This text-only "guided tour" is a gentle meander through some things in Wotja. It is less structured than the 'How To' tutorials and is not meant to be all encompassing. However, it may be of interest/use for those who are already familiar with the operation of Wotja provided in the tutorials (which you can check out at any time).
- Play with Flows
- Hopefully you like what you hear!
- Explore Mixes and Templates
- create a new empty mix, and open it
- make sure it is playing!
- tap top-left cell in the top row, browse for templates.
- Have a listen! Change until you find something you like.
- tap left-most cell in the second row, browse for templates.
- Have a listen! Change until you find something you like.
- You are now mixing two templates together!
- Play with sound Presets...
- Create a new empty mix, and open it
- make sure it is playing!
- tap top-left cell in the top row, browse for templates.
- Have a listen! Change until you find something you like.
- tap the Synth button in the main mixer view.
- You can see the Synth network design - this makes the sounds for what you’re hearing.
- Press the Presets button, and make a selection. Listen to how it sounds!
- Keep on making Presets selection, until you find something you like, then press OK to apply your change (or just Cancel out)
- Play with Mix-level FX
- the the mix from 2 or 3 above
- tap the Mix FX cell, you’ll see an empty FX editor appear.
- change the FX from the list of presets, until you find one you like - press OK
- you’re now hearing the Synth sound you chose, passed through some additional “Mix Level” FX
- add a template of your choice to another cell in a different row
- you’ll hear the Synth sounds for each cell, passed through the same Mix FX (edited)
- Generators
- Play with Generator Types
- create a new empty mix, and open it
- make sure it is playing!
- top left cell - browse for the template called “IME Generator Types” > Ambient
- you now have a single cell, populated with a single Ambient Generator - which is a generator that plays long notes, and is often used for drones
- add a new generator: double-tap (or right-click) your “Ambient” generator *OR* tap the “Menu” button in in the Generator Network view (this is above your Ambient generator);
- select “Add Generator of Type...” - and select Rhythmic; this plays notes much more often.
- you now have two generators playing in your cell; one is Ambient and one is Rhythmic
- Set your generator sounds
- take the output from 5a
- you’ll see that your Ambient generator is attached to MIDI channel 1;
- tap the Synth button to the right of MIDI channel 1.
- this shows the “MIDI 1 Synth” screen, where you can edit the sounds used for your Ambient generator
- press the Presets button, and find a sound you like! Then press OK...
- you’ll see that your Rhythmic generator is attached to MIDI channel 2;
- tap the Synth button to the right of MIDI channel 2.
- this shows the “MIDI 1 Synth” screen, where you can edit the sounds used for your Rhythmic generator
- press the Presets button, and find a sound you like! Then press OK...
- Play with Generator Types
- Following Generators; this tutorial will create a network of Generators that respond to each other, and configure their sounds
- add a Generator
- create a new empty mix, and open it
- make sure it is playing!
- top left cell - browse for the template called “IME Generator Types” > Ambient
- you now have a single cell, populated with a single Ambient Generator - which is a generator that plays long notes, and is often used for drones
- add a new generator *by copying*: double-tap (or right-click) your “Ambient” generator, then:
- select Copy
- select Paste
- you now have two generators playing in your cell; both are Ambient
- tap on your second Ambient generator, and drag it onto your first generator;
- your Generator becomes a Follower generator; which will compose notes that “Follows” notes composed by your first generator
- change the new generator’s name...
- select the new generator, and then (in the right-hand parameters panel...)
- look for the “Generator” section and then “Generator Name” parameter within it;
- select this, and use the alert to call it “Follower 1"
- adding some more generators!
- take the output from 6a
- change your Follower generator to compose notes 50% of the time;
- select the Follower generator, and then (in the right-hand parameters panel...)
- look for the “Following” second and then “Percent” parameter within it;
- set the slider to 50%
- your follower will now play a note 50% of the time that your Ambient generator composes for
- copy and paste your follower, creating your third generator;
- configure it to follow the second generator (which is your first follower!), by dragging from the third generator to the second generator
- create a fourth follower by copying the third generator, and configuring it to follow the third generator by dragging.
- you now have: one ambient generator, followed by a follower, which is followed by another follower, which is followed by one more follower; the net result is a Mix that generates chords; sometimes the chords are thicker than others.
- finally, set-up the sounds for all generators: each of your generators has been connected to a different MIDI channnel; for every generator’s MIDI channel:
- set the sounds
- tap the Synth button to the right of ecah of your four attached MIDI channels;
- this shows the “MIDI ... Synth” screen, where you can edit the sounds used for your generator’s MIDI channel;
- press the Presets button, and find a sound you like! Then press OK...
- add a Generator
- The original Koan piece - deconstructed; Mythous is what I think of as the first piece we constructed way back in the days of Koan (which predates Wotja by many years!) - how does it work?
- import a mix, look at the generators, and play with the Rules
- start by importing the this URL text into Wotja (copy the URL to the clipboard, and then)
- press the main Wotja Documents screen + button, and select “Mix (from Clipboard)”
- what do you see? Four generators; the orange colour indicates that they’re all Rhyhmic, meaning that they compose notes where the note durations are governed by Rhythm Rules
- select each generator in turn; and look at the Group called “Generator” in the right-hand table; make sure you look at the “Pitch” slider
- you’ll see that each generator has a different Pitch value; each generator composes with that value as it’s minimum MIDI pitch, with a “Pitch Range” for each one set to 24 semitones (which is two octaves)
- because each generator has a different “Pitch” value, each generator is going to compose with rather different pitches, which makes the Mix sound more harmonious.
- apart from Pitch, MIDI channel, and name; each of the generators is identical
- play with the Scale rules
- start with the output from 7a
- make sure you start your Mix playing!
- select the Rules group
- select the “Scale Rule” parameter
- this shows the “Generator: Use Cell Scale Rule” screen
- in the table at the bottom, you’ll see the Scale Rules that are defined for this mix
- the item for “Cell Rules > Use Cell Rule” is defined; there is only one Scale rule set-up for your cell, and in this case your mix is composing your generator through the “Major (Hypolydian)” rule set-up for that cell
- select the Major... item, and change the slider values. Hear how the music changes!
- close this screen by pressing OK
- play with the Harmony rules
- start with the output from 7b
- make sure you start your Mix playing!
- select the Rules group
- select the “Harmony Rule” parameter
- this shows the “Generator: Use Cell Harmony Rule” screen
- in the table at the bottom, you’ll see the Harmony Rules that are defined for this mix
- the item for “Cell Rules > Use Cell Rule” is defined; there is only one Harmony rule set-up for your cell, and in this case your mix is composing your generator through the “Default Harmony Rule” rule set-up for that cell
- select the Default Harmony Rule item, and change the slider values. Hear how the music changes!
- close this screen by pressing OK
- play with the Rhythm rules
- start with the output from 7c
- make sure you start your Mix playing!
- select the Rules group
- select the “Rhythm Rule” parameter
- this shows the “Generator: Use Cell Rhythm Rule” screen
- in the table at the bottom, you’ll see the Rhythm Rules that are defined for this mix
- the item for “Cell Rules > Use Cell Rule” is defined; there is only one Rhythm rule set-up for your cell, and in this case your mix is composing your generator through the “Default Rhythm Rule” rule set-up for that cell
- select the Default Rhythm Rule item, and change the slider values. Hear how the note durations change!
- close this screen by pressing OK
- import a mix, look at the generators, and play with the Rules
- Listening Voices - Micro-tutorial
- Getting started
- open Settings > MIDI Input, and make sure you’ve enabled a MIDI channel that you know will receive MIDI note on/off events from either a physical keyboard, a MIDI Generator app, or some other source.
- create a new empty mix, and open it
- make sure it is playing!
- top left cell - browse for the template called “IME Generator Types” > Listener
- you now have a single cell, populated with a single Listener Generator - which is a generator that can “listen” for incoming MIDI events. By default, this is attached to MIDI Channel 1 Note: Listener generators do not generate Notes directly - you need to Follow them, or use the Chording parameter.
- Using Chording
- take the output from 8a
- select the Chording Group in the right-hand parameters panel, and set the Depth to 4
- now, every time your Listening generator detects a note on event, it automatically generators a chord round it!
- change the sound by tapping the Synth button attached to the right of your Generator, and press “Preset” button to select a sound you like; then press OK
- now change the block chord you’re hearing, to an arpeggio: select the Chording Group in the right-hand parameters panel, and set the Delay slider to 5
- now, every time your listener detects a note on event, it’ll play a strummed chord automatically!
- you can now see/hear what happens when you play with the parameters in the Chording group.
- Attach a Follower
- take the output from 8b
- tap the Listener, select “Add Generator of Type...” and select Follower
- drag from the Follower generator you’ve just added, to the Listener generator
- now, when your Listener detects incoming MIDI note on/off events (on MIDI channel 1!), the Follower generator will respond, by playing notes in direct response.
- the notes selected for the Follower are chosen to harmonize with the Followed note
- you can now see/hear what happens when you play with the parameters in the Follower group.
- Getting started
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