invoke the FX editor dialog.

Tap on a voice to get a standard iOS pop-up menu (Edit | Mute / Hear | Solo / All | Delete | Copy / Paste). To Paste a voice (once copied) you must tap an existing voice and then select Paste.


The toolbar contains the Play/Stop control, as well as a button to add templates, buttons for mute and solo screens, and a help/more button.


At the bottom of the screen are 4 tabs that allow you to display the 4 main views, Design, Blend, Voices and Piece.

Blend [MO]

The Blend view is where you will do your piece blending (easily change volume and pan settings) and also have fun with the drifting capability (where voices can auto blend)!

Blend Screen

Blend View

Top Panel

The top panel contains the "Files" button on the left and the "Drift" button on the right. The 4 Drift options are: Manual (blend), Drift, Flock, Drift & Flock.

Piece Status Panel

As Design screen.

Central Area

The central area shows the piece voices and you drag them left/right to change their pan position, or up down to change their volume. Tap on a voice to get a pop-up menu (Edit | Mute / Hear | Solo / All | Delete | Copy / Paste | Pin). Selecting Pin will allow you to anchor that voice so that it will not drift.


As Design view


As Design view.

Voices [MO]

The Voices view is where you edit all the parameter values for each of the voices in the piece. Simply select the Parameter Group on the left hand side, and then edit the parameters on the right!

Voices View

Voices View

Top Panel

On the left of the top panel is a "Files" button and on the right is Undo/Redo.

Voice # Selector

Tap left or right of this to quickly move between NME Voices.

NME Voice Parameter Groups (left panel)

Tap one of the groups to display, on the left, the parameters for that group. Refer to the NME Guide for information on Voice parameters.

Piece [MO]

The Piece view is where you edit all the NME Piece parameter values for the piece itself. Simply select the Parameter Group on the left hand side, and then edit the parameters on the right. Refer to the NME Guide for information on parameters.

Piece View

Piece View

Top Panel

On the left of the top panel is a "Files" button and on the right is Undo/Redo.

NME Piece Parameter Groups (left panel)

Tap one of the groups to display, on the left, the parameters for that group. Refer to the NME Guide for information on Piece parameters.


The Piece parameters can make a big difference how your piece sounds, especially the tempo and root. When exporting a piece for use in Mixtikl, remember that it is best to use a maximum piece length (32,000 seconds).

If you are going to be making your piece available for others to use, you may well wish to include your own copyright statement for the piece. Each voice can also have its own copyright statement.

Settings [MO]

This screen is where you configure how you want Noatkl to play its sounds and how to control other apps via Audiobus and Core MIDI.

Settings Screen

Settings Screen

Top Panel

On the left of the top panel is a button that takes you back to where you have come from.


The first item on this screen, the Information button takes you to the Information screen which shows the version number and has a number of useful links including to this User Guide.

Audio Output

Note: Inter-App Audio and Audiobus are on by default. To use either of these you need to route Noatikl via an Inter-App Audio or AudioBus enabled app.

Partikl (PSE) Synth for Sounds & FX: On by default. Enables PSE sounds, which all voices use as this is the sound generator for Noatikl. Turn this to off when you want to play through an external synth(s) and you do not want to hear the PSE sounds as well.

NOTE: When this is set to OFF you will not hear anything from Noatikl unless you have a MIDI device connected (and you will hear sounds through that instead).

Audio Rate: 44 kHz by default. 44 kHz gives the highest quality sound output from the modular synth (should you be using that). Depending on how complex your piece is in terms of sounds and FX, however, older devices might struggle at this output rate. In which case, you can try reducing how hard Noatikl works the processor by reducing the output rate to 22 kHz.

MIDI Input

Note: MIDI Input is only used by Listening Voices.

Tap the MIDI Input button to go to the MIDI Input Devices screen where you will see toggles for all MIDI Input Devices detected by Noatikl.

  • Network Session:

    This is used for detecting MIDI sent via a network (e.g. from a Mac over WiFi).

  • Noatikl + Channels:

    These allow Noatikl to detect MIDI it sends out over Virtual MIDI (see below). As it is a kind of MIDI feedback it is for specialist use and unlikely you will need to use it.

  • App / MIDI Device + Channels:

    All 3rd party MIDI emitting Apps or MIDI devices Noatikl detects will be shown here; toggle on the ones you want Noatikl to recieve MIDI input from.

Enable MIDI Input Toggle

Shown at the bottom of the screen, don't forget to turn this on (it is on by default) if you want Noatikl to detect incoming MIDI!

MIDI Output

Core MIDI: Off by default. When enabled, tells Noatikl to send-out MIDI events via Core MIDI. Apps that are Core MIDI enabled can take advantage of this.

Virtual MIDI: Off by default. When enabled, causes Noatikl to present a number of Virtual MIDI ports - one Omni (all channels) and 16 per-channel virtual MIDI ports - and Noatikl sends MIDI events as Virtual MIDI ports over Core MIDI.

MIDI Clock: Off by default. When enabled, tells Noatikl to send-out MIDI Clock events over Core MIDI / Omni channel.

  • Important Note: The iOS version can emit MIDI clock but it doesn’t support MIDI transport controls.

Latency: 100ms by default. Sets Latency (milliseconds) to apply to MIDI events sent-out to Core MIDI / Virtual MIDI by Noatikl. Use to help remove jitter if using e.g. Network MIDI.

Tuning: Off by default. Useful option for tuning external analog synths - causes all notes sent-out by Noatikl to be "forced" to the specified pitch.


Show Noatikl 2 Content

This toggle allows you to hide the older Noatikl 2 templates, making it easier to see what is new for Noatikl 3.

Rule Editor [MO]

This view is where you select and (real-time) edit the Rules used in your voice or piece - be they Scale, Harmony, Next Note or Rhythm rules.

Rule Editor View

Rule Editor View

Rule Edit area

This control lets you change the rule elements. Tap on the element to change its value. The composition engine accomodates all rule changes in real-time - which can be a lot of fun!

So that you can tell when a voice using the currently selected rule composes using it, it flashes the colour of the voice type used by that voice. This is primarily to remind you that other voices rely on that rule, so if you are going to change it then the way other voices compose may change, too. It can be useful to have the same rule used by all voices, but if you want to, then each voice can have its own rule!

Rule List

Below the Rule Edit area is a scrollable list contains all of the defined rules. Tap a rule to select it so that you can edit it in the Rule Edit area above.


The toolbar contains the Add Rule button, as well as a the Edit Rule Name, Cut, Copy and Paste buttons and the Delete button. When you select the Add Rule button you are presented with a set of included default rules. For Scale rules these include Major, Minor, Dorian, Hypodorian, Hypolydian, Hypomixolydian, Hypophyrgian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Pentatonic, Phrygian.

Pattern Editor [MO]

This view is where you edit all the Pattern parameters. Patterns are a little tricky to use in the mobile version (because of limited string editing), so be aware.

Patterns View

Patterns View

Edit Pattern

Tap in the field to edit the NME Pattern or Sub-pattern. The NME Pattern Syntax can take a bit of getting used to and you will need to study it carefully if you want to use patterns.


The toolbar contains the Add Pattern button, as well as a the Up and Down buttons to move patterns up and down, the Delete pattern button and the Presets button. Select the Presets button display a list of preset included patterns to choose from.

IMPORTANT: The pattern you select in the presets list OVERWRITES your current selected pattern.


Patterns are a way that can be used to create hidden structure in a piece. Set up a voice to be of Voice Type Pattern, set its volume to be zero (e.g. in the Blend view), but do not mute it (or it will not count in terms of composition). Then, follow that Fixed Pattern voice with another voice. Set up the following voice with Chords Strategy set to Chordal Harmony and you will never hear the pattern but it will be used as an invisible skeleton around which to compose! If you want to hear the pattern, set Follows Strategy to Semitone Shift.


General FAQ


Noatikl Mobile has access to all of the parameters that are in Noatikl Desktop version and includes the same templates/content. Content authored in either will play just fine in the other, and vice versa. There are not many feature differences between the two, but the Interfaces are of course different (see below). A good point of reference is the Noatikl User Guide.


In terms of features, Noatikl Mobile can do everything Noatikl Desktop can do except:

  • Noatikl Mobile does not support Scripting.
  • Noatikl Mobile does not have a plugin version (i.e. no Audio Unit for mobile).
  • Noatikl Mobile can emit MIDI clock information but it doesn’t support MIDI transport controls.
  • Noatikl Mobile does not allow MIDI file recordings to be made (you would need to use another iOS app for that).

Noatikl Mobile has a number of small additional advantages over Noatikl Desktop:

  • Noatikl Mobile has a Blend view that provides an easy way to drag voices around to mix them (and this is very handy).
  • Noatikl Mobile has a Settings screen that lets your set the Audio output rate and supports a number of MIDI Output options.

Interfaces (UI)

Beyond a pure feature comparison, many people find that desktop versions of apps allow greater productivity. There are too many differences to detail here but the Noatikl User Guide documents both the Noatikl Mobile UI and Noatikl Desktop UI.

Suffice to say, if you are planning on doing a lot of deep editing or composition then you might find it easier and quicker, therefore, to do things in Noatikl Desktop which has a multi-voice table view of parameters and requires much less drill down - a mouse is very very handy. Some UI areas are also just easier to use in the Desktop version, for example text editing / use of Patterns.

It's your choice...

All said and done, Noatikl Desktop costs more so maybe you start with the Mobile version and then see how you get on!

To SAVE or EXPORT pieces/files you can either:

To RESTORE pieces/files:


If Noatikl isn't making any sound, first check that you have the Partikl checkbox ticked. If this is ticked, then Noatikl will automatically render all MIDI data that it generates through Noatikl's built-in Partikl sound system, and you should hear Noatikl playing (unless you've turned-down your computer's volume). If the checkbox isn't ticked, Noatikl will only send its MIDI data to whatever MIDI Output destination you have defined in Noatikl's top panel... which means that you've probably got a bit of MIDI configuration to do first in order to hear Noatikl play.

Note that Noatikl can play both through PSE and through a MIDI device, if that is how you have configured things - the choice is yours.

All platforms:

Don't forget to press play! Make sure your system volume is turned-up, and any speakers are turned on! Make sure you haven't muted all voices, or set their volumes or velocities all to zero. If you are using fixed-pattern voices, make sure they don't all have empty patterns.


Unless you are using AudioBus, make sure this toggle (under Settings > Audio Out) is set to off or you will not hear anything!

Windows users:

Only one component at a time can render through the Windows Software Synth. If your Noatikl MIDI Output component is specified to render through this and you hear silence, make sure there is not already something else trying to render through it.

MAC users:

If you selected an IAC driver bus as Noatikl's MIDI output device, make sure you have an active rendered out for that device e.g. MIDIPipe from Subtlesoft or one of your sequencer tracks with an attached synthesiser or sampler plug-in. Please refer to the Noatikl video tutorial - "creating your first piece on Mac" which will get you going with MidiPipe in about 1 minute.


You may hear silence when using Noatikl MIDI events with the Noatikl VSTi with Sonar.

  • The solution to this problem is to modify your MIDI track to have a continuous stream of dummy MIDI controller events! This is required for Sonar to keep “pumping” Noatikl for more MIDI event data.

If using the Noatikl VSTi and your hear silence, make sure you have added Noatikl VSTi to your project properly.

  • To add the Noatikl VSTi to your project, do not start by using the synth rack; it will crash Sonar.
  • Insert the Noatikl VSTi by right-clicking the FX bin of an audio track; select the Noatikl VSTi plug-in.
  • Load-up a Noatikl file (or create a new one) within noatikl. That will give you something to hear in a moment. Make sure you set the MIDI Channel parameter for each voice, so you can be sure which software synth you want to direct it to.
  • Next, open-up the Synth Rack (Views > Synth Rack).
  • Right-click on the far-right pane of the Noatikl VSTi, and click on "Enable MIDI Output". This lets Sonar use the MIDI output data emitted from the VSTi by Noatikl. If you forget this step, Noatikl will remain silent.
  • Close the Synth Rack.


If Noatikl VSTi MIDI events create silence, make sure you are not running with the “Sequencer MIDI Pipeline” selected. Not all sequencers support this feature.

  • The solution is to select one of the other MIDI output ports instead (and make sure you have a synthesiser listening out for that port!).

See: Where do I find Crash Logs? and send the text in them through via our Contact form, and don't forget to tell us what you were doing when you had the crash! Hopefully we will be able to fix the crash in the next update. Thank you!


We try as hard as we can to make our apps stable. If this app does crash on you, then the chances are that for crashes in new apps (released after Jun 2014) we will (but not always) get reports from the HockeyApp integrated crash reporting system. Because of this, we have the best chance of fixing crashers and so our latest versions are likely to be the most stable. This is one reason we recommend that you always update your Intermorphic apps to the latest version, where your device/OS allows.

If you are using an earlier app then you can still send us a crash log so that we can investigate and try to fix the problem (for all users). The crash log files all start with the app name, and have an extension "crash". They are text files that we can read, and give us useful information in tracking-down a crash.

Even though we get the crash logs, it can also help us track things down if you send us any info about your particular crash, or indeed anything you think is not working right.

When using Mixtikl (mobile or desktop), you can export the content in individual cells where that content is generative (i.e. not audio loops), and then import it (as a new piece or added to an existing piece) for editing in Noatikl (mobile or desktop). There is one exception, and that is where the Mixtikl content uses a custom wavetable. In this case you will need to import it to a new piece and not merge into an existing one.

For Mixtikl Mobile > Noatikl Mobile

  • In Mixtikl, select the Content Cell you are interested in.
  • From the Content Cell menu select the Export button and you will get a message saying that the data has been exported to the clipboard.
  • In Noatikl Mobile, go to the Pieces screen and then select the import button on the bottom toolbar. You will get a pop up dialog givng you the option to add the content to the existing piece, or to replace it.
  • Choose the option you want and the content is imported and ready for editing. Once you have done your editing, you can of course export the piece and then import into a Mixtikl content cell.

Note: When you export from a Mixtikl content cell the Track FX are NOT included (but Cell FX are).

Note: Doing this in Mixtikl Desktop > Noatikl Desktop is similar except that in Noatikl the "Import" facility is under Menu > File > Import.

For Noatikl Mobile > Mixtikl Mobile:

  • In Noatikl, go to the Pieces screen and then select the export button on the bottom toolbar. get a messages saying the data has been exported to the clipboard.
  • In Mixtikl, select the content cell you are interested in.
  • Select the Import button and you will get a popup dialog where you choose what kind of clipboard to try to import from. Select the Noatikl/Partikl button.
  • You will be presented with an "Import As" dialog where you enter the name you want the content called (or just accept the default name presented).
  • You will see a couple of pop-up messages saying the content imported.

Note: Doing this in Noatikl Desktop > Mixtikl Desktop is similar except that in Noatikl the "Export" facility is under Menu > File > Export.

See the installing Noatikl page for how to install the various Noatikl variants on your system!

If you have deleted e.g. Noatikl 2.1.5 Desktop Audio Plugins from your Mac and installed the Noatikl 2.3.3. Plugins (which require macOS 10.7+) and then try to re-install the Noatikl 2.1.5 Plugins (as you have sensibly made a backup) then you may find you get the message "Intermorphic Noatikl can't be installed on this disk. A newer version of this software already exists on the disk."

Ultimately it is down to Apple's decision not to expose uninstall options in the menu somewhere!


  • Close any installer you might have open
  • Open the Terminal application (under Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal)
  • Paste these 4 lines into the Terminal window:
    • sudo rm /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.noatikl.plist /var/db/receipts/
    • sudo rm /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.noatikl.plist /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.noatikl.plist
    • sudo rm /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.noatikl.plist /var/db/receipts/
    • sudo rm /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.mixtikl.plist /var/db/receipts/com.intermorphic.mixtikl_plugins.plist
You can then install your older copy of Noatikl!

Note: the first time you enter the "sudo" command-line, you'll be prompted to enter your password.

Explanation: the "sudo" command tells the system to run the command that follows with an administrative level; otherwise, you wouldn't be able to remove the (hidden) receipt files that are blocking your re-installation of the older version.

In this sort of case, it almost certainly means that your Web Browser file cache is corrupted. You'll need to refresh/clear this cache, and try the download again.

This is the result of an oddity we've seen in some Macs. Please try the following simple steps.

  • Try this first
    1. Go to "System Preferences"
    2. Select "Displays"
    3. Choose the "Color" Tab
    4. Uncheck the "Show profile for this display only"
    5. Select the "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" profile
  • If the above doesn't work, then please try this:
    1. Select Options menu
    2. Select "Reset Column Widths"

As we test in Reaper, we give the following instruction for that (and then the Mac variant, too). But, the principle is the same for other DAWs / sequencers and concerns enabling MIDI Clock and Sync events to be sent from your DAW / Sequencer to Noatikl and then enablng MIDI events to be sent from Noatikl back to your DAW / Sequencer.

Important in all cases: You need to use a different bus for each of the above activites, e.g. IAC Driver - Bus 1 for MIDI input and IAC Driver - Bus 2 for MIDI output.

Note: We also refer to the Mac's inbuilt IAC Audio MIDI Setup - for more on that see here.

  1. Reaper MIDI Output: from the Menu select Preferences > Audio > MIDI Devices and in the MIDI output area double tap on the desired / listed MIDI output device (e.g. IAC Driver - Bus 2) and ensure that "Enable output to this device" and "Send clock/SPP to this device" are both checked.
  2. Reaper MIDI Input: from the Menu select Preferences > Audio > MIDI Devices and in the MIDI input area double tap on the desired / listed MIDI input device (e.g. IAC Driver - Bus 1) and ensure that "Enable input from this device" and "Enable input for control messages" are both checked.
  3. Noatikl: Set "Sync?" set to True, set MIDI Input to be the same as your MIDI output above (e.g. IAC Driver - Bus 2) and set MIDI Output to be the same as your MIDI input above (e.g. IAC Driver - Bus 1)
  4. Noatikl: Press Play ... Noatikl is now waiting...
  5. Reaper: Press Play ... Noatikl starts playing, at the tempo from Reaper.
  6. Note: Noatikl does not currently support "Resume", so if you press "stop" in your Sequencer, then to restart Noatikl you will first need to rewind your Sequencer head to the beginning before pressing "play".

If you want Noatikl to drive a MIDI output device with MIDI data, you will first need to specify the MIDI output device to which Noatikl sends its MIDI data.

If you are running within Cubase or other sequencers which do not support MIDI routing from one VST to another then, you must, select any value other than "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" (otherwise you will just hear silence). If you are using Sonar, Reaper, or some other VSTi Host which allows MIDI data to be routed from one VSTi into another one, then you may select any of the available options though you are most likely to want to select the "Sequencer MIDI Pipeline" option.

Mac users using the Noatikl Audio Unit (AU) - you must route the output via an IAC port to a suitable synth device.

See the MIDI Routing and the MIDI Output pages in the Noatikl User Guide.

See also the installing Noatikl page for how further information on how to configure the various Noatikl variants on your system.

There are two ways for Noatikl to record MIDI files. Note that there is one (Type 1) MIDI file saved per 'playback'; but each instrument is recorded to an individual MIDI 'track' within that file.

  1. By recording a live take of the MIDI events that Noatikl is generating (see Noatikl Preferences).
  2. By "Cooking" (see Tools > MIDI File Cooker), which is much faster, and plays / records the piece as fast as it can - a 3 minute piece can take seconds to record this way.

Set up a pattern Voice in Noatikl on channel 1.

Set another Voice on channel 16. Set this Voice's Micro Controller 1 to send  CC22 with the mode set to 1-LFO (min, max, min), beat frequency 2000.

Set Noatikl to sync to the IAC port for which you are generating MIDI clock from Logic.

Open the Logic environment. Cable a tempo fader between midi ports and  sequencer input - set it to listen for CC22 on channel 16.

Set the piece tempo in Logic to <50 and hit play.

The Tempo of the ensuing Piece ranges between 50 and 172 BPM according to the cycle output of the controller LFO in noatikl.

Sit back and feel clever.

Note that the choice of midi channels and CC22 is entirely arbitrary. You can use any channel or CC you want. As long as the settings in Noatikl are matched to the settings in Logic, you are in business.

You can, of course, set up multiple "voices" in Noatikl simultaneously generating CC 22 on channel 16 to different rules and specifications to create really strange and unpredictable tempo effects. There is a lot more generative potential here than you can get from a simple tempo envelope.

This issue is most likely due to Noatikl running in 64bit mode. We have yet to isolate the problem but we are working on it!. This will most likely get you going:

  1. Please find the Noatikl application in your Applications folder.
  2. Right click on it, select the "Get Info" option.
  3. Check the "Open in 32-bit mode" checkbox.
  4. Re-start Noatikl.

As of Noatikl 3 export or playback of Music URLs is no longer supported. If you want to share your pieces you have 2 choices. In Noatikl 3 either:

  • Share a piece (e.g mypiece.noatikl), e.g. via email; or
  • Export to clipboard the Noatikl piece and import this into Wotja. Then, share your wotja as a Wotja URL.

By default we hide the older Noatikl 2 templates simply as the new Noatikl 3 templates are so good! They are included, however, and it is easy to display them. Simply go to Settings (iOS), Noatikl > Preferences (macOS) or Noatikl > Options > Preferences (Windows) and check the box that says "Show Noatikl 2 Content". Once you have done that, the older templates will show up in the template list in a dark grey colour.

These are not included in Noatikl 3 as we now have a new set of gorgeous sound presets and templates (you can also export favourite presets from these, too). But we are making them available if you want them; see below.

Tip: You see the TG Preset list from the Network Editor screen and when you then select the "Open" [Desktop] or "Action" [Mobile] buttons. Once the file below is copied to the right place, you may need to restart the app for the Presets to be displayed.

Noatikl Desktop version: Download a zip of the TG presets and place that in the Intermorphic Folder or zips folder under that.

Noatikl iOS version: Download the file above and then refer to Apple's docs on iTunes Apps File Sharing to see how to copy them to your iOS device.

Noatikl Desktop version: These are installed to the "Intermorphic Folder". If you want to get them back again, just download a zip of the demo pieces and unzip that in the Intermorphic Folder.

Noatikl iOS version: Either re-install Noatikl iOS (making sure you FIRST BACKUP any pieces you have made that you want to keep) or download the above zip file to a PC and unzip that in the "Intermorphic Folder". Then, refer to Apple's docs on iTunes Apps File Sharing to see how to copy them to your iOS device.


General comment: For Mixtikl 7 / Noatikl 3 the Partikl Sound Engine (PSE) Sound Units (Wavetable, Tone, DSynth, Particle) now run in stereo. In Mixtikl 6 / Noatikl 2 and earlier these units ran in mono, even though the PSE FX Units worked in stereo. Running the Sound Units in stereo does place a higher load on the processor, however, it greatly improves the sounds that the PSE can generate so it was an essential change we had to make.

You can get performance issues if the processor in your device is trying to do more that it can handle, and there are a number of possible reasons for this when it comes to using Noatikl. You can also get some audio artifacts occur in the PSE from "note stealing" (see below). However, before we look at any of those, there are some general things to check / note first when it comes to conserving processor cycles so that the app can use the maximum processor power available.


  • Use latest iOS version: Ensure your device is using the latest iOS update available for it.
  • Power cycle your iOS device: This just ensures there is nothing running you don't expect to be running.
  • Other running apps: Although mobile OS are good at managing app usage these days, it might well be worth closing all other running apps.
  • InterApp Audio / Audiobus: Use of these takes up processing cycles, so try working without these on (at least until you have found an approach that works for you).
  • AirPlay, WiFi, Bluetooth, Cellular data: Use of these takes up processing cycles, so try turning these off. Why not try temporarily putting your devive into Airplane mode?
  • Don't run Noatikl backgrounded: There are less processor cycles available to the app when backgrounded.
  • Cable connection to computer: If your device syncs, that, too, can use processor cycles, so try using it without a computer connection (but charging it from a USB charging point is fine).

Try these (in order):

  1. Audio Output Setting: The Noatikl 3 default audio output is 44Khz stereo, whereas Noatikl 2 defaulted to 22Khz stereo. We changed it simply as the audio output sounds nicer at 44Khz stereo, and devices have got more powerful in the last couple of years. However, runnning at 44Khz stereo places a higher load on the processor. If you are having performance issues, this is the first thing to try changing.
    • Solution: Try setting Audio Output to 32Khz Stereo or even 22Khz Stereo. Noatikl Settings > Audio Output.
  2. Airplay: Airplay uses processing power to stream the audio, so if you are having performance issues please first ensure this is off:.
  3. Templates/Content: To make the new templates sound really great they take advantage of the stereo sound unit capability (above) in the PSE. Some templates feature synth (and generator) networks are really quite complex, too, meaning they will use more processor cycles. The processor useage therefore greatly depends on the templates/content being used which means that some of the demo mixes will take up more processor cycles than others. Also, how you configure the Partikl Newtork can also play a part.
    • Solution 1 - Templates: Either use fewer templates in a piece so there is less sound to generate (the cool Demo pieces use 3 merged templates but even that can be too much on some devices!), use less complex sound generators (such as templates that have a sound network primarily based on Wavetable units), or look to remove some FX units that are used in a template (you can do this via the Synth Network Editor).
    • Solution 2 - Note Stealing: When the NME generates a lot of overlapping notes and Partikl is generating the sound then unless the PSE Polyphony setting is sufficient to cover all the notes that may be playing at the same time you can get an effect called "note stealing". This means a newly composed note will play in preference to the a previously generated note, on a First in First Out (FIFO) principle. The last note is instantly "dropped" meaning it can cause a click, especially if you are using FX. See the Polyphony setting in the Synth Network Editor.
  4. Track and Global FX: The new templates are generally sonically richer than Noatikl 2 templates and most use a reverb and other FX in the template itself. If you have a lot of Voices in your piece, then a lot of FX units can be in play at the same time.
    • Solution: If using these new templates in a (merged) piece, try removing FX from the templates themselves (e.g. reverb, as that is a heavy hitter), and then add it back as a Global FX. Example: Copy one template's FX network to the the clipboard (FX Network Editor > bottom right Action button > Export to clipboard) and then pasting it into the Global FX (FX Network Editor > bottom right Action button > Import from clipboard) and then remove the FX from each Voice's FX Network. This may change how the piece sounds quite a bit, so may require some experimentation.
  5. Merging pieces: Because of the Noatikl 3 template richness (above), you do not need many when creating a piece.
    • Solution: Try merging no more than 3 templates. This should still give you PLENTY of goodness to play with.
  6. Use some older content, too: Because of the Noatikl 3 template richness (above), you do not need many when creating a new piece. However, we still include the older Noatikl 2 content which in general has less of a processing hit, so you might want to try sprinkling some of that in.
  7. Try to isolate the issue: If you have got this far down the list and are still getting issues, such as ocasional clicks, glitches or pops etc., then it may be that the issue is coming from your piece and it might be worth seeing it you can isolate the problem. That means gradually removing Noatikl voices and PSE Sound Networks from your piece until the problem goes. Then you can work back up again.
    • Optional - MIDI Out: If you are STILL getting audio issues then it may well be worth trying to play the NME MIDI note streams via external/3rd Party synths (using MIDI Out) and seeing if the issues then go... If they do go, then it is likely the issue is something related to the PSE...
  8. Your Device....: We put this at the very of this list because we know only too well that money does not grow on trees and powerful mobile devices are very expensive. :( But, the device you are using is also a factor to keep in mind. How our app sounds is very important and, to keep moving forwards, we have to to take advantage of new capabilities and device power - we do this very carefully though. Unfortunately, sound generation and sound processing is a heavy hitter, and, moving to stereo sound units (see PSE comment, above) is just something we had to do...
    • Solution: If your funds allow, it might be worth at some point checking out a more powerful device.

See: Where do I find Crash Logs? and send the text in them through via our Contact Form, and don't forget to tell us what you were doing when you had the crash! Hopefully we will be able to fix the crash in the next update. Thank you!


We try as hard as we can to make our apps stable. If this app does crash on you, then the chances are that for crashes in new apps (released after Jun 2014) we will get reports from the HockeyApp integrated crash reporting system. Because of this, we have the best chance of fixing crashers and so our latest versions are likely to be the most stable. This is one reason we recommend that you always update your Intermorphic apps to the latest version, where your device/OS allows.

If you are using an earlier app then you can still send us a crash log so that we can investigate and try to fix the problem (for all users). The crash log files all start with the app name, and have an extension "crash". They are text files that we can read, and give us useful information in tracking-down a crash.

Even though we get the crash logs, it can also help us track things down if you send us any info about your particular crash, or indeed anything you think is not working right.

Simply because Apple do not allow it. Scripting is required for Listening Voices to work, which is also why they are not supported in Noatikl Mobile.

Note: If you open with Noatikl Mobile a piece contain scripting information (i.e. that you created in Noatikl Desktop) then it just won't do anything. Althought it does not do anything in Noatikl Mobile, any scripting information already in a piece is still included in the piece when it is saved.

Firstly, Noatikl should not crash, and if it does, please do submit us your crash logs.

For capabilities of your device (which may be an older model) your piece is too complex, or using too many synth voices etc. In general the processing overhead is governed by the number of modular synth based parts being used (and synth polyphony), the number of FX being used, the sheer number of parts playing etc. Here are some things you can try:

  • If you are using Noatikl Mobile to control external MIDI synths and so do not need to use Noatikl's own inbuilt synth for sound generation, then switch the Partikl switch to off. Same comment applies to Audiobus.
  • If you are using Noatikl's synth, then try reducing the polyphony on the synth used for a voice, remove some of the FX being used (Reverb is very expensive in terms of processor hit), or try even changing the synth sound itself (patches that use the Particle generator are expensive in terms of processor hit)
  • If you need to use Noatikl's synth, then (coming in the next Noatikl update) set the audio output to 22KHz instead of 44KHz.

Audiobus / Inter-App Audio support is now enabled by default and can be used at no charge.

Please refer to the Apple website for information on how to use Inter-App Audio with GarageBand.

Please refer to the Audiobus website for instructions on how to use Audiobus. To use Audiobus you will also beed to install the Audiobus app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. We make no charge to Audiobus suppport.


Note: If you have purchased a licence one of our tools via our website you will receive an email containing your Customer ID, Order ID and Product Key. If you are having problems getting the Product Key accepted the most likely reason is that either you have a space in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field (there should be no space) or, in Noatikl 2 you are trying to enter a Standalone Product Key in the Plugin or vice-versa - see the note below.

Note for Noatikl 2 and earlier users: The Product Keys for the Desktop Standalone and Desktop Audio Plugin versions were different and sold separately. To use the Standalone version requires the Standalone Product Key and vice-versa.

From Noatikl 3 onwards the Standalone and Plugin Product Keys are the same. To continue to use the Desktop Standalone version after the 30 day evaluation period requires that you purchase the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence from the Intermorphic webstore. The Desktop Audio Plugin is provided "As Is" and is free to use once you have purchased the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence.

Check you have followed the Product Key section in the Noatikl User Guide.

Note: If you're running on Windows, and find Noatikl doesn't save its license key when you close the application, use the Windows option to run the host software (e.g. Reaper 3) "as Administrator". Enter and save your registration details. Restart the application normally: it should now be fine. If you've got trouble saving the license key for the Desktop Audio Plugin, you should run the host application.

If the above does not get you going, then please try the following steps:

  • Close all instances of our software (including sequencers using our plugins).
  • Open the version of software for which you have purchased a license (e.g. Noatikl Desktop Standalone or Desktop Audio Plugin variant - which means you first have to insert the Plugin into a track in your DAW and then load the plugin from there), and from the Noatikl Menu select Help > Product Key and enter your Customer ID, Order ID and Product Key. We recommend you copy and paste the Product Key and do not try to type it in.
  • Once entered, close the software and restart it.
  • IMPORTANT: Ensure there are no spaces at the start or end of the Product Key.
  • Problems copying/pasting Product Key?
    • Mac - To paste on the Mac, you must:
      • Right-click in the text box, OR Control-click in the text box
      • ... then select 'Paste' from the pop-up menu
      • Alternatively, click in the text box, and press Cmd-V / Applekey-V (the paste shortcut).
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
    • Windows - To paste on Windows, you must :
      • Right click in the text box
      • ... then select 'Paste' from the pop-up menu
      • Alternatively, click in the text box, and press Control-V (for paste).
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
    • We have also had problems reported from Mac users with Microsoft Entourage. The issue is that the Product Key is not being treated as plain text. Try this:
      • run TextEdit (you'll find TextEdit using Finder in the Applications folder)
      • copy the values from Entourage
      • paste the values into TextEdit (where it is set-up to be plain text, *not* RTF format!)
      • copy each value you need from TextEdit
      • paste into Noatikl...!
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
  • Tip: If you are still having problems, please contact us and let us know the version numbered displayed in Help About (as well as OS version, how much free disk space you have, how much RAM do you have, the format of your hard disk [e.g. FAT32]).

You might wish to try loopMIDI.

Note: We are not responsible for external links, 3rd party software etc.

To see how to route external MIDI (e.g. generated by an app like Noatikl Desktop connected to e.g. loopMIDI [Windows] or MIDIPipe [macOS] or Audio MIDI Setup (IAC Driver) [macOS]) to Reaper (a Desktop DAW which may have Plugin Synths etc), hop over to the Cockos (Reaper) website and follow these instructions.

If you want to show the MIDI notes you've captured, have a look at this video.

Note: We are not responsible for external links, 3rd party software etc.

Our 64-bit Windows software will only install on 64-bit Windows; it will not install on a 32-bit operating system. So it is most likely that you are not actually running 64-Windows.

To check which version of Windows 10 you are using, use the Windows search box to look for "About Windows". This suggests "System Settings". Select that entry to go to the Settings screen.

At the bottom of the left hand panel in the Settings screen select "About". In the screen that displays you will see something like "System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor".

If you are running 32-bit Windows and want to run our software you will need to download in install the last-released version of the related 32-bit software. These builds (where available) can be found in the relevant Archive section of the app page: Liptikl 1.2.12 32-bit; Noatikl 2.8.8 32-bit, Mixtikl 6.3.8 32-bit. Not that they will run in 30 day trial mode until you apply your Product License key.

Apple’s tool chains no longer allow us to build 32 bit versions, and we’ve had to adapt with them.

You would be still able to use the archived 32-bit version which you could download/try out if you were interested. The last ever release of that was Noatikl 2.1.5.


See: Installing Noatikl 3 Desktop Software Downloaded from IM Website

c:\Program Files\VstPlugIns

Important note: The Vst plugin is always installed to the \Program Files\VstPlugIns path shown above (and to the drive Windows is installed to), irrespective of the editable folder destination shown in the installer, e.g. “C:\Program Files\intermorphic\appname" where appname is the name of the Intermorphic app whose plugin you are installing. The editable destination affects *only* where the plugin uninstall files are put (e.g. unins000.dat and unins000.exe) so please leave it at the default setting.

Note: If you have purchased a licence one of our tools via our website you will receive an email containing your Customer ID, Order ID and Product Key.

If you are having problems getting the Product Key accepted the most likely reasons are:

  • You are entering the license key into the wrong field; please sure you use the "Noatikl Product Key" - don’t select "Noatikl Plug-in Extension key" (which is for something else altogether), or;
  • In Noatikl 2 you are trying to enter a Standalone Product Key in the Plugin or vice-versa - see the note below, or;
  • You have a space in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field (there should be no space).

Note for Noatikl 2 and earlier users: The Product Keys for the Desktop Standalone and Desktop Audio Plugin versions were different and sold separately. To use the Standalone version requires the Standalone Product Key and vice-versa.

From Noatikl 3 onwards the Standalone and Plugin Product Keys are the same. To continue to use the Desktop Standalone version after the 30 day evaluation period requires that you purchase the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence from the Intermorphic webstore. The Desktop Audio Plugin is provided "As Is" and is free to use once you have purchased the Noatikl 3 Desktop Standalone licence.

Check you have followed the Product Key section in the Noatikl User Guide.

Note: If you're running on Windows, and find Noatikl doesn't save its license key when you close the application, use the Windows option to run the host software (e.g. Reaper 3) "as Administrator". Enter and save your registration details. Restart the application normally: it should now be fine. If you've got trouble saving the license key for the Desktop Audio Plugin, you should run the host application.

If the above does not get you going, then please try the following steps:

  • Close all instances of our software (including sequencers using our plugins).
  • Open the version of software for which you have purchased a license (e.g. Noatikl Desktop Standalone or Desktop Audio Plugin variant), select Help > Product Key and enter your Customer ID, Order ID and Product Key. We recommend you copy and paste the Product Key and do not try to type it in.
  • Once entered, close the software and restart it.
  • Tip: Do not have any spaces at the end of the Product Key ... or at the start.
  • Problems copying/pasting Product Key?
    • Mac - To paste on the Mac, you must:
      • Right-click in the text box, OR Control-click in the text box
      • ... then select 'Paste' from the pop-up menu
      • Alternatively, click in the text box, and press Cmd-V / Applekey-V (the paste shortcut).
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
    • Windows - To paste on Windows, you must :
      • Right click in the text box
      • ... then select 'Paste' from the pop-up menu
      • Alternatively, click in the text box, and press Control-V (for paste).
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
    • We have also had problems reported from Mac users with Microsoft Entourage. The issue is that the Product Key is not being treated as plain text. Try this:
      • run TextEdit (you'll find TextEdit using Finder in the Applications folder)
      • copy the values from Entourage
      • paste the values into TextEdit (where it is set-up to be plain text, *not* RTF format!)
      • copy each value you need from TextEdit
      • paste into Noatikl...!
      • Ensure there are no spaces in front of or after the Product Key in the the Product Key field.
  • Tip: If you are still having problems, please contact us and let us know the version numbered displayed in Help About (as well as OS version, how much free disk space you have, how much RAM do you have, the format of your hard disk [e.g. FAT32]).

Almost certainly, the issue is that you've not told your sequencer(s) to scan the appropriate folder for the Noatikl VSTi. The folder in question is (depending on your system):

  • c:\Program Files\VSTPlugins (32-bit Noatikl VSTi: Windows XP, or 32-bit Windows 7/Vista)
  • c:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins (32-bit Noatikl VSTi: Windows XP, or 32-bit Windows 7/Vista)
  • c:\Program Files\VSTPlugins (64-bit Noatikl VSTi: 64-bit Windows 7/Vista)
See also: Noatikl Installation

Sonar 6 currently (as of Sonar 6.2) has buggy handling of keyboard events for VSTis and the Noatikl plug-ins are affected by this to some extent under Sonar 6.

The symptoms are that when using the Noatikl VSTi in Sonar 6.... various keys don't respond until you release them; and then also appear in UPPER CASE rather than lower case. These keys include the following: abcdefghiklmnopqstuvxz ...

We have logged this as a bug with Cakewalk. If it annoys you (and we're sure it will!), then do please feel free to ask Cakewalk when they'll get around to fixing the problem.

We think the reason is that historically not many plug-ins have great support for keyboard handling. We've worked hard to put great keyboard handling in Noatikl; and some operations such as naming Voices etc. of course rely on typing on your keyboard.

Note that in Sonar 6, the VST host window includes a new button on the top right of its toolbar, which says on the tooltip "Give all keystrokes to Plug-in". However, enabling this seems to make no difference at all to the plug-in behaviour...

If you have problems where, for example, you want to name a Voice with lower case 'a' characters, but keeping seeing 'A' instead, then consider using the standalone version of Noatikl to change the name before re-opening in Noatikl VSTi under Sonar.

Sonar's VSTi host adaptor implementation has (historically) a pretty sloppy interpretation of MIDI event times generated by VSTi plug-ins such as Noatikl. Current versions of Sonar may have addressed this, of course.

If you are experiencing this problem, consider sending MIDI data from Noatikl VSTi to Sonar via a MIDI Yoke port, rather than sending them directly through the MIDI sequencer pipeline. Believe it or not, this gives far better timing accuracy when you hear Noatikl's music render by your Sonar-hosted software synths.

You need to attach the Noatikl AU to an instrument track, and NOT an audio track. If you try adding to an audio track, the Noatikl AU won't be listed!


Noatikl 2 was released for iOS 8 and Noatikl 3 was released for iOS 10. Each ran just fine on the iOS version they were released for. It just so happened that Noatikl 2 also ran fine on iOS 9. It may only happen once in a while, but changing the OS version of your device always has the potential to result in issues such as this. Because developing and maintaining complex niche software like Noatikl is so hard and time consuming we operate a Fullgrade model for upgrades - see our FAQ on this.

Background: It seems that what happened was that something in an underlying 3rd party library used in Noatikl 2 meant that text does not display correctly once the device is updated to run iOS 10. At the point we became aware of it we were already in the Noatikl 3 for iOS 10 product cycle and simply could not go back.

The solution was simple; Either A) see if you can downgrade your device back to iOS 9, maybe from a TimeMachine backup; B) upgrade to Noatikl 3 for iOS 10 (it was ~$10 but that is no longer available) or C) as Noatikl has now been superceded by Wotja which can load Noatikl files, purchase and use that instead.

We are really sorry if you got caught out my this, as we did, but again, this is why we operate a Fullgrade model for upgrades - see our FAQ on this.

If you are happy with the features and interface of Noatikl 2, then you won't need Noatikl 3.

You would only need to get Noatikl 3 if you want to use any of the new features in Noatikl 3, play a mix made in Noatikl 3 or to continue using Noatikl if your OS version will no longer run an earlier version.

Noatikl 3 for iOS, macOS and Windows is a new app so does not interfere with an installation of the no longer available Noatikl 2. It works with pieces you have made all previous versions of Noatikl.

As of Noatikl 2.7.20 for iOS (a free update) Noatikl became a purchaseable full product with no IAP Store. If you previously purchased an IAP and have 2.7.20+ you will find it fully unlocked with no need for IAP!

Historical: Users of Noatikl 2.7.6 for iOS wishing to view the instructions for using the older Noatikl IAP store and for restoring IAP purchases can find them in the archived Noatikl 2.7.6 PDF Guide.

Files in Noatikl 2.3 and earlier were saved to the User_Content folder. You can find the User_Content folder on your PC/Mac file system from the Noatikl Application menu. To use your own content in the app simply copy it (including content zips) to this folder.
  • Noatikl 2.3 (or earlier) Desktop Standalone / Audio Plugin

    To see the folder in Noatikl Desktop Standalone software (not the Audio Plugins):

    • Noatikl > Tools > Show folders

    The folders are here:

    • Macs (Noatikl Desktop Standalone from Mac App Store):
      (the tilde [~] in the pathname is a shortcut for your user account name)
    • Macs (Noatikl Desktop Audio Plugins from IM Web store:
      (the tilde [~] in the pathname is a shortcut for your user account name)
      You can get to this folder by opening Finder, selecting Go -> Go to Folder... and pasting in the above path.
    • Windows XP:
      \Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\intermorphic\noatikl\templates
    • Windows 7:

Firstly, don't panic! - you will not lose out.

As of Aug 1st 2014 we removed Noatikl Free for Mac from the Mac App Store. The simple reason for this is that we needed to cut down the number of different variants we have to maintain so as to have more time to work on features. And, of the people who purchase Noatikl for Mac, the vast majority seemed to get the Full version which made it clear that was the variant to retain.

If you were one of the very few customers who did purchase the IAP in Noatikl Free for Mac then please get in touch with us providing proof of that purchase and we will gladly give you a promo code for Noatikl for Mac. Your installed version of Noatikl Free for Mac will of course continue to work, but that version will no longer get any updates - these will now all come through Noatikl for Mac.

IMPORTANT: If you do decide to delete Noatikl Free for Mac then back up your Noatikl files first. See the Copy In/Out section for Desktop Noatikl and specifically the instructions related to Noatikl 2.3 or earlier.

NB: From now on if people want to try a free version of Noatikl, then they can try the iOS version or try it via a Desktop Plugin.

You might also want to do this if iOS or macOS updates to a new version and you do not or are unwilling to do that, you have removed Noatikl and the new version of Noatikl is no longer available for your version of iOS / macOS (we use Apple tools to build our apps, and Apple updates to these tools change which versions of iOS / macOS we can build for).

iOS/OSX: In general, you should be able to download the latest version of a purchased app from the "Purchased section" of the relevant App Store as long as we have not removed that app from sale (we will do this for older versions after a changeover period, so as not to confuse people about which version to get).

Alternatively, you might try restoring the software from a TimeMachine backup.

See the Apple information: Download past purchases.

Note: You may also wish to refer to App Store related information: Mac App Store; iTunes App Store.

Other resources: See Apple's instructions on how to do this or (revelant to iOS only) an AppleInsider article.


Intermorphic is Tim Cole & Pete Cole - yes, just two brothers - and we have now been working together in generative music since 1990. However, without the incredible support and interest from so many over the years then we would not be where we are today with our current Apps, Engines and Content. Our thankyou list below is an ever expanding one, in no particular order, and does not include everyone (sorry to those we have missed!). We offer our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to:

  • All our old friends and colleagues from SSEYO days including from the early days Jon Pettigrew, John Wilkinson, Steve Crawshaw & Chandra Modi and including from later days (1996 onwards) Jerry Leach, Paul Blampied, Jerry Swan, Nick Barefoot, Simon Robertson, Kerry-Anna Saia, Natalie Da Gama Rose, John Tenkoni and also including Jesper Bennedbaek, Wenwu Wang etc. from our Tao Group audio days (we are focusing primarily on audio and so there are way too many to list here, but they include all those who went on to work at Antix Labs!)
  • Timothy Didymus and Mark Harrop, longstanding friends, colleagues and artists with incredible talent whose sublime generative music creations have, on the many occasions when times were hard, given us the much needed inspiration to press onwards.
  • All customers, and most especially those who wish to continue with us as we move forward - we love you, thank you!
  • Everyone who made contributions to our forums, has helped others and given feedback or who has blogged, tweeted, facebooked or otherwise written nicely about or shared content they have made with our apps and in so doing helped others to find us - we love you, thank you!
  • Our outstanding beta testers for their testing efforts and everyone who has given feedback, found bugs and helped with suggestions.
  • Early content creators such as David Muddyman, Andrew Garton, Paul Weir and Igor Dvorkin.
  • Finally, a big thanks to Brian Eno for his support and kindness to us in the SSEYO Koan years.

© 2004-2017 Intermorphic Ltd. All Rights Reserved.